Sunday, 21 December 2008

Financial Crisis

The present financial crisis is predicted in Revelation chapter 17. See . It relates to the invasion and occupation of Iraq. As the world knows, the war is to find WMD but none is found. So the war is illegal in a sense. However this is fated that is why the Revelation chapter 17 is all about.

Lee Kuan Yew went round the world in 2002/3 to gadner support from other world leaders to aid America in the mission. Therefore he shoulders a great sin on his shoulder. So the longer he and his son Lee Hsien Loong stay in the PAP government, the worst the financial might become. Therefore they have to step down in order to stop the onslaught of the crisis.

Bush is leaving, so Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Loong should leave the parliament.

Saturday, 20 December 2008

Woman I Cursed

This is the Filipina I cursed in . So don't think you had sex with me, you can have control over me.

I have no mercy when I punish.

Tuesday, 16 December 2008

洪 門 Hungmen

The Chinese words on my profile photo are my name on the right and Hungmen and yi pai loong, the latter means righteous white dragon. Hungmen is to mean Chinese triad.

For more information see . The photo above is the history of the Chinese triads.

Monday, 15 December 2008

On X'mas1992

See my figure in 1992 December 25th. So you can imagine how much weight I lost in the prison. From about 66 kg, I went down to 50 kg. From meat eating, I was on fruits only in the prison. Ask former prisoners how to get fruits diet.

Therefore the i/c photo is spiritual, 81 days doing some meditation and abstain from sex. I prefer cultivation in prison than at home because of nagging from my wife. In prison, no one dared to nag at me. My 1993 i/c photo has the face as above.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Profile Photo

My profile photo was taken on Christmas day in 1994 after 81 days in Queenstown Remand Prison for 81 days. My misdeed was in . The article at right is .

I believe my photo can do maic so I change my i/c in 1995. See for referrence and the poster at the bottom of Election '84 article.

This is 'wu wei' action of Taoism. My photo in the main computer will influence all Singaporeans. Another application of 'wu wei' is in . This is my advocation of Westminster system of appointing a figure head president who has no political power. His main duty is to meditate and eat vegetarian food. Also he must be a man or else social fabric will decline like in England and Netherland.

I am jobless so my 'wu wei' action will change the world. Nature will take its course but punishment to earth is unavoidable unless I become the president of Singapore.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Looking For Woman To Make Baby

Any woman who is willing to make baby with me, can come forward or come to my home. I would like to have another son.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Family Photo

Family photo taken on 5th September 2008 during my nephew's wedding dinner.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 1

第 一 章 

道 可 道 , 非 常 道 ; 名 可 名 , 非 常 名 。 無 名 , 天 地 之 始 ; 有 名 , 萬 物 之 母 。 故 常 無 欲 , 以 觀 其 妙 ; 常 有 欲 , 以 觀 其 徼 。 此 兩 者 同 , 出 而 異 名 , 同 謂 之 玄 , 
玄 之 又 玄 , 眾 妙 之 門 。 


To understand chapter 1, you need to read Taoist Yoga chapter 1 first. The last verse of the above chapter is talking about the Mystic Portal. The chapter can be read as:-

The Way can be trodden but it is not a normal Way. You can name it but the name is not its name. Without a name it is the creator of heaven and earth. Given a name it is the mother of all creation. Always empty (nothingness), you have to observe its mystery. Conceiving its presence, we have to observe its outlines. These 2 observations are the same. Both are mystic for we are looking at the mysterious Mystic Portal. 

Observation is done by the 2 eyes. The only outlines you see is the nose tip and the abstract X image. It resembles the Buddhist swastika. The difficulty in explanation is that we have to look at the Mystic Portal but this is impossible for we only see empty space. So the guide is to look at the nose tip, viewing the abstract X image. Even in the Bible, it reminds us to look for Jesus outside the city of Jerusalem, that is the place of crucifixion on the hill. Jerusalem is Mystic Portal, nose tip is where Jesus was crucified.

The accupuncture point 'suan kuan' is the Mystic Portal. This is the Mark on our forehead. There is no mark just name in Quran and Bible. This is the Gateway to our origin. Once it is sealed by the Heavenly Way group or I-Kuan Tao, the One inside there will return to its origin.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Sign Of Trouble

Lee Kuan Yew's wife is in the hospital. This is a bad sign for his family as well as Singapore. It is telling him to give up power and step down.

However he was re-elected in the PAP party election into the CEC on the 16th November 2008. So just wait and see what will happen to his family as well as Singapore.

Daodejing Poem 2

第 二 章 

天 下 皆 知 美 之 為 美 , 斯 惡 已 ; 皆 知 善 之 為 善 , 斯 不 善 已 。 故 有 無 相 生 , 難 易 相 成 , 長 短 相 形 , 高 下 相 傾 , 音 聲 相 和 , 前 後 相 隨 。 是 以 聖 人 處 無 為 之 事 , 行 不 言 之 教 , 萬 物 作 焉 而 不 辭 , 生 而 不 有 , 為 而 不 恃 , 功 成 而 弗 居 。 夫 惟 弗 居 , 是 以 不 去 。 

二章○聖人要作的是修身○不理事的好或壞○ 善或惡○長或短○左或右○自修就是天下平○

The world discriminates there is beauty, so there is ugliness too. Discriminating there is goodness, so too there is wickedness. Have and have-not are born together. Difficulty and easiness are complimentary. Long and short are relative. High and low are comparative. Pitch and sound are harmonious. Before and after follow each other. Indeed, the Sage does inaction in work, teaching the religion of no speech (meditation). All creations move but not stirred, born but not possess, deed but claim no credit, success but claim no responsibility. Sage claims no responsibility because the responsibility never leaves him.

