Wednesday, 17 September 2008

道德經 Daodejing Poem 32

The Way eternal has no name, a block of wood un-tooled, though small, may still excel the world. And if the king and nobles could retain its potency for good, then everything would freely give allegiance to their rule.
The earth and sky would then conspire to bring the sweet dew down; and evenly it would be given to folk without constraining power.
Creatures came to be with order's birth, and once they had appeared, came also knowledge of repose, and with that was security.
In this world, compare those of the Way to torrents that flow into river and sea.

(Tao is the name to signifies the Way, which is nameless. Although an unseen dot on us, It covers the world. So wise king making use of it will bring world peace. The rain will fall and the 4 seasons orderly. The Tao can be said as to go back to its source, the ocean. Tao in us are gods, Tao in ocean is like God, so we are going back to the Origin, which is no different from us as water in rain drop will merge with the water in the ocean. Where then can you find the rain drops in the ocean?)

The verse in bold is about the same as in poem 37. That is to say if the king can do inaction, the world will transform by itself. This is to say this Sage King will bring world peace. Therefore I advocate an ideal political system whereby the president is appointed without political power. He should be a married man with at least a son. No son means not perfect. His main duty is to meditate my type and eat vegetarian food. See .
In the latter I did not mention about this verse. I got the idea recently or rather when I made comment on this poem in .

The Tao inside us is like a droplet, so when it merges with the ocean it becomes One with the ocean. Therefore we are all One.

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