Wednesday 5 November 2008

Daodejing Poem 9

第 九 章 

持 而 盈 之 , 不 如 其 已 。 揣 而 銳 之 , 不 可 長 保 。 金 玉 滿 堂 , 莫 之 能 守 。 富 貴 而 驕 , 自 遺 其 咎 。 功 成 名 遂 ,退 天 之 道 。 

九章○修道修身○不是要地位錢財名利○ 有了名利就要引退是天的道理○只有聖人不一樣○

Take all what you want is never as good as to stop when you should. Achievement by scheming and sharp wits will never last long. If your house is full of gold and jade, it cannot be securely guarded. Wealth, power and pride bequeath their own doom. Once fame and success come to you, retire. This is the ordained God's Way.

Be contented.

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