Why claim no responsibility? It is because the Sage is given the task to do. He just acts.

He acts neutrally. Neutral will not find opposite in other things or phenomena, like long or short, front or back, high or low etc.

Meditation is self cultivation. However there are so many types of meditation. The correct one is the nasal gaze or see Taoist Yoga chapter 1.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Friendster Account

I have difficulty getting into Friendster. On Saturday, when I logged in, many of my friends were no more just left 4 friends. 76 of them were out.

Most likely they find my message in the bulletin too offensive to many people, so there might be some who hack into my account and alter the statistics or messages. They must be making it more difficult for me to get into Friendster site.

See whether you can view my profile at .

Daodejing Poem 3

第 三 章 

不 尚 賢 , 使 民 不 爭 ; 不 貴 難 得 之 貨 , 使 民 不 為 盜 ; 不 見 可 欲 , 使 心 不 亂 。 是 以 聖 人 之 治 , 虛 其 心 , 實 其 腹 ; 弱 其 志 , 強 其 骨 。 常 使 民 無 知 無 欲 , 使 夫 知 者 不 敢 為 也 。 為 無 為 , 則 無 不 治 。 


Not honouring high office, people will not clamour for credit. Not revaluing scare commodity, people will not steal. Keeping things out of sight, the people's hearts are not aroused to anxiety. Indeed the Sage ruling is to empty the people's hearts and minds, fill their stomachs, weaken their will power and strengthen their bones and frames. Always let the people uninformed so they have no desires to act. Those who know will also not act. Doing inaction is indeed governing everything under the sky.

Doing inaction is cultivating self in Confucianism. Sage should understand I-Ching 1st hexagram 'Chien' and regulate the family, cure the country then bring world peace, to achieve world influence.

Doing wu wei or inaction, all things will come to a close. However only the Sage King can affect world change. Without him, the act continues till he appears.

I am trying to prove whether I am this Sage King.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 4

第 四 章 

道 沖 而 用 之 或 不 盈 , 淵 兮 似 萬 物 之 宗 。 挫 其 銳 , 解 其 紛 , 和 其 光 , 同 其 塵 。 湛 兮 其 若 存 , 吾 不 知 誰 之 子 , 象 帝 之 先 。 


The Way is like a waterfall. Use it and it never run dry. An abyss it is, like the ancestor of everything. It blunts sharpness, resolves tangles; it tempers light, subdues turmoil. A deep pool it is, never to run dry. I don't know whose son it may be; it is like the emperor's ancestor. 

沖 is 水 and 中. >< represent eyes. J is nose. So the centre between the eyes is the Mystic Portal. The son refers something like Son-of-God in the Bible. It is Our Spiritual Soul or Tao.

It is our root of existence. In we live. When out, our body is dead or dust.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 5

第 五 章 

天 地 不 仁 , 以 萬 物 為 芻 狗 ; 聖 人 不 仁 , 以 百 姓 為 芻 狗 。 天 地 之 間 , 其 猶 橐 籥 乎 ? 虛 而 不 屈 , 動 而 愈 出 。 多 言 數 窮 , 不 如 守 中 。 


Is the world unkind that it treats everything as straw dogs? Is the Sage unkind that he treats the people as straw dogs? Between the sky and earth, is the space like bellows? Empty but unspent, when moved its gift is copious. Much talk means much exhaustion; it is better to focus on the central One. [look at the nose tip or Mystic Portal]

Heaven and earth are unkind, during the wrath of God, because they are meant to be like this. The Sage is unkind, before he get full enlightenment, because his role is to act like this. He has to treat all mankind as brothers. So can he be good to his wife with favours and kinds?

It is better to focus on the midpoint between the 2 eyes than to worry the world financial crisis. What is to happen will happen. No human can stop it. Everything is planned to the final details which only the Master Maker can known.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 6

 六 章 

谷 神 不 死 , 是 謂 玄 牝 , 玄 牝 之 門 , 是 謂 天 地 根 。 綿 綿 若 存 , 用 之 不 勤 。 


Valley Spirit can never die as IT is the mystic female. The gate of the mystic female is called the root of sky and earth. Wherever ITS presence, use IT without much effort.

Valley 谷 has the features of our face. Our Spiritual Soul can never die. So it is equivalent to Tao. It is the female gate 女口 . It is the mother of sky and earth. Partition is ear through 2 eyes to ear. Above is sky and below is earth symbolised by 一 . Its presence is only when a man is alive. The man can meditate focusing on IT without much effort, to influence the surrounding.

