Wednesday, 31 July 2013


My cousin Lim intents to mortgage his flat to the HDB so he can have monthly expenditure on his 63 birthday next year.

I think this is a good idea and I can mortgage too my flat next July so I don't have to worry about money matter.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013


How many times I told her, my wife still add garlic into vegetables. This is real stubborn and she has to be scolded. Yesterday she added anchovy into spinarch. I had to saperate them before eating.

Some unreasonable practice the PAP government does is foreign wives. For those non professional, they are treated like shit. Even after giving birth to baby, they could not get PR or citizenship. So they have to travel back to their country and back. Some Singaporeans can't afford this every time. Therefore a lot of problem arises.

Sunday, 28 July 2013


Why I don't like PAP ? It is all about injustice and righteousness. Take Lim Cheng Joo's case. He was under ISA when he was still a student. So he should be around 15 or 16. Lee Kuan Yew put this sort of people behind bar. What sort of person he is ? A bastard. He has hatred in his blood. Another case is the Plen. Why he was not allowed to come back before he died ? Another hatred of Lee Kuan Yew. He refused all Singaporeans living at Thailand border to return home for communist activity in the past. So Lee Kuan Yew has no compassion. A bastard. Many Chinese students run away overseas to avoid Lim Yew Hock's clampdown. Most of them are not allowed to return by Lee Kuan Yew. A bastard.

Saturday, 27 July 2013


Biden and Abe are here in Singapore. So I repeat my attacking comments again.

My brother's tenant wants to shift out on 15th August. So he can rent the flat to others or sell the flat or move back to it.
So I might have 2 spare rooms to rent. Any one interested to rent can contact me.

My wife and me are having a cold war. She is not happy my internet friends visit me. And she is angry when I want to bring them to I-Kuan Tao temple on the 8th floor. So she will be punished and behave like possesed. I have to make her surrender to me or else how can I get these bastards Tony Tan, Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Loong surrender to me.
I use strong words in order to provoke police action or make some people mad to take action. These mad people might come to my place to scold me. This event might refer to the 3rd to be reinforced in the Koran.

Singapore is the Patmos Island of the East.
I am here revealing that our spiritual Self is God or Jesus Christ or Buddha etc.
Or Tao, Krishna, Holy Ghost etc.
So Singapore's prosperity does not depend on Lee Kuan Yew.
He is just an actor doing his part.
He is even not fit enough to undo my shoe-lace.
He is equivalent to John the Baptist paving the way for me.
The world is in my hand what more Singapore.
So don't talk big, Lee Kuan Yew !
His time is up, punishment is catching up with him.
So you can see more misfortune for him, his family and Singapore.
He is the one against renewal, holding to his MP post.
This old hack is waiting for his own down fall.

Abe, you idiot PM of Japan, don't be too arrogant.
You better know how many Chinese your forefathers killed before and during World War II.
If those killed are to take one for one, how many Japanese have to die ?
Japan is on a fault line, a volcano area and typhoon area.
You want Japan to sink 10 metres ?
Or you want all the volcanoes to erupt and explode in Japan ?
Or you want massive typhoons to storm Japan ?
You idiot, you better wake up.
Tiao Yu Island belongs to China, a historical fact.
Rhukyu islands were Chinese vessel but you occupied them.
You also took Taiwan.
Only Taiwan was returned.

Tony Tan, the president of Singapore !
When are you stepping down ?
Your sins are affecting Singaporeans !

I want Tony Tan, the president of Singapore to step down.
He is affecting the whole Singapore with his many sins.
See what wrong is happening now.
Step down before more misfortune happen again.
Then abolish the elected presidency law and appoint me the president of Singapore.
Now is Judgement Era.
Singaporeans, you want to suffer?
So quickly make me your president !

Lee Hsien Loong, the PM of Singapore !
You better bring back our troop from Afghanistan or you want the God inside you punishes you making you mad !
You introduced casinos to Singapore so you committed a great sin.
Your God inside you will punish you for that !
Your father continued ISA, Death sentence, race horsing and introduced abortion etc etc.
You better abolish them for the sake of Singaporeans and those living here.
Singapore is the Patmos Island of the East - the new Holy Land.
So all sinful things have to be wiped out.

