Saturday, 31 December 2016

Photo 31st December 2016


Saturday, 3 December 2016

Idiots PAP Government

With Tony Tan and Lee Hsien Loong at the top posts, Singapore and the world is going for a hard time.
Lee Hsien Loong has an albino son so Lee Kuan Yew's sins are on his shoulder.
Singaporeans, don't be surprised if you have idiots kids born.
The sins of PAP was on Tony Tan when he was PAP chairman.
So the sins keep piling up on his shoulder like 2 casinos established and Internet betting going to be implemented.
PAP government is now mad.
They don't know what they are doing.
1 is voicing out or echo the words of the American government on South China Sea on many occasions.
Mind you idiot Lee Hsien Loong,  you are a Chinese.
You want to be a bastard regarding your race?
China now is taking actions against Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Are PAP government idiots not knowing the change of season?

My email and .

Thursday, 1 December 2016


Selfie today 1st December 2016. My weight is 59 kg on 1 meal a day , breakfast only .
Today breakfast consists of 100 gm spaghetti , 50 gm brown rice , black beans , 1 teaspoon sesame seeds with plenty of vegetables .

Wednesday, 16 November 2016


Selfie yesterday 15th November 2016

Tuesday, 1 November 2016


Selfie today 1st November 2016, my weight 58 kg

Thursday, 20 October 2016


Taken on 15th October 

Saturday, 1 October 2016


                                    Selfie today

Friday, 30 September 2016

Lee Hsien Loong Is Mad?

I watched Phoenix TV 856 Cable Vision,  the forum on current issues.
Today they talked about Lee Hsien Loong behavior in America and Japan.
Looks like Lee Hsien Loong is mad when others have stopped talking the issue about  South China Sea,  he repeated the issue again and again while stressing Singapore is not taking sude.
The mentioning of South China Sea is taking side.
So Lee Hsien Loong was talking through his asshole.
He must be licking the American penises and now want to lick the Japanese penises.
Mind you idiot Lee Hsien Loong,  you are a Chinese though you must be thinking yourself a Peranakan.
Your grandma was a Peranakan..
You will be in madness for siding the America against China.
You want Singapore to suffer heavyly?

Email or

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Playing God

I am telling the Americans,  government change is in the hand of Universal God.
So you are playing God in toppling governments.
Your president and the whole bunch of CIA worldwide  will go mad.
Many accidents will occur and many casualties.
Like the amount of ISIS or Syrian government officials killed in Syria, it has to be paid by your citizens either army personnels or civilians.
The more you interfere in another country affairs,  the more sins you commit.
You are Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
You only make America into Doom faster.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Don't Attack China

You bitch, you bastard  woman defence minister  of Japan,  you bad mouth China in America.
You lick Americans penises so you dare to scold China in front of your American guests?
I see you on television and newspapers,  so I can get you mad.
When Lee Hsien Loong was making speech,  after mentioning elected presidential law, I scolded him stupid.
Whether this caused him sick instantly,  I don't  know.
I have to try again next times to other politicians.
Mind you Carter, the defence secretary of America and Singapore  defence minister Ng,
The next time you bad mouth China, you will get something from me.
You bastards,  I am a Chinese,  so don't dare you to bad mouth China.
Come and kill me if you think you are bastards. 

My email or

Thursday, 15 September 2016


Selfie today 15th September 2016

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2010 dated 14th September

I do not promote religion. I promote Sealing the Mark on our forehead for Salvation sake. After the Sealing, you can avoid their meeting, be on your own doing self cultivation. So Tian Tao or  I-Kuan Tao is not happy with me for this.

The world is now in the judgment era, so many people will go crazy and many disasters will occur. These are pangs before the childbirth - Full enlightenment or Glory of the last prophet.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016


When talking of race, it is better to be pure.
If you mix, you become 'rojak' and can be bastard race.
'Rojak ' is a Singapore local dish of salad with mixture of ingredients like pineapple, bean sprouts,  cucumber,  prawn paste, ground nuts etc.
Jews are Iraq origin but mixed with Palestinians and others.
So Jews are mixture of White, brown and black.
This is a bastard race especially Abraham rejected or unfilial to his father.
America British rebelled against England so they become a bastard race.
Now Americans are mixture of White,  yellow,  brown and black.
So Bible painted America as Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
India is another one.
Aryan from Central Asia, the fair skin, conquered India.
They established the castle system but Indians do mix.
Or they just have sex with slave, the children born out bastards.
Chinese is also a mixture but all are yellow races or dialects.
Koreans can be considered Chinese because for over thousands years, Koreans used written Chinese characters for communication.
Fair skin Vietnamese are also Chinese who escaped prosecution after dynasties fell.
Fai skin Japanese are also Chinese because Japanese pirates took Chinese women and kids from China after plunder. 