The Mark on our forehead is a VOID. So there is always many discriptions to define Its properties.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 7

第 七 章 

天 長 地 久 。 天 地 所 以 能 長 且 久 者 , 以 其 不 自 生 , 故 能 長 生 。 是 以 聖 人 後 其 身 而 身 先 , 外 其 身 而 身 存 。 非 以 其 無 私 耶 ? 故 能 成 其 私 。


Sky is high and the earth old. Sky and earth can be high as well as old is because they cannot produce themselves. Therefore they can exist very long. The Sage has to humble himself before he can be forward, disregards his body so the body can survive. Is that not with unselfishness? Therefore he can accomplish his fulfillment.

Deny the body, so the Spirit can manifest. The body does not belong to you. We are just actors on earth, pulled by the strings of God. Today you might be rich, but tomorrow you can become a beggar if God or Nature wants you to be. This is Fate or Destiny.

Friday, 7 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 8

第 八 章 

上 善 若 水 。 水 利 萬 物 而 不 爭 , 處 眾 人 所 惡 , 故 幾 於 道 矣 。 居 善 地 , 心 善 淵 , 與 善 仁 , 言 善 信 , 政 善 治 , 事 善 能 , 動 善 時 。 夫 惟 不 爭 , 故 無 尤 。 

八章○聖人能善○如水善利萬物而又不爭○ 能化萬事○故無尤○

The above, Tao, is good like water. Water benefits everything without competing and enters places where people despise. So water resembles Tao. Resting place derives from earth; mind is as deep stream; togetherness favours humaneness; speech favours belief; government favours a cure; work depends on ability; action depends on timing. You should not compete, therefore there is no worry.

Our face resembles water 水 . 若 is another word to resemble our face. And Bible always mention right 右 hand side of God. Water has > <, 2 eyes and J the nose. The meeting point between the 2 eyes is the Mystic Portal 玄關 .

Also learn the characteristics of water, like ocean collects all water from all sources. Tao inside us is like a water droplet. So when mixed with the ocean, all becomes One.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 9

第 九 章 

持 而 盈 之 , 不 如 其 已 。 揣 而 銳 之 , 不 可 長 保 。 金 玉 滿 堂 , 莫 之 能 守 。 富 貴 而 驕 , 自 遺 其 咎 。 功 成 名 遂 ,退 天 之 道 。 

九章○修道修身○不是要地位錢財名利○ 有了名利就要引退是天的道理○只有聖人不一樣○

Take all what you want is never as good as to stop when you should. Achievement by scheming and sharp wits will never last long. If your house is full of gold and jade, it cannot be securely guarded. Wealth, power and pride bequeath their own doom. Once fame and success come to you, retire. This is the ordained God's Way.

Be contented.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 10

第 十 章 

載 營 魄 抱 一 , 能 無 離 乎 ? 專 氣 致 柔 , 能 如 嬰 兒 乎 ? 滌 除 玄 覽 , 能 無 疵 乎 ? 愛 民 治 國 , 能 無 為 乎 ? 天 門 開 闔 , 能 無 雌 乎 ? 明 白 四 達 , 能 無 知 乎 ? 生 之 畜 之 、 生 而 不 有 , 為 而 不 恃 , 長 而 不 宰 , 是 謂 玄 德 。 


Can you govern your animal mind, hold to the One and never depart from it? Can you throttle your breath, down to the softness of breath of a child? Can you purify your mystic vision and wash it until it is spotless? Can you love all your people, rule over them without doing anything? Can the heavenly gate opening be like a female? Can you understand the four quarters and feign ignorance? Give birth to it, feed it; give birth but not possess it; act and be independent; pride over it but never its lord. This is what is called mystic virtue.

The first 3 lines are meditation instructions. From here you can conclude chapters 2 to 16 in Taoist Yoga are not relevant. Only chapter 1 tallies with the lines. The second part is talking about Tao's characteristics. The Sage can imitate them.

Tao gives birth to all things and feed the living things. It does not own them while IT acts independently. Have pride in Tao and let IT lead your way.

The heavenly gate is always mentioned as female. Even in Bible, Mt Zion is sometime called the virgin girl.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 11

第 十 一 章 

三 十 輻 共 一 轂 , 當 其 無 , 有 車 之 用 。 埏 埴 以 為 器 , 當 其 無 , 有 器 之 用 。 鑿 戶 牖 以 為 室 , 當 其 無 , 有 室 之 用 。 故 有 之 以 為 利 , 無 之 以 為 用 。 


Thirty spokes converge in the hub of a wheel; the use of the cart depends on the part that is void. With a wall all around a clay bowl is molded; the use of the bowl depends on the part that is void. Cut out windows and door in the house as you build; the use of the house depends on the part that is void. Therefore the materials you have are advantageous; the empty space is for us to use.

Use of voidness in our every day life. We came from VOID, so we have to return to the VOID.

Role Of Woman

Woman is to compliment the man not fighting for equality or domination nor submission.

Man has penis and woman has vagina. Can they be equal ? One functions to give and the other functions to receive. These are the complimentary roles of the two. When the man enters the woman, they become one in spirit.