US president Obama !
You better bring back all your troops overseas.
God inside you will punishes you and America if you don't.
Bible has condemned you America as Great Babylon in Revelation chapter 17.
So disasters will rain down on America as long you station troops overseas and promoting pornography, homosexual, lesbianism, lewdness, etc etc.
You want God inside you to give you migraine or madness ?

Israel PM Netanyahu !
Don't be arrogant or you go the way of Sharon, in coma.
God inside you will punish you if you carry on like this to the Muslims.
Bible condemns you Jews already !
Creation of Israel in 1948 is illegal.
You better beware of this.
God inside you can give you migraine or make you mad and stay in mental hospital.
My words are commands and can kill.

Friday, 26 July 2013


In 1983, I disturbed the chairman of Pandan Gardens Residents Committee. What I wrote to Chua, I have forgotten. He was then a post master. Most likely he reported to the police and I was called up to see inspector Chong of Queenstown Police Station in Queensway.
At first I was aggressive to inspector Chong but after talking to him, we chatted cordially. He advised me that if I want to be famous, I should go into politic. So no charge was filed against me. I think Chua must be very frustrated to know that.
I took his advice and joined the Workers' Party. I had intention to contest the 1984 general election but JB Jayaretnam was not keen on me. So I left WP and went independent. I canvased in Tanjong Pagar for support and monetary assistance. I could not get much. I held a press conference in Tanjong Pagar coffee shop. Two guys came. They could be from ISD. All the reporters were afraid of them.
Later I announced my withdrawal from the GE. See for the newspaper reports. I am going after the writers of the articles. Sorry, they are written in Chinese. No English paper was interested to report. So I went to scold the editor of Monitor for not coming to my press conference.
I joined a group to form the NSP. I was active and later be its member. Then in I think 1991, I vied for chairman post but someone played me out so I quit from NSP telling Ken Sng, NSP has to beg for me if they want my service as chairman.

Thursday, 25 July 2013


Study the 1st hexagram how the Sage King has to test his power. I did challenge my power in 1982 and 1994 in courts. In 1983 I did many other challenges. One was the meeting and talk with 'Peh Hai Tong' gangster chief in Boon Lay Shopping Centre's coffee shop. Some people knew about this and called me a mad person. I challenged the Sao Lin Pugilistic Federation in Shuang Lin temple. I wrote letters to challenge others.
With my comments, I am still challenging the authority. Mind you some of my comments can land me in prison but so far I do not see any police knocking at my door. Are they afraid of me ? Is my spiritual power now very high ? Test me with your spiritual power if you want ? Get bomoh to test my power.

What to celebrate for a new prince ? It is going to be the end of the British royalties. We are all Gods or Buddha or Tao etc Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
Therefore you are stupid to respect a baby higher than yourself.
The British race is condemned under the skirt of the queen. This is because of past sins committed by England, so no king can rule, a sign to warn you of your sins. Prince Charles still committed adultery to wed a divorcee. Other children of the queen are mostly divorced. These are punishment to the loyal families so too to the whole British race.
Don't think the British race in Australia, New Zealand, America and Canada can get away from this punishment. As long as you are of British blood, you are subjected to this punishment. So it is stupid to follow the royalty of England. Australia, New Zealand and Canada can go republic and appoint local people as presidents.

Wednesday, 24 July 2013


I am trying spiritual healing so any one who has cancer or knows people who have cancer, tell them to visit me. I shall do spiritual healing on them to see whether it works. Be my experiment specimens. My address - Block 409, Pandan Gardens, #03-69, Singapore 600409. Sms me +65 93548052 before visit. No call please. My hand-phone is on silent mode.

