Thursday, 25 July 2013


Study the 1st hexagram how the Sage King has to test his power. I did challenge my power in 1982 and 1994 in courts. In 1983 I did many other challenges. One was the meeting and talk with 'Peh Hai Tong' gangster chief in Boon Lay Shopping Centre's coffee shop. Some people knew about this and called me a mad person. I challenged the Sao Lin Pugilistic Federation in Shuang Lin temple. I wrote letters to challenge others.
With my comments, I am still challenging the authority. Mind you some of my comments can land me in prison but so far I do not see any police knocking at my door. Are they afraid of me ? Is my spiritual power now very high ? Test me with your spiritual power if you want ? Get bomoh to test my power.

What to celebrate for a new prince ? It is going to be the end of the British royalties. We are all Gods or Buddha or Tao etc Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
Therefore you are stupid to respect a baby higher than yourself.
The British race is condemned under the skirt of the queen. This is because of past sins committed by England, so no king can rule, a sign to warn you of your sins. Prince Charles still committed adultery to wed a divorcee. Other children of the queen are mostly divorced. These are punishment to the loyal families so too to the whole British race.
Don't think the British race in Australia, New Zealand, America and Canada can get away from this punishment. As long as you are of British blood, you are subjected to this punishment. So it is stupid to follow the royalty of England. Australia, New Zealand and Canada can go republic and appoint local people as presidents.

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