Domination is like the queens of England and Netherland, councellor of Germany, president of India, Argentina, Philippines, prime minister of New Zealand etc. This is yin factor ruling the country. The country will only suffer. Take for example England. The queen is on the throne for 56 year already. England is going downward. The behavior of the English are getting more like hooligans.

My advice to all these countries is to get men to the top posts to rectify the situation. Now is the era of punishment. If you don't listen, when the disasters come, don't blame me for not telling you.

Submission is to be like a slave. This is wrong. Woman can support his man but not whatever he does even when committing crimes.

My wife represents all the women. Since she does not want to support me, you women will have to suffer. Wait till the day when she meditates and eats vegetarian food, then you can have peaceful days.

My daughter is afraid I squander my wife's money from my son's insurance payment, but instead she took S$17,000 already from my wife. So who is squandering money ? All his money is to be put into my wife's account. This is good enough for both of us to spend for our old age spending frugally. But my daughter is a spendtrift owing credit cards money. As long as she does not get rid of her pets, 2 dogs and a rabbit, her spendtrift ways can never be eradicated. She simply does not want to listen to me. This is why regulating the family of Confucianism is so difficult to manage.

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 12

第 十 二 章 

五 色 令 人 目 盲 , 五 音 令 人 耳 聾 , 五 味 令 人 口 爽 , 馳 騁 田 獵 令 人 心 發 狂 , 難 得 之 貨 令 人 行 妨 。 是 以 聖 人 為 腹 不 為 目 , 故 去 彼 取 此 。


5 colours confuse the eyes; 5 sounds will deafen the ears; the 5 flavours weary the taste; chasing the beasts of the field will drive a man mad; things that are hard to get will affect man to do otherwise or wrong. So the Sage will do what his belly dictates not the desires of the eyes.

Therefore discard the outward appearances and seek the inner truth.

A general comment. Contented is the advice. Cultivation is for the stomach not for the eyes to seek pleasures.

Opposition From Home

Luke chapter 4
4:24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.
4:25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;
4:26 But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.
4:27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.

This is why regulate the family in Confucianism is so hard to achieve due to the opposition from home and hometown. I give an example. After a day my family had decided to have my son's ashes thrown into the sea. On the 2nd day in the funeral wake, relatives put pressure on my wife and daughter till they screamed in agony. Relatives still prefer to put the ashes in columbarium.

In the end, my daughter decided to put the ashes in Chua Chu Kang government columbarium for Christians, Catholics etc. The urn was placed next to my wife's mother ashes. I did not follow them there as I maintain my own principles. See last note.

Anyway I will persevere to regulate my family in order to save the world. In the meantime, punishment will be meted out to earth to wake up people from their ignorance.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 13

第 十 三 章 

寵 辱 若 驚 , 貴 大 患 若 身 。 何 謂 寵 辱 若 驚 ? 寵 , 為 下 得 之 若 驚 , 失 之 若 驚 , 是 謂 寵 辱 若 驚 。 何 謂 貴 大 患 若 身 ? 吾 所 以 有 大 患 者 , 為 吾 有 身 , 及 吾 無 身 , 吾 有 何 患 ? 故 貴 以 身 為 天 下 者 , 則 可 以 寄 於 天 下 ; 愛 以 身 為 天 下 者 , 乃 可 以 託 於 天 下 。 

Favour like disgrace brings trouble with it; high rank, like self, involve acute distress. What does that means, to say that 'favour like disgrace brings trouble with it'? When favour is bestowed on one of low rank, the latter is troubled with it (like when asked to do evil to return favour). He is also troubled if he refuses the favour. So it is to say that 'favour like disgrace brings trouble with it'. What does that means, to say that 'high rank, like self, involves acute distress'? I suffer most because i have a body, if I don't have a body, where is the suffering? Therefore treasure your body the same as you treasure the world, then you can rule the world. Love your body as you love the world, then you can control the world.

General advice to the Sage King. Love your own body so you can rule the world.

Sunday, 26 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 14

第 十 四 章 

視 之 不 見 名 曰 夷 , 聽 之 不 聞 名 曰 希 。 搏 之 不 得 名 曰 微 。 此 三 者 不 可 致 詰 , 故 混 而 為 一 。 其 上 不 皦 , 其 下 不 昧 , 繩 繩 兮 不 可 名 , 復 歸 於 無 物 。 是 謂 無 狀 之 狀 , 無 象 之 象 , 是 謂 惚 恍 。 迎 之 不 見 其 首 , 隨 之 不 見 其 後 。 執 古 之 道 , 以 御 今 之 有 , 能 知 古 始 , 是 名 道 紀 。 

Look at Tao, you see nothing; this is called elusive. Use ear to hear Tao, you hear nothing; this is called rare. Trying to grasp Tao, you get nothing; this is called subtle. These 3 statements are beyond all resolution, therefore we mix them into One. Above One, it is not luminous; below One there is no darkness. To a state that is nameless, a return to the period before nothingness (missing 'wu' in above image). It is called a form without form and shape with nothingness. This is called confused vagueness. From the front you cannot see Its head; from the rear you cannot see Its back. Getting hold of the ancient Tao, treat It as your precious possession. You can then know ancient beginning that is called Tao's characteristics or Way of Tao.