Now I top up $15 every 3 months to my hand-phone, as usage is low. I have no MMS, so don't send me photos. I cannot receive them.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


To all my Filipino friends, since your president wants to provoke China, punishment is coming to Philippines. So download my profile photo into your hand-phone to protect yourself or print and hang in your home to protect your family.
Nature has no mercy when it punishes.

Since the 60s, I read newspapers and watched tv news, the West always give a negative image of China. They made all kind of comments always in the negative. Only few were positive. Even now the West still paint China as an aggressor.
But from history, China is a peaceful and mind its own business country. Do you see them go overseas to conquer others ? Do they plandered others properties ? Its properties were plandered by the Western countries. Japan even invaded and occupied many parts of China.

So I think these Western thinkers are all idiots. They represent the people of the Bible class, unrighteous and not in right justice.
Comparing scriptures, the Chinese scriptures come up top. The worst is Bible. King David dared not kill his son for raping his 10 concubines at the rooftop of the palace. He did not punished his other son for raping his daughter. Under Palestinian king's protection, he still went out to slaughter other Palestinians. All these are unrighteous and injustice.

It is high time people take note of the benefit of sunrise gazing and sunset gazing. You can gaze at the sun for 1/2 hour after sun rises and 1/2 hour before sun sets. This is to absorb the solar energy into your body. You can become hot gazing at the sun. So poor people start sun gazing at sunset. At least the heat can keep you out of the cold night and hunger. This gazing helps you in concentration as a black mark shall appear before you. Now I don't do this. Before, I even gaze at the sun at 5 pm. I was at Speakers' Corner and gazed at the sun before I made speeches there many years ago. My name appeared in paper. 2 guys took video of me, they maybe from the ISD.

A natural way of sleeping is to sleep with head facing east and legs facing West. This is to allow sun and moon magnetic fields to comb you from head to toes. It is a natural effect and you see no immediate benefits. It helps heel our bones and calm our mind.

Monday, 22 July 2013


When misfortune strikes in the family or country, the father or head=of-state should think twice. First he has to go full time vegetarian. In King David's time, he wore sack clothe and throw ash on his head. He committed adultery and the kid born was ill and going to die. He just did that and when the son was dead, he became merry and eat and wine. So all head-of-state, know the burden on your shoulder! Or step down to dispel the misfortune.

Earth warming is predicted long ago, but government leaders or province leaders are slow in implementing safety measures to prevent flood. This might be due to cost. Anyhow something has to be done to prevent flood. River deepening has to be done and river banks shore up to prevent erosion. Just look at the tv news of flood all over the world. Same thing happens, year after year.

My wife and elder brother eat very little vegetables but she cooks a big plate of it. So I have to eat two third of it. Or else it will be thrown away. If you read Hui Neng Sutra, he ate vegetables boiled with the meat, when he was in the jungle cultivating. Therefore I am not so particular of vegetables cooked with meat or fish. I just eat the vegetables only. Only 5 types of vegetable we don't eat like onion, garlic, shalot, leak etc.

So I am eating fruits and vegetables. To maintain about 58 kg now, less bananas, less nuts are eaten. When my hairs stop growing, I don't know. I should be like the monkey with no hair growth.

Sunday, 21 July 2013


In my blood are only Righteousness and Justice. Therefore I see so many injustice and unrighteousness in the world. One example is the Bible. The 12 tribes of Jacob were Mesopotamians. These idiots called themselves Jews. They occupied Palestinian land and called their own. Now they want to attack Iran their fellow Mesopotamians, the pure ones. Jews are now mixed. Bible does say they cannot marry other races. But these idiots married or marry other races. King Solomon's favourite wife was an Egyptian.
Bible says that thou shall not covet. But Christians are the main culprits coveting others' lands. British soldiers murdered the Red Indians and took over their lands. British conquered African lands, Middle East, Asia, SE Asia, China etc.
This shows Christians are the worst sinners. Spaniards conquered S American lands, Philippines, etc. Holland conquered many places. Portugal conquered also some land.
So Christians are the bastards. They know the Commandments but still commit the sin.
America was British rebel. So America is a bastard.
Bastard can only bully others. America is bullying the world.

