第 二 章
天 下 皆 知 美 之 為 美 , 斯 惡 已 ; 皆 知 善 之 為 善 , 斯 不 善 已 。 故 有 無 相 生 , 難 易 相 成 , 長 短 相 形 , 高 下 相 傾 , 音 聲 相 和 , 前 後 相 隨 。 是 以 聖 人 處 無 為 之 事 , 行 不 言 之 教 , 萬 物 作 焉 而 不 辭 , 生 而 不 有 , 為 而 不 恃 , 功 成 而 弗 居 。 夫 惟 弗 居 , 是 以 不 去 。
二章○聖人要作的是修身○不理事的好或壞○ 善或惡○長或短○左或右○自修就是天下平○
The world discriminates there is beauty, so there is ugliness too. Discriminating there is goodness, so too there is wickedness. Have and have-not are born together. Difficulty and easiness are complimentary. Long and short are relative. High and low are comparative. Pitch and sound are harmonious. Before and after follow each other. Indeed, the Sage does inaction in work, teaching the religion of no speech (meditation). All creations move but not stirred, born but not possess, deed but claim no credit, success but claim no responsibility. Sage claims no responsibility because the responsibility never leaves him.
Why claim no responsibility? It is because the Sage is given the task to do. He just acts.
He acts neutrally. Neutral will not find opposite in other things or phenomena, like long or short, front or back, high or low etc.
Meditation is self cultivation. However there are so many types of meditation. The correct one is the nasal gaze or see Taoist Yoga chapter 1.
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