Contemplate on these sentences.

It is to fully having faith with the One inside you. Focusing on it with nasal gaze, the ancient art of communion with the Self. See .

Friday, 24 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 15

第 十 五 章 

古 之 善 為 士 者 , 微 妙 玄 通 , 深 不 可 識 。 夫 惟 不 可 識 , 故 強 為 之 容 。 豫 兮 若 冬 涉 川 , 猶 兮 若 畏 四 鄰 , 儼 兮 其 若 客 , 渙 兮 若 冰 之 將 釋 , 孰 兮 其 若 樸 , 曠 兮 其 若 谷 , 渾 兮 其 若 濁 。 孰 能 濁 以 澄 靜 之 徐 清 ? 孰 能 安 以 久 動 之 徐 生 ? 保 此 道 者 不 欲 盈 , 夫 惟 不 盈 , 故 能 敝 不 新 成 。 

The ancient masters of Tao were subtle, mysterious, mystic and acute. They were much too profound and not to be recognised. I too am not recognised, therefore emphasize on their outlook. They are like men crossing streams in winter, how cautious; as if the surrounding were dangerous, how watchful; as if they were guests; how dignified; as if like ice beginning to melt, how self-effacing; like a wood-block untouched by a tool, how sincere; like a valley awaiting a guest, how receptive; like a torrent that rushes along, so turbid. Who can stir up the dirty water, then still it to make clean? Who can always be quiet, moves others to fullness of life? Those who embrace Tao is not greedy. I too am not greedy. Therefore we are able to endure wear and tear without needing new clothes.

General comment. Good for contemplation.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Family Foto

Family photo taken on 14th July 2007.

Daodejing Poem 16

第 十 六 章 

致 虛 極 , 守 靜 篤 , 萬 物 並 作 , 吾 以 觀 其 復 。 夫 物 芸 芸 , 各 歸 其 根 。 歸 根 曰 靜 , 靜 曰 復 命 。 復 命 曰 常 , 知 常 曰 明 , 不 知 常 , 妄 作 , 凶 。 知 常 容 , 容 乃 公 , 公 乃 王 , 王 乃 天 , 天 乃 道 , 道 乃 久 。 沒 身 不 殆 。 

Touch ultimate emptiness, hold steady and still. All things will work together, as I watch the return. The things are flourishing and return each to its roots. Return to roots is called stillness. Stillness is called returning to the will of God. Return to the will of God is called nature. Know nature is called enlightenment. Not knowing nature is blindness that works evil. Know nature is stature followed by publicity, then kingly, then heavenly, then Tao, then the final, even without a body you are still alive.

First line is about meditation. The Sage keeps still, all things are reformed. The last line is to say if you don't achieve the 1st 2 classes of meditation, your Spiritual Soul is still alive.

The emphasis on stillness or meditation is paramount. So all salvation workers should take note.

I Don't

1. Bow to a dead body.
2. Attend funeral wake except my recent son's funeral wake. I need to attend to all friends and relatives visiting.
3. Visit cemetary or columbarium during Ching Ming or All Souls' Day.
4. Bow to any statue, image of any God or deity.
5. Pray to ancestors.
6. Use condom during sex.
7. Ejaculate inside vagina unless want to make baby.
8. Buy insurance.
9. Give my money to family members upon my death except charity.
10. Be afraid of any one except myself.

Monday, 20 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 17

第 十 七 章 

太 上 , 下 知 有 之 。 其 次 , 親 而 譽 之 。 其 次 , 畏 之 。 其 次 , 侮 之 。 信 不 足 焉, 有 不 信 焉 。 猶 兮 其 貴 言 。 功 成 事 遂 , 百 姓 皆 謂 我 自 然 。 

The ultimate is not known. The eyes are cherished and praised. The ears strike fear. The nose and mouth are despised and reviled. If belief is not enough, then there is no belief. Aloof is the attitude of precious words. Once success is complete, the people will say: 'I am natural'.

A difficult poem to interpret. An interpretation is as:-

As for him who is highest, the people just know he is there. His deputy's cherished and praised; of the third, they are frightened; the fourth, they dispise and revile. If you trust people less than enough, some of them never trust you.
He is aloof, as if his talk were priced beyond the purchasing; but once his project is contrived, the folk will want to say of it: 'Of course! We did it by ourselves!'

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 18

第 十 八 章 

大 道 廢 , 有 仁 義 ; 智 慧 出 , 有 大 偽 ; 六 親 不 和 , 有 孝 慈 ; 國 家 昏 亂 , 有 忠 臣 。 

Tao declines, there still have righteousness and kindness. When intelligence appears, great hypocrisy comes along. When the 6 relations are not at peace, laws are regulated. When country is in confusion, the royal servants of the court can be identified.