Saturday, 20 July 2013


I do blessing by putting my right palm before your 2 eyes, focusing on your 'suan kuan' acupoint. So you visit me you get blessing from me. I did this in 1982. Someone said it was good. So I retain this blessing. Don't think dirty about visiting me. I am on fruits diet. I am weak on sex.

Since my wife objects me bringing people to 8th floor I-Kuan Tao temple, you still can go to Jalan Bukit Merah, after the library and petrol kiosks, the white temple is it. Get the Sealing from them.

It is already 2 weeks I don't take water and drinks. So far so good. Now I seldom take bananas as I can gain more weight. My weight is about 58 kg.

Friday, 19 July 2013


The North Korea vessel at Panama canal is a minor issue but the authority there is creating it into a big issue. How can they charge the crews for offence they don't commit ?
Is the sending of old military ware from Cuba to N Korea for repair and upgrading considered an offence under UN ban charter ? Is an unusable Mig 21 considered a weapon or scrape ?
People are really mad nowadays. Rich is bullying the poor. This case is it.

Thursday, 18 July 2013


My warning to America and the White Supremacy. 
Stop your overt operations by the CIA all over the world in toppling governments. 
By instigating people to demonstrate or revolution, you make more people suffer instead of peace. 
Punishment will come to you. 
Better think the first time the British soldiers murdered the Red Indians. 
The sins start from then till now. 
Once it bursts, you will live in hell. 
Your army can explode your nuclear bombs or missiles on yourselves.

China can make use of my photo in the Yuan in place of Mao Zi Dong. 

So no one can counterfeit the Yuan because my photo is spiritual. 
At the same time I can protect every Chinese in China. 
And China will be the number 1 economic power in the world.

My life story is in  .

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


These are my comments plus others in my website. They were before November 2002.


My comments before 2000 are in . My comments after 2000 are in .

A friend from visited me yesterday. He is an Indian 64 years old. He wanted to get Sealing on the forehead. So I wanted to bring him to the 8th floor I-Kuan Tao temole to enquire. But my wife raised her objection. The mention of I-Kuan Tao can infuriate her and she can go into hysteria because of it. This is to confirm what Jesus said that a prophet is rejected at home. So I am rejected by my wife and daughter, brothers and sisters etc.
I gave him my profile photo and blessed him telling him to visit on Sunday the Jalan Butkit Merah I-Kuan Tao white temple for enquiry into Sealing the Mark on the forehead.
We had quarrel starting in 1981 about I-Kuan Tao. So after repaying my debt to Dunlop Singapore in 1982, we shifted back to Pandan Garden. Earlier, we rented the whole flat to a couple, Chinese woman and her Japanese husband.
When my brothers stayed here, my wife quarrel with my younger brother. Now he stays with my 3rd sister. My wife also quarrel with my 3rd brother about his youngest daughter. Now he don't visit us again. So when my elder brother wants to move, I still don't know.

It is annoying when my laptop keeps not starting. I have to launch the reparing service to right the problem. Some times, it takes longer when restoring an earlier date of restore point. Is hacking the problem ?

I think syndicates are bringing prostitutes from various countries to service customers in Singapore. They operate in dating sites. You can ask the price and type of services they provide. Payment is to bank account in half or full with discount.

Fear of PAP government or me ? My cousin and niece's husband removed my name from their Facebook accounts. They saw what I wrote and fear for trouble. This is the type of fear most Singaporeans get. They think not voting can land them in prison. What sort of rumour is that ? Fear. I did not vote many times and I am still alright.

PAP government is creating criminals. They put Tony Tan to be president so now alot of events occur. Haze is one and policeman becomes murderer is another. So you Singaporeans want to suffer under PAP and Tony Tan ? Get rid of Tony Tan and elected president law. Appoint a holy man to be president. If not, you stupid Singaporeans have to suffer.

Saturday, 13 July 2013


I don't know what happened between WP and the NEA about hawkers' centre high ceiling cleaning. I can say only one thing. With woman as chairman, there is trouble. So it is better to elect man to be chairman.

