Thursday, 30 October 2008

Daodejing Poem 12

第 十 二 章 

五 色 令 人 目 盲 , 五 音 令 人 耳 聾 , 五 味 令 人 口 爽 , 馳 騁 田 獵 令 人 心 發 狂 , 難 得 之 貨 令 人 行 妨 。 是 以 聖 人 為 腹 不 為 目 , 故 去 彼 取 此 。


5 colours confuse the eyes; 5 sounds will deafen the ears; the 5 flavours weary the taste; chasing the beasts of the field will drive a man mad; things that are hard to get will affect man to do otherwise or wrong. So the Sage will do what his belly dictates not the desires of the eyes.

Therefore discard the outward appearances and seek the inner truth.

A general comment. Contented is the advice. Cultivation is for the stomach not for the eyes to seek pleasures.

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