The decline of Tao as we experienced in the past history. This is expected.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 19

第 十 九 章 

絕 聖 棄 智 , 民 利 百 倍 ; 絕 仁 棄 義 , 民 復 孝 慈 ; 絕 巧 棄 利 , 盜 賊 無 有 。 此 三 者 , 以 為 文 不 足 , 故 令 有 所 屬 , 見 素 抱 樸 , 少 私 寡 欲 。 

Get rid of sages and knowledge, then the people will benefit a hundred fold. Get rid of benevolent and righteousness, then the people will return filial piety. Get rid of artisans and profiteers, then bandits and robbers will not appear. If these 3 sayings are only words, that is not enough. More relevant, then, let there be a visible simplicity of life, live poor and not be greedy.

The way of life is to be simple and waiting for the return.

Sunday, 12 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 20

第 二 十 章 

絕 學 無 憂 。 唯 之 與 阿 , 相 去 幾 何 ? 善 之 與 惡 , 相 去 何 若 ? 人 之 所 畏 , 不 可 畏 畏 。 荒 兮 其 未 央 哉 ! 眾 人 熙 熙 , 如 享 太 牢 , 如 登 春 臺 。 我 獨 泊 兮 其 未 兆 , 若 嬰 兒 之 未 孩 , 乘 乘 兮 若 無 所 歸 。 眾 人 皆 有 餘 , 而 我 獨 若 遺 。 我 愚 人 之 心 也 哉 ! 沌 沌 兮 ! 俗 人 昭 昭 , 我 獨 昏 昏 ; 俗 人 察 察 , 我 獨 悶 悶 。 忽 兮 其 若 晦 , 寂 兮 似 無 所 止 。 眾 人 皆 有 以 , 我 獨 頑 且 鄙 。 我 獨 異 於 人 , 而 貴 求 食 於 母 。 

Getting rid of learning leave you less worried. For 'yes' and 'yea', what is the difference? For beauty and ugly, what is the comparison? What people fear, it is to be feared. How barren and pointless a thought! People are making merry, like when they enjoy the ox sacrificial festival, like spring festival climbing poles. As for me, I am alone, unmoved like a baby that has not grown. Drifting as though I have no home. People have more than enough, but I am alone left out. I am like a fool, muddled and confused! When common people scintillate, I alone hide in shadow. Common people are sharp and knowing, I alone am melancholy. Restless like the ocean, blown about, like, I cannot stop. People get what they want, but I am stubborn; I am mean. I alone am different from people, because I prize and seek my sustenance from the Mother.

This is like referring to me. I am alone so different from others.

Setback Not Failure

My son's death is just a setback not a failure. See .

Even though without a son I cannot regulate my family, I can still pursue my spiritual uplifting. In the world there will have many young women who will be willing to make babies with me.

Also as I have said in articles and forums, that I have no mercy when I punish people including my family members. So the death is a reminder to all others who are against me to be aware the penalty to go against me.

Friday, 10 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 21

第 二 十 一 章 

孔 德 之 容 , 唯 道 是 從 。 道 之 為 物 , 惟 恍 惟 惚 。 惚 兮 恍 其 中 有 象 ; 恍 兮 惚 其 中 有 物 。 窈 兮 冥 兮 , 其 中 有 精 ; 其 精 甚 真 , 其 中 有 信 。 自 古 及 今 , 其 名 不 去 , 以 閱 眾 甫 。 吾 何 以 知 眾 甫 之 然 哉 ? 以 此 。 

The Mark's virtue, its shape will be revealed accordingly to the Way. If it is a thing, it seems like in a dream, elusive, evading. In it there are images, elusive, evading ones. In it there are things like shadows in twilight. In it there are sperm or essence, subtle but real. In it there is belief. From past till now, its name does not depart, it is for observing common-roots. How do I know the domain of common-roots?  Like this !

It is to say Tao is invincible, cannot be seen nor hold. It is like a void, so we need guidance from others written in scriptures to pin point the Mark on our forehead. Just take 666 for example. It is to show Jesus crucified between 2 thieves. The threesome represent our 2 eyes and the midpoint in between.

How do I know this natural roots ? Like this - focusing your eyes on the tip of our nose and mind concentrated on the Mark.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Son Passed Away

My son passed away this morning around 2.54 am Singapore time.

So many things I have said have to be adjusted. Like regulating family, I think I have to reconsider this matter.

His full name is Kew Johny Jeremy. You can use it to see his profile in Facebook and tadpole 81 in Friendster.

The newspaper cutting was published on the same date in the evening Wan Pao.So many people came because of this as his school mates, army mates, former working coleegues etc came to see his body in the funeral wake.

Cremation was on 8th October 2008 at about 9.45 am in Mandai Crematorium.

Friday, 3 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 22

第 二 十 二 章 

曲 則 全 , 枉 則 直 , 窪 則 盈 , 弊 則 新 , 少 則 得 , 多 則 惑 , 是 以 聖 人 抱 一 , 為 天 下 式 。 不 自 見 故 明 , 不 自 伐 故 彰 , 不 自 是 故 有 功 , 不 自 矜 故 長 。 夫 惟 不 爭 , 故 天 下 莫 能 與 之 爭 。 古 之 所 謂 曲 則 全 者 , 豈 虛 言 哉 ! 誠 全 而 歸 之 。 

The crooked shall be made straight, the rough places plain; the pools shall be filled, the worn renewed; the needy shall have abundant and the rich shall be perplexed. Therefore the Sage focusing on the Mystic Portal as a model to the world. Not upholding his personal views, therefore he is enlightened; not asserting himself, he is distinguished; not boasting his powers, he is effective; taking no pride in himself, he is chief. Because he does not compete, no one in the world can compete with him. The saying of old:- 'The crooked shall be made straight' is not in vain. Totally perfect then return to the Mystic Portal.