Auto Microsoft update looks like it is a must. Without it, my computer is giving trouble like not starting. But I don't like auto update as it interfere my sirfing. Half way working, they ask you to restart the computer. So it is very annoying to have auto update. But can't be helped.

Life is unpredictable. Example my uncle Lim, his unfilial elder son can marry amd have 2 sons and grand kid. His other 5 sons have no kids or unmarried. So how to pinpoint sins on who ? See my video of his funeral for sight of his sons. Any one interested to marry them ?


I have watched the events in Egypt. It is telling there is double standard done by the police and the army. Opposition demonstrated against Mursi, I don't see the police and the army. Now when the Muslim Brotherhood demonstrated, the police and army come out in force and use violence.

The army generals are idiots. Muslim Brotherhood is supported by 50 to 60 or higher % of Egyptians. How are you idiot generals going to suppress them ? You idiots want them to carry arms to fight you idiot generals ?

Your backers are America and the Christians. By removing Mursi, you idiot generals mutinied. This is injustice and not righteousness. You idiot generals are committing great sins.

Friday, 12 July 2013


My elder brother is practising 'qi' kung and he goes to library to read up books on 'qi' kung. 
He mentions about tongue rolled up. 
It is for more meridian channels to open. 
I tell him I practise it whole day. 
He is surprised.

My warning to all ASEAN countries, if you gang up with Japan or America to encircle China, you will be punished. Japan is under the curse of WW2. They are behaving like mad people. If you gang up with Japan, you too will become like them. This is a sign of punishment.
Philippines! Japan and America once occupied you. You still want to be good friends with them ? They are your colonial masters. You want to be slaves ? Are you so un righteous ? Stop provoking China. Remember in 1974, China had naval war with S Vietnam and America just stood aside. So how can America side any one in S China Sea ?

Thursday, 11 July 2013


My warning to the PAP government, if you let American forces to use Singapore to attack China, you and your families will suffer. 
Many of you are Chinese. 
You want White people to kill the Chinese ?

I am going to rule the world from Singapore. 

So you better behave yourselves. 
Righteousness and justice are the norm. 
Your sins are for death sentences, abortion, R(A) shows, abuse of power etc etc. 
So idiots, you are great sinners.

Hong Kong people are stupid. 

They don't know the meaning of one country two systems. 
One country means Hong Kong is China's territory. 
Two systems mean Hong Kong can have democracy. 
But 6.4 demonstration is against China is like the leg hitting at the Mind, the head. 
You Honkies can demonstrate against your ruling party but not China. 
If you do, you are traitors or running dogs for Western countries.

The British are idiot to implement democracy factor for you Honkies. 
Hong Kong is China's territories and they took Hong Kong by the opium war. 
This war is unrighteous and injustice. 
So you Honkies remember this history well before you do any stupid mistake in future.

I am Sage King of I-Ching 1st hexagram. I practise 'wu wei' of Taoteching 32 n 37. Also I cultivate self, regulate family, cure the country and then bring world peace in Daxue.
I am Maitreya Buddha, the former Fame Seeker in Lotus Sutra. Also I expound the 4-line stanza of Diamond Sutra.
I am Succour in Surah 110, bringing all of you into I-Kuan Tao to get the Sealing on your Marks on your forehead. Therefore I am the last prophet. You idiot Muslims take note of this.
I am Elijah preaching family unity in Malachi chapter 4. I am also Melchizedek of Psalms 110 or Hebrews chapter 7 or 8. Also I am the Son of Perdition in 2 Thessalonians 2. I am the hated ONE putting up the Awful Horror in Matthew chapter 24 verse 15.
I am ONE of the few who expound the nasal gaze in chapter 6 of Bhagavad Gita. War in Gita is our 2 eyes doing a cocked-eyes. Krishna and Arjuna are in between them at the 'suan kuan' acupoint, the seat of God inside us. Arjuna's bow indicates our eye-brows.
So bastards, you not happy with me, come and kill me. I am waiting for you in Block 409, Pandan Gardens, #03-69, Singapore 600409.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