Monday, 5 September 2016

My Protection To You

To all Chinese world wide,  Xi Jin Ping, the president of PRC China, is unable to protect you. 
Only I am able to protect you. 
Download my profile photo into your hand / phone as wall paper to protect you. 
You want the big original copy, email me at

Facebook Memory

Many Facebook memories today.

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 5th September

第 八 十 一 章  信 言 不 美 , 美 言 不 信 ; 善 者 不 辯 , 辯 者 不 善 ; 知 者 不 博 , 博 者 不 知 。 聖 人 不 積 , 既 以 為 人 , 己 愈 有 ; 既 以 與 人 , 己 愈 多 。 天 之 道 , 利 而 不 害 。 聖 人 之 道 , 為 而 不 爭 。

81.    Words of truth don't sound fine. Flowery words are not honest. Good man does not argue. Debater is not a good man. Knower of truth is not learned man. Learned men do not know the truth. The Sage does not hoard things, with thought that what he has is more than enough than others, that he is able to influence a far greater number of people. God's Way is gain that works no harm; the Sage's way is to act without competing for the result.

[    Without competing for the result is like not standing for election to be a president. People will appoint you president.]

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Many Facebook Memories Today

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 4th September

第 八 十 章  小 國 寡 民 , 使 有 什 伯 人 之 器 而 不 用 , 使 民 重 死 而 不 遠 徙 。 雖 有 舟 輿 , 無 所 乘 之 ; 雖 有 甲 兵 , 無 所 陳 之 ; 使 民 復 結 繩 而 用 之 。 甘 其 食 , 美 其 服 , 安 其 居 , 樂 其 俗 。 鄰 國 相 望 , 雞 犬 之 聲 相 聞 , 民 至 老 死 不 相 往 來 。

80.    Small country few people, even with a hundred fold equipments, they are not used; cause people to value death so they do not emigrate; even having boats and carts, none is rode on; even having armour brigades, none is displaced. Cause the people to return to knotted cords and use them; sweeten their meat, adorn their clothing, settle them down, charm their customs. Neighbour countries look at each other; the sound of crowing cockerels and barking of dogs are heard across each other; the people live till death do not exchange greeting.

[    This is a difficult chapter to explain. My only explanation is return back to our beginning Void, which is the Mark on our forehead, the Mystic Portal. Neighbouring countries are 2 eyes which can move inwards, looking at the other eye (if possible).]

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 3rd September.

第 七 十 九 章 和 大 怨 , 必 有 餘 怨 , 安 可 以 為 善 ? 是 以 聖 人 執 左 契 , 而 不 責 於 人 。 有 德 司 契 , 無 德 司 徹 。 天 道 無 親 , 常 與 善 人 。

79.    Settling great dispute will have side dispute; use virtue to report dispute, can pacify, console be good? Therefore the Sage will maintain the left side contract and will not hold other people responsible. So have virtue manage contract, no virtue manages passing through blame. Heavenly Tao is impartial, always favours with good men.

Friday, 2 September 2016


Many Facebook memories today, see  .

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 2nd September

第 七 十 八 章  天 下 柔 弱 莫 過 於 水 , 而 攻 堅 強 者 莫 之 能 勝 , 其 無 以 易 之 。 弱 之 勝 強 , 柔 之 勝 剛 , 天 下 莫 不 知 , 莫 能 行 。 故 聖 人 云 , 受 國 之 垢 , 是 謂 社 稷 主 ; 受 國 之 不 祥 , 是 謂 天 下 王 。 正 言 若 反 。

78.    The world's weak plus soft, nothing can compare to water; but when water attacks rigid and strong, none can withstand it, and nothing can alter its way. So, weak wins over strong, soft wins over steel. The world: none able to know? none able to act? So the Sage said:- 'Be a country's dirt is called lord of the country (god of the land and grain); be a country's inauspicious person is called the world's master.' Correct saying if reversed or this is paradox.