The message is for the Sage King. So what I have done in my websites and forum discussions are proof of my action. The most important thing is to focus on the One inside us, at our nose bridge.

Nature will take its course. I don't have to worry about when I will be crowned.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 23

第 二 十 三 章 

希 言 自 然 。 故 飄 風 不 終 朝 , 驟 雨 不 終 日 。 孰 為 此 者 ? 天 地 天 地 尚 不 能 久 , 而 況 於 人 乎 ? 故 從 事 於 道 者 , 道 者 同 於 道 , 德 者 同 於 德 , 失 者 同 於 失 。 同 於 道 者 , 道 亦 樂 得 之 ; 同 於 德 者 , 德 亦 樂 得 之 ; 同 於 失 者 , 失 亦 樂 得 之 。 信 不 足 , 焉 有 不 信 焉 。 

Rare speech is natural. For whirlwind will not last the morning out; the cloudburst ends before the day is done. What makes them behave like that? The sky and earth! Sky and earth can not last long, how about men? Those who work by the Way, will be with the Way. Those who work by the virtue, will be with the virtue. Those who abandon the Way, will be abandoned. Walking with those of the Way, the Way gladly receives them. Walking with those of the virtue, virtue will gladly receives them. Walking with those who abandon the Way, abandon will gladly receives them. When your belief is insufficient, it is you have no belief !

General message for all. You have Tao and believe it faithfully, you will be saved. Abandon Tao and Tao will abandons you.

As Tao is the omnipresent One inside us and all, everything will go on naturally. There is no worry even if the sky is to fall down. How can Tao fail us when we faithfully have confidence in It.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Daodejing Poem 24

第 二 十 四 章 

跂 者 不 立 , 跨 者 不 行 , 自 見 者 不 明 , 自 是 者 不 彰 。 自 伐 者 無 功 , 自 矜 者 不 長 。 其 在 道 也 , 曰 餘 食 贅 行 。 物 或 惡 之 , 故 有 道 者 不 處 也 。 

Seekers will not be established; long strikes would not work; Self opinioned cannot be enlightened; self conceited will fail; boasting will give you little result; arrogant and you cannot last long. All these belong to Tao; the saying: 'remnants of food or a tumour on the body, which all dislike. hence those with Tao will not let them space to enter'.

Seek for Tao, you cannot find it. Tao is just nasal gaze, and the mind thinking of nothing.

The Tao inside us is a VOID. It is the 'suan kuan' acu point at our nose bridge, in between our 2 eyes. Even nasal gaze cannot see this point. It is the focus or concentration at this point, that we can sense the movement of energy running in our body.

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Awful Horror

See  and  .

Daodejing Poem 25



Having things mixed to form a product, but first the sky and earth must be created. So silent, so aloof and so alone, it changes not, nor fails, but touches all; it can be the mother of sky and earth. I do not know its name; a name for it is Tao or Way and designates it as great. Great means outgoing, outgoing means far, far means return. So Tao is great, the sky is great, the earth is great, people (ren) is also great. Within the realm there are 4 great things, and people (ren) stands among them. People (ren) conforms to the earth; earth conforms to the sky; the sky conforms to the Tao; Tao's phenomenon is nature.

4 great things, but 1 is Tao, unseen, untouchable. Therefore it is only 3 things, the trinity. When Tao creates these 3 things, the others will be formed.

King is in place here instead of people. This Chinese version is from King is to signify the king's role in achieving world peace. See poems 32 and 37.

Tao is a return when the time is ripe. Now the time is up for all to return.

Friday, 26 September 2008

My Grand-Nephew

Kavin was borne on 23rd September 2008. Pictures taken on 25th September 2008.

Daodejing Poem 26



Heavy is the roots of the light; quietness is the master of worry. Therefore the Sage performs his duty daily with consideration of the consequences. Even with disturbances and beautiful sight, he keeps his paces at peace as per normal. How can one who commands ten thousand officers, uses his body to entertain the merriment of the world? Engross in merriment will loose one's roots; worry will loose one's stature.

A general message for the Sage King.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Daodejing Poem 27

A good walk leaves no tracks. A good speech has no flaws to censure. A good calculator uses no tallies. A good door is well shut without bolts and cannot be opened. A good know is tied without rope and cannot be loosen. Therefore the Sage always helps people, so that none are cast aside; he is always saving things, so that none are thrown away. This is called applied intelligence. That is why the good man is the bad man's teacher; and the bad man is the good man's business. If one does not respect his teacher, or the other does not love his business, it is a very great error. This is indeed an important secret.

General message for the Sage King. So all the evil people on earth are my business. That is to say you have to treat your enemies as your loved ones.