I am Sage King of I-Ching 1st hexagram. I practise 'wu wei' of Taoteching 32 n 37. Also I cultivate self, regulate family, cure the country and then bring world peace in Daxue.
I am Maitreya Buddha, the former Fame Seeker in Lotus Sutra. Also I expound the 4-line stanza of Diamond Sutra.
I am Succour in Surah 110, bringing all of you into I-Kuan Tao to get the Sealing on your Marks on your forehead. Therefore I am the last prophet. You idiot Muslims take note of this.
I am Elijah preaching family unity in Malachi chapter 4. I am also Melchizedek of Psalms 110 or Hebrews chapter 7 or 8. Also I am the Son of Perdition in 2 Thessalonians 2. I am the hated ONE putting up the Awful Horror in Matthew chapter 24 verse 15.
So bastards! you not happy with me, come and kill me. I am waiting for you in Block 409, Pandan Gardens, #03-69, Singapore 600409.

Monday, 8 July 2013


Hackers, be reminded that I am a spiritual man. Mandling with my laptop will get you crazy and landed in mental hospital.

Jesus said that a prophet is rejected at home.
I tell my wife not to put garlic, onion etc into vegetables when cooking. But she refuses. I tell her not to buy fresh bean curd or tofu to cook but she refuses. If want to cook fresh tofu, buy and cook straight away. She can buy fresh tofu and keep in the refrigerator for a week. I tell her to cook vegetables enough for 2 to eat but she cooks a plate enough for 4. I tell her to be vegetarian but she refuses from 1981 till now.
So I am rejected at home. I am Elijah preaching family unity.

My elder brother is saying that the Snowden issue might be a conspiracy. At first Obama is to support Hilary for the next president candidate, but he may be later thinking and supporting Security Secretary Ms. Rice to be the candidate. This might infuriates the Hilary group and certain White supremacy group to bring down Obama.

Sunday, 7 July 2013


Yesterday 6th July 2013, I try no drink, only oranges, apples and bananas etc. I want to see the changes in my body. I am on fruits diet.

I don't know what happened. Yesterday I could not see my documents but now they appear again. Something is not right with my laptop.

I had to download new Firefox yesterday and new book marks. Hope I see the same today. 

My old Firefox is back with the bookmarks.
Most likely my laptop is hacked.

Saturday, 6 July 2013


On the 1st August I am getting $500 GST rebate. I have $36,000 in retirement fund. So end of this month I might get up to $200 every month. I have an empty room. I want to rent it to make about $500 a month but my wife refuses to rent because of things belonging to my daughter still there.

Ayatolah Khemeni, you are a supreme spiritual leader of Iran. You indulge in politics, so that makes you an evil spiritual leader. Hatred is in your mind. So how can Iran prosper ? You are no different from Dalai Lama. Monk indulging in politics is an evil monk. Some monks in Myanmar are following this foot step.

The Egypt issue is an army mutiny. All the while Egyptian army mounted many mutiny before same with Thailand or Pakistan. It seems the Egyptians favour army control and not democracy. Or they are idiots not knowing what is democracy. Majority in Egypt are Muslims. About 20 % are Christians. So these recent demonstrations were organised by the Muslims or Christians ? Or they the puppets or running dogs of America ?
Muslims shall be punished for circumcision. I don't take pity on them. Sunni and Shiite are fighting against each other. The whole Muslim world will suffer.

My Chinese name is
丘 加 發
Middle word 加 has
力口 meaning powerful mouth or double edged sword. So my words can kill. I am Sage King, my words are commands.