[    This chapter is something like the expounder of 4-line stanza in Diamond Sutra, Son-of-Perdiction in the Bible and 3rd to be reinforced in the Quran.]

Thursday, 1 September 2016


Selfie today 1st September 2016

Many Facebook memories today

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 1st September

第 七 十 七 章  天 之 道 , 其 猶 張 弓 乎 ! 高 者 抑 之 , 下 者 舉 之 ; 有 餘 者 損 之 , 不 足 者 補 之 。 天 之 道 , 損 有 餘 而 補 不 足 。 人 之 道 則 不 然 , 損 不 足 以 奉 有 餘 。 孰 能 有 餘 以 奉 天 下 ? 唯 有 道 者 。 是 以 聖 人 為 而 不 恃 , 功 成 而 不 處 , 其 不 欲 見 賢 耶 。

77.    Is not God's Way (or Heaven's Way) like a bow well bent? High and mighty are brought low; the low caste are up-righted; those with plenty are uprooted while those hungry are fed. God's Way is to uproot the rich and feed the hungry. What human does is different; it is to rob the poor to feed the rich. Who can with abundance benefit the world, it is only he who has Tao. Therefore the Sage can act alone without the whim of other. He will succeed but not authoritative as he prefers to be the same as others, not their superior.

[    Bow is to show our eye-brows. In Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna carries a bow, together with Khrisna at the centre of the battleground between 2 armies, 2 eyes.]

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Challenge Me

Facebook memory of 2013 dated 31st August

If you are not happy with me or my preaching, come and kill me.
I don't fear death. I have trust in God or Nature. My death is Fated.
Come and get me here:-
Block 409, Pandan Gardens, #03-69, Singapore 600409.
I provide you with my profile photograph to protect you.
So make use of it and print and hang in your home.
Portraits of Jesus, Buddha or dead sages or saints are useless.
I am Maitreya Buddha or Melchizedek or Elijah or Son of Perdition or Sage King or Succour etc.
Therefore I don't have to visit anyone.
You have to visit me.

Once I put your name on paper or internet you are under my thumb.
See .
Lee Kuan Yew should be under my thumb.
I put Lee Hsien Loong, Tony Tan, Singapore president, Obama, Natanyahu, Abe and others too.
They should be under my thumb.
I cursed others in so they too should be under my thumb.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Many Facebook memories today

Facebook memory of 2009 posted on 30th August

第 七 十 五 章  民 之 饑 , 以 其 上 食 稅 之 多 , 是 以 饑 。 民 之 難 治 , 以 其 上 之 有 為 , 是 以 難 治 。 民 之 輕 死 , 以 其 求 生 之 厚 , 是 以 輕 死 。 夫 惟 無 以 生 為 者 , 是 賢 於 貴 生 。

75.    People's starving is because the authority consume by tax more than their need, therefore starving. The people is hard to rule is because the authority meddles too much, therefore it is hard to rule. The people does not fear death is because their lives demanding livelihood is thick, therefore not to fear death. Oh yea, those without using livelihood as measure, has virtue that of supreme birth.

[    Livelihood as measure is comparing riches, wealth, properties, possessions etc. If you are contented to live a simple life spending less than 1000 Sing dollars a month, you can be said to be of supreme birth. A millionaire can not be in this category. ]

See  .

Monday, 29 August 2016

Many Facebook Memories Today

Facebook memory of 2009 posted on 29th August

第 六 十 五 章  古 之 善 為 道 者 , 非 以 明 民 , 將 以 愚 之 。 民 之 難 , 治 以 其 智 多 。 以 智 治 國 , 國 之 賊 ; 不 以 智 治 國 , 國 之 福 。 知 此 兩 者 , 亦 楷 式 。 能 知 楷 式 , 是 謂 玄 德 。 玄 德 深 矣 , 遠 矣 , 與 物 反 矣 , 乃 至 于 大 順 。

65.    People's starving is because the authority consume by tax more than their need, therefore starving. The people is hard to rule is because the authority meddles too much, therefore it is hard to rule. The people does not fear death is because their lives demanding livelihood is thick, therefore not to fear death. Oh yea, those without using livelihood as measure, has virtue that of supreme birth.