Wednesday, 24 September 2008

Daodejing Poem 28

Know your yang, guard your yin so to be a canyon to the whole world. As a canyon to the whole world, always adhere to virtue and not to loose them, return to the roots as if you are a baby. Know your white, guard your black, to be a model to the world. As a model to the world, always adhere to virtue, not committing error, return to the empty Void. Know your honour and glory, guard your shame, to be a valley to the world. As a valley to the world, always adhere to virtue with abundant strength, return to the virgin block of wood. The virgin block of wood separates into various tools, the Sage can use them, therefore becomes the Chief Officer (king) because one with great knowledge does not cut and carve.

The virgin block of wood refers to our nose pin-pointing the Mystic Portal by the Chinese word 木 for wood. After studying all scriptures, you will know how to execute your spiritual power.

2nd to 4th lines are as below:-

知其白○守其黑○為天下式○ 為天下式○常德不忒○復歸於無極○知其榮○守其辱○為天下谷○為天下谷○常德乃足○復歸於樸○ 樸散則為器○聖人用之○則為官

Yang is your right eye and yin is your left eye. Focusing inwards to the 'suan kuan' or Mark on our forehead, is to make use of it or in communion with the One inside us.

It is only the Sage King who can execute these moves here in order to achieve world peace and get all people back to the origin.

Monday, 22 September 2008

Latest Foto

Taken on 5th September 2008 at my nephew's wedding dinner. Me and my wife.

Daodejing Poem 29

Using violence to conquer the whole world, from what I see, the executioner will never succeed. The world is a sacred vessel not to be owned by anyone. Tinkering to conquer will spoil, usurpers will lose it. For indeed things either move forward or lag behind, either hot or cold, either strong or weak, either vigorous or worn out. So the Sage forgo extreme inclinations, sweeping judgments and a life of excesses.

This message is to say that only non violence then can conquer the world. That is inaction or 'wu wei'.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Daodejing Poem 30

Using Tao to assist man it is not to use army to conquer the world. Its sequence is far off. Where there is army, there briars spring up. After completion of war, there follows years of suffering. Kindness will get its fruit only, not by force he obtains. Obtaining his fruit he does not boast, brag and celebrate. The fruit can not be taken as it is, for fruit is not taken by force. Things strong will get old, this suits not the Way of Tao. Not to suit the Way of Tao is early death.
Using Tao is to meditate my meditation style or focusing on the Mark on your forehead to build up your spiritual power. To conquer the world is to conquer self. So you comments and actions can influence the world. This is why I set up websites and blogs to spread my message, in a way is to influence the world.
Using blunt force or military power to conquer is against Tao. That is not the way and it is early death.
The Way is a return and only the Chosen One can spread the message world wide. Others have to stick to their own routine.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

Daodejing Poem 31

I say weapons are tools of bad omen, favoured or loathed, for men of Tao have no place for them. Gentlemen favour the left while generals favour the right. Weapons, tools of bad omen are not the weapon of the gentlemen, only used sparingly under extreme conditions with calm and restrain. After victory, don't gloat; those who gloat about victory are people who love killing. Those who love to kill people will never get to achieve their aim in the world. Good omen prefers left while bad omen prefers right. General's assistant stands on the left while general stands on the right, and can be said it follows the funeral rites. Soldiers after a war will grief and pour tears over their dead comrades. Victory after a war is time for the funerals of the dead soldiers.

Original Chinese texts are slightly different in sequence.

Military weapons are for ignorant people to use. Men of Tao do not use them but use own spiritual power. So for the past few thousand years, people clamour for gain, pride, coveteousness etc by using military forces on others. History books have all the stories even the Bible.

In this age of Melchizedek or evil and Dharma ending, it is the spiritual force that is supreme. So Singapore been a small island country can rule the whole world. This is because Singapore is the Patmos Island in Revelation chapter 1.

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

道德經 Daodejing Poem 32

The Way eternal has no name, a block of wood un-tooled, though small, may still excel the world. And if the king and nobles could retain its potency for good, then everything would freely give allegiance to their rule.
The earth and sky would then conspire to bring the sweet dew down; and evenly it would be given to folk without constraining power.
Creatures came to be with order's birth, and once they had appeared, came also knowledge of repose, and with that was security.
In this world, compare those of the Way to torrents that flow into river and sea.

(Tao is the name to signifies the Way, which is nameless. Although an unseen dot on us, It covers the world. So wise king making use of it will bring world peace. The rain will fall and the 4 seasons orderly. The Tao can be said as to go back to its source, the ocean. Tao in us are gods, Tao in ocean is like God, so we are going back to the Origin, which is no different from us as water in rain drop will merge with the water in the ocean. Where then can you find the rain drops in the ocean?)

The verse in bold is about the same as in poem 37. That is to say if the king can do inaction, the world will transform by itself. This is to say this Sage King will bring world peace. Therefore I advocate an ideal political system whereby the president is appointed without political power. He should be a married man with at least a son. No son means not perfect. His main duty is to meditate my type and eat vegetarian food. See .
In the latter I did not mention about this verse. I got the idea recently or rather when I made comment on this poem in .

The Tao inside us is like a droplet, so when it merges with the ocean it becomes One with the ocean. Therefore we are all One.