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Political leaders and politicians are all idiots. They cannot solve the country problem, what more natural disasters. They think their mind is superior and can solve most problems. One of this idiot is Lee Kuan Yew, the former Singapore prime minister. He told people to renew leadership, but he is not renewed by others. He still hold on to his dictatorial power having Minister Mentor for title and office I think should be still in the Istana. With a minister post, he gets body guards to protect him 24 hours a day.
Natural disasters are caused by the sins of the country. Country sins are death sentence, abortion, R(A) shows etc etc. To remove country sins, just appoint a holy man to be country's head-of-state.
The head-of-state just do nasal gaze meditation and be a full time vegetarian. Since he is a vegetarian, he needs not entertain guests who are meat eaters. Entertainment can be handled by a minister or assistant minister.
Natural disasters shall not occur any more as his spiritual power can reduce the sinful effect.

My top line of the 1st hexagram is this:
 'Wu wei' dragon has cause for prosperity.

This is the same with :
Combining this hexagram with 'wu wei' of Tao Te Ching and Daxue's cultivate self, regulate family, cure country then bring world peace, I advocate that each country should appoint holy man as country head-of-state.
Why Chinese for the past 5000 years could not come up with this.
This is Fate.
I am the Sage King mentioned in this hexagram climbing up the 6 steps.
So you idiot Chinese leaders, obey me.

 乾  乾為天   乾上乾下

I-Ching -- 1st hexagram
On nine at the beginning:
a) Nine at the beginning means: "Hidden dragon. Do not act." What does this signify? The Master said: 'This means a person who has the character of a dragon but remains concealed. He does not change to suit the outside world; he makes no name for himself. He withdraws from the world, yet is not sad about it. If lucky, he carries out his principles; if unlucky, he withdraws with them. Verily, he cannot be uprooted; he is a hidden dragon.
b) "Hidden dragon. Do not act." The reason is that he is below.
c) "Hidden dragon. Do not act." The power of the light principle is still covered up and concealed.
d) The superior man acts in accordance with the character that has become perfected within him. This is a way of life that can submit to scrutiny on any day.
Being hidden means that he is still in concealment and not given recognition, that if he should act he would not as yet accomplish anything. In this case the superior man does not act.
On nine in the second place:
a) Nine in the second place means: "Dragon appearing in the field. It furthers one to see the great man." What does this signify?
The Master said: 'This means a man who has the character of a dragon and is moderate and correct. Even in ordinary speech he is reliable. Even in ordinary actions he is careful. He does away with what is false and preserves his integrity. He improves his era and does not boast about it. His character is influential and transform men.'
In the Book of Changes it is said: "Dragon appearing in the field. It furthers one to see the great man." This refers to a man who has the qualities of a ruler.
b) "Dragon appearing in the field." The reason is that he is not needed as yet.
c) "Dragon appearing in the field." Through him the whole world attains beauty and clarity.
d) The superior man learns in order to gather material; he questions in order to sift it. Thus he becomes generous in nature and kindly in his actions.
On nine in the third place:
a) Nine in the third place means: "All day long the superior man is creatively active. At nightfall his mind is still beset with cares. Danger. No blame. "What does this signify?
The Master said: 'The superior man improves his character and labors at his task. It is through loyalty and faith that he fosters his character. By working on his words, so that they rest firmly on truth, he makes his work enduring. He knows how this is to be achieved and achieves it; in this way he is able to plant the right seed. He knows how it is to be brought to completion and so completes it; thereby he is able to make it truly enduring. For this reason he is not proud in his superior position nor disappointed in an inferior one. Thus he is creatively active and, as circumstances demand, careful, so that even in a dangerous situation he does not make a mistake.
b) "All day long he is creatively active." This is the way in which he carries out his undertakings.
c) "All day long he is creatively active." He moves with the time.
d) The nine in the third place shows redoubled firmness and is moreover not in a central place. On the one hand, it is not yet in the heavens above; on the other hand, it is no longer in the field below. Therefore one must be creatively active and, as circumstances demand, careful. Then, despite the danger, no mistake is made.
On nine in the fourth place:
a) Nine in the fourth place means: "Wavering flight over the depths. No blame." What does this signify?
The Master said: 'In ascent or descent there is no fixed rule, except that one must do nothing evil. In advance or retreat no sustained perseverance avails, except that one must not depart from one's nature. The superior man fosters his character and labors at his task, in order to do everything at the right time. Therefore he makes no mistake.'
b) "Wavering flight over the depths." He tests his powers.
c) "Wavering flight over the depths." Here the way of the Creative is about to transform itself.
d) The nine in the fourth place is too rigid and not moderate. It is not yet in the heaven above, neither is it any longer in the field below nor in the middle regions of the human. Therefore it is said: "Wavering flight...." To waver means that one has freedom of choice, therefore one makes no mistake.
On nine in the fifth place:
a) Nine in the fifth place means: "Flying dragon in the heavens. It furthers one to see the great man." What does this signify?
The Master said: 'Things that accord in tone vibrate together. Things that have affinity in their inmost natures seek one another. Water flows to what is wet, fire turns to what is dry. Clouds follow the dragon, wind follows the tiger. Thus the sage rises, and all creatures follow him with their eyes. What is born of heaven feels related to what is above. What is born of earth feels related to what is below. Each follows its kind.
b) "Flying dragon in the heavens." This is the supreme way of ruling.
c) "Flying dragon in the heavens." This is the place appropriate to heavenly character.
d) The great man accords in his character with heaven and earth; in his light, with the sun and moon; in his consistency, with the four seasons; in the good and evil fortune that he creates, with gods and spirits. When he acts in advance of heaven, heaven does not contradict him. When he follows heaven, he adapts himself to the time of heaven. If heaven itself does not resist him, how much less do men, gods, and spirits!
On nine at the top:
a) Nine at the top means: "Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent." What does this signify?
The Master said: 'He who is noble and has no corresponding position, he who stands high and has no following, he who has able people under him who do not have his support, that man will have cause for regret at every turn.'
b) "Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent." Everything that goes to extremes meets with misfortune.
c) "Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent." In time he exhausts himself.
d) Arrogance means that one knows how to press forward but not how to draw back, that one knows existence but not annihilation, knows something about winning but nothing about losing. (example PAP and Lee Kuan Yew)
It is only the holy man who understands how to press forward and how to draw back, who knows existence and annihilation as well, without losing his true nature. The holy man alone can do this.
On all the nines changing:
a) When The Creative, the great, undergoes change in all the nines, the world is set in order.
b) When The Creative, the great, undergoes change in all the nines, one perceives the law of heaven.
This hexagram tells us about the great man and world peace. I think most true Taoists follow the advice of this hexagram, so they did not act; and they were mostly unknown.
My explanation: hexagram has six lines, so six is an important factor. The peak can be reached at the fifth line; this show we can be active at the government stage, not the king, president or head of country stage. Flying dragon without head is telling us the head of country has to be non active. Since history, the head of country is always active, so the sad ending of each dynasty. The sage-king is a man of inaction. (Confucius always mentioned sage-kings, he was wrong.) 2nd Aug 2001 - God created the universe in six days. This can be explained by the fertilization of the egg by a sperm. After six days, the fertilized egg has life. If you divide the cells, they die. The total number of cells should be 64 to tally the number of hexagrams in the I-Ching.
This hexagram is talking about the sage-king, the development he has to go through. Once he has established himself as Sage King, then there will be world peace or GREAT HARMONY.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

July 2013 Comments

My waist line is about 32 inches down from 34 inches. 
My weight is about 58 kg down from 65 kg. 
I will comment less and rest more, so I might not surf on Wednesdays. 
My hand-phone is on silent mode. 
So you can only sms me +65 93548052.

I saw a documentary on the naval war between China and S Vietnam in about 1974 around the West islands of S China Sea.
China can go to war then. Even the America forces did nothing.
Did you Philippines claim your areas then.
So by claiming now, you want to go to war with China.
China is more stronger now than in 1974.
You are stupid to provoke China.
Or are you a puppet or running dog of America ?
Japan is a great sinner and you want to gang up with them to fight China ?
You not afraid to be called greater sinners hugging the Japanese sinners ?