Saturday, 27 July 2013


Biden and Abe are here in Singapore. So I repeat my attacking comments again.

My brother's tenant wants to shift out on 15th August. So he can rent the flat to others or sell the flat or move back to it.
So I might have 2 spare rooms to rent. Any one interested to rent can contact me.

My wife and me are having a cold war. She is not happy my internet friends visit me. And she is angry when I want to bring them to I-Kuan Tao temple on the 8th floor. So she will be punished and behave like possesed. I have to make her surrender to me or else how can I get these bastards Tony Tan, Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Loong surrender to me.
I use strong words in order to provoke police action or make some people mad to take action. These mad people might come to my place to scold me. This event might refer to the 3rd to be reinforced in the Koran.

Singapore is the Patmos Island of the East.
I am here revealing that our spiritual Self is God or Jesus Christ or Buddha etc.
Or Tao, Krishna, Holy Ghost etc.
So Singapore's prosperity does not depend on Lee Kuan Yew.
He is just an actor doing his part.
He is even not fit enough to undo my shoe-lace.
He is equivalent to John the Baptist paving the way for me.
The world is in my hand what more Singapore.
So don't talk big, Lee Kuan Yew !
His time is up, punishment is catching up with him.
So you can see more misfortune for him, his family and Singapore.
He is the one against renewal, holding to his MP post.
This old hack is waiting for his own down fall.

Abe, you idiot PM of Japan, don't be too arrogant.
You better know how many Chinese your forefathers killed before and during World War II.
If those killed are to take one for one, how many Japanese have to die ?
Japan is on a fault line, a volcano area and typhoon area.
You want Japan to sink 10 metres ?
Or you want all the volcanoes to erupt and explode in Japan ?
Or you want massive typhoons to storm Japan ?
You idiot, you better wake up.
Tiao Yu Island belongs to China, a historical fact.
Rhukyu islands were Chinese vessel but you occupied them.
You also took Taiwan.
Only Taiwan was returned.

Tony Tan, the president of Singapore !
When are you stepping down ?
Your sins are affecting Singaporeans !

I want Tony Tan, the president of Singapore to step down.
He is affecting the whole Singapore with his many sins.
See what wrong is happening now.
Step down before more misfortune happen again.
Then abolish the elected presidency law and appoint me the president of Singapore.
Now is Judgement Era.
Singaporeans, you want to suffer?
So quickly make me your president !

Lee Hsien Loong, the PM of Singapore !
You better bring back our troop from Afghanistan or you want the God inside you punishes you making you mad !
You introduced casinos to Singapore so you committed a great sin.
Your God inside you will punish you for that !
Your father continued ISA, Death sentence, race horsing and introduced abortion etc etc.
You better abolish them for the sake of Singaporeans and those living here.
Singapore is the Patmos Island of the East - the new Holy Land.
So all sinful things have to be wiped out.

US president Obama !
You better bring back all your troops overseas.
God inside you will punishes you and America if you don't.
Bible has condemned you America as Great Babylon in Revelation chapter 17.
So disasters will rain down on America as long you station troops overseas and promoting pornography, homosexual, lesbianism, lewdness, etc etc.
You want God inside you to give you migraine or madness ?

Israel PM Netanyahu !
Don't be arrogant or you go the way of Sharon, in coma.
God inside you will punish you if you carry on like this to the Muslims.
Bible condemns you Jews already !
Creation of Israel in 1948 is illegal.
You better beware of this.
God inside you can give you migraine or make you mad and stay in mental hospital.
My words are commands and can kill.

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