[    Livelihood as measure is comparing riches, wealth, properties, possessions etc. If you are contented to live a simple life spending less than 1000 Sing dollars a month, you can be said to be of supreme birth. A millionaire can not be in this category. ]

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Facebook memory

Many Facebook memories today, I just post 1
Facebook memory of 2009 posted on 28th August

第 七 十 四 章  民 不 畏 死 , 奈 何 以 死 懼 之 ! 若 使 民 常 畏 死 , 而 為 奇 者 吾 得 執 而 殺 之 , 孰 敢 ? 常 有 司 殺 者 殺 , 夫 代 司 殺 者 殺 , 是 謂 代 大 匠 斲 。 夫 代 大 匠 斲 者 , 希 有 不 傷 手 矣 。

74.    People do not fear death, how are you using death to threaten them? if you can always threaten the people to fear death and for the odd fellow, I have to maintain or hold the order to kill him, who dares? Always having an executioner, there is killing. Oh, those who substitutes the executioner in killing are called substitutes for master carpenters. Oh, those who substitutes for master carpenters, will rarely not to get their hands mangled.

[can death penalty solves problems?]

See more in  .

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Facebook memory

Facebook memory of 2009 posted on 27th August

第 七 十 三 章  勇 於 敢 則 殺 , 勇 於 不 敢 則 活 。 此 兩 者 , 或 利 或 害 。 天 之 所 惡 , 孰 知 其 故 ? 是 以 聖 人 猶 難 之 。 天 之 道 , 不 爭 而 善 勝 , 不 言 而 善 應 , 不 召 而 自 來 , 坦 然 而 善 謀 。 天 綱 恢 恢 , 疏 而 不 漏 。

73.    Brave man who dares will kill; brave man who ponders will spare life. From these two, you differentiate the good and the bad. The wrath of God (sky or nature), can you know the reason? God's Way (Heavenly way) is not to compete but to win all; without speaking all will respond; without calling all will return by themselves; that is its nature and all will take notice. God's net is coarse but none can escape.

[    The universe is in a net, no Spirit can escape. We are programmed to act our parts. From the beginning, when there was nothingness, void, to creation and happening, we will return to the beginning, the nothingness, void. Can you stop God's will? ]

Friday, 26 August 2016


Facebook memory of 2009 posted on 26th August

第 七 十 二 章  民 不 畏 威 , 威 至 矣 無 狹 其 所 居 , 無 厭 其 所 生 。 夫 惟 不 厭 , 是 以 不 厭 。 是 以 聖 人 自 知 , 不 自 見 。 自 愛 , 不 自 貴 。 故 去 彼 取 此 。

72.    People who do not fear threat, great disaster befalls. Without narrowing or squeezing their dwelling places, without hating their children, oh yea, I don't hate, that is no hating. Therefore the Sage knows innate Self, doesn't value his own opinions; he loves self body, doesn't self praise. For he discards the coating for the inner gems.

[    Love self body so that there is not injury to them. Putting an ear ring is self inflicting injury. Smoking is self injuring the lungs. Drinking is self injuring the liver and mind. Rage is self injuring blood vessel.]

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2009 posted on 25th August

第 七 十 一 章  知 不 知 , 上 ; 不 知 知 , 病 。 夫 惟 病 病 , 是 以 不 病 。 聖 人 不 病 , 以 其 病 病 , 是 以 不 病 。

71.    Know (Tao), don't know (any thought in meditation), is superb. Don't know (Tao), know (knowledge), is sickness. Therefore the Sage has no sickness. Considering and pondering over the sickness malady, therefore he has no sickness.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

No Religion

I preach no religion because we are all Gods or Buddha or Allah or Tao etc etc.
Those who attack me are idiots.
I  use Torah to attack the Jews.
I use New Testament and Old Testament to attack the Christians.
I use Quran to attack the Muslims.
I use Hindu scriptures to attack the Hindus.
I use Buddhist scriptures to attack the Buddhists.
I use Chinese scriptures to attack the Chinese.

Our spiritual SELF or soul is our God.
It is in between our 2 eyes or Suan Kuan acupuncture point.
Whether you believe or not it is Fated.
This Suan Kuan has to be Sealed by Tian Tao or I-Kuan Tao in order to join the Universal God.
We came from Universal God so when we return we go direct into Universal God to be ONE with Universal God. 

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2009 posted on 24th August

第 七 十 章  吾 言 甚 易 知 易 , 甚 行 , 天 下 莫 能 知 , 莫 能 行 。 言 有 宗 , 事 有 君 。 夫 惟 無 知 , 是 以 不 我 知 。 知 我 者 希 , 則 我 者 貴 , 是 以 聖 人 被 褐 懷 玉 。

70.    My saying is very easy to know, very easy to follow and do. The world does not seem to know, does not seem to follow and do. Saying has ancestor or principle, work has sovereign. Oh yea, none knows, therefore it is not I know. Those who knows me are rare, those who emulates me are precious. Therefore, the Sage wears shoddy garment embodying a jade.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016


Facebook memory of 2009 posted today

The invisible Mark on our forehead is the Seat of God or Christ or Allah or Buddha or Tao or Krishna etc etc. Pray or meditate to this Mark and it will transform you. Praying to others will not help you. This Mark is the Gateway to our creator. It has to be Sealed. If not sealed, you die and reincarnate as babies to receive the Seal.

Facebook memory of 2013 posted today

I want to reform prostitutes or criminals. So I have to make friends with them.
I am different from top leaders or priests who condemn them.
Prostitute is a God too.
She is no different from Lee Kuan Yew.
We are all Gods.
We are all equal.

Am I

Facebook memory of 2013 posted today

Am I Son of Perdition ?
2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

Most Christians don't understand these 5 verses. I am Son of God because I oppose worship in church or mosque or temple etc. We are all Gods, so we should pray to the God inside us not the Jesus or Allah or Buddha outside. Our body or rather our face is the temple of God. Mercy Seat is 'suan kuan' acupuncture point in between our 2 eyes.
So the 5 verses are saying right things about me. I do this expounding most scriptures, till I get full enlightenment. Expounding has to come first before enlightenment.
So Christians, don't be stupid to listen to old teaching of your priests. The New Covenant confirms this.


Facebook memory of 2009 posted today

第 六 十 九 章  用 兵 有 言 , 吾 不 敢 為 主 而 為 客 , 不 敢 進 寸 而 退 尺 。 是 謂 行 無 行 , 攘 無 臂 , 仍 無 敵 , 執 無 兵 。 禍 莫 大 於 輕 敵 , 輕 敵 幾 喪 吾 寶 。 故 抗 兵 相 加 , 哀 者 勝 矣 。

69.    The generals have a saying:- 'I dare not be host, let me be guest; dare not advance an inch, let withdraw a foot.' This is called action without action, to snatch without arm, to throw without enemies, to maintain without army. Disaster! they are greater than underestimating the enemy; underestimating the enemy is bound to lose my treasure. When opposing armies clash, the sincere party wins.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2013 posted today

The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections 14th Feb 2000
When the World-honored had become Enlightened, he reflected thus:--"To abandon desire and rest in perfect quietude is the greatest of victories. To remain in a state of complete abstraction is to overcome the ways of all the evil ones." In the Royal Deer Park, he expounded the Doctrine of the Four Noble Truths, converting Kaundinya and four others, and thus manifesting the fruit of the Way. There were frequently monks who voiced their doubts and asked the Buddha to resolve them, so the World Honored taught and commanded them, until, one by one, they became Enlightened and, bringing their hands together in respectful agreement, prepared to follow the sacred commands.
36. The Buddha said:
It is hard for one to leave the grosser forms of incarnation and be born a human being.
It is harder for such a one to escape being a woman and be born a man.(man is superior over woman)
It is hard for such a one to be born with all his organs in perfect condition.
It is hard for such a one to be born in China (or Middle Kingdom).(Chinese, you are lucky.)
It is hard for such a one to be born directly into Buddhist surroundings.
It is hard for such a one to come in contact with the Way.
It is hard for such a one to cultivate faith in his mind.
It is hard for such a one to attain to the Bodhi-heart.
It is hard for such a one to attain to (the state where) nothing is practiced and nothing manifested.


Facebook memory of 2013 posted today

42. The Buddha said: "I look upon the state of kings and princes as upon the dust which blows through a crack. I look upon ornaments of gold and jewels as upon rubble. I look upon garments of the finest silk as upon worn-out rags. I look upon a major chiliocosm as upon a small nut. I look upon the Anavatapta as upon oil for smearing the feet. (On the other hand), I look upon expedient methods (leading to the truth) as upon spending heaps of jewels. I look upon the supreme vehicle as upon a dream of abundant wealth. I look upon the Buddha's Way as upon all the splendors which confront the eye. I look upon dhyana meditation as upon the pillar of Mount Sumeru. I look upon Nirvana as upon waking at daybreak from a night's sleep. I look upon heresy erected as upon six dragons dancing. I look upon the universal, impartial attitude (of a Buddha) as upon the Absolute Reality. I look upon conversion (to the Way) as upon the changes undergone by a tree (due to the action of the ) four seasons. (The Way is the splendors (colors) which confront the eyes when you gaze at the nose tip. The nose is equivalent to Mount Sumeru, so meditation is looking at its pillar.)

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2009 posted today

第 六 十 八 章  善 為 士 者 不 武 , 善 戰 者 不 怒 , 善 勝 敵 者 不 爭 , 善 用 人 者 為 之 下 是 謂 不 爭 之 德 , 是 謂 用 人 之 力 , 是 謂 配 天 古 之 極 。

68.    Those who are good do not use violence; those who are good in war or fighting do not rage, those who are good in winning opponents or enemies, do not compete; those who are good in making use of humility do them humbly. This is called the virtue of not competing; it is also called the power to use men; it is also called to match heaven's apex measure; it is also called to be in the stature of the ancients.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2009 posted today

第 六 十 七 章  天 下 皆 謂 我 大 , 似 不 肖 。 夫 惟 大 , 故 似 不 肖 。 若 肖 , 久 矣 其 細 也 夫 。 我 有 三 寶 , 持 而 寶 之 。 一 曰 慈 , 二 曰 儉 , 三 曰 不 敢 為 天 下 先 。 慈 , 故 能 勇 ; 儉 , 故 能 廣 ; 不 敢 為 天 下 先 , 故 能 成 器 長 。 今 捨 慈 且 勇 , 捨 儉 且 廣 , 捨 其 後 且 先 , 死 矣 ! 夫 慈 , 以 戰 則 勝 , 以 守 則 固 , 天 將 救 之 , 以 慈 衛 之 。

67.    The world says my Tao is great, like not scattered, lost, deteriorated. Oh greatness, for it is like not scattered, lost, deteriorated. If it is scatter, lost, deteriorated, long since it is small and petty. I have three treasures, kept and well secured. One is called compassion, second is called frugal or thrifty, third is called not dare to be the world's chief. Have compassion then I can have courage; practise frugality or thrifty then I can be broad minded, dare not to be the world's chief, then I can be its highest instrument. Nowadays, to let go compassion is temporary courage, to let go of frugality is temporary broadminded, to let go the base is temporary upfront, that is the dead end! Oh, using compassion to war will win battle, using it to defend will be firm, heaven will save those who use compassion to protect the people.

[    It seems Chinese forget about this chapter when dealing with the people and enemies. Chinese versions not the same. Word is 才舍 not 舍.]

Saturday, 20 August 2016

Which Chinese Scripture ?

第 六 十 五 章  古 之 善 為 道 者 , 非 以 明 民 , 將 以 愚 之 。 民 之 難 , 治 以 其 智 多 。 以 智 治 國 , 國 之 賊 ; 不 以 智 治 國 , 國 之 福 。 知 此 兩 者 , 亦 楷 式 。 能 知 楷 式 , 是 謂 玄 德 。 玄 德 深 矣 , 遠 矣 , 與 物 反 矣 , 乃 至 于 大 順 。

65.    In ancient time, men of Tao did not enlightened their subjects, but held them in ignorance. People are hard to govern when their intelligence increases. So to use intelligence to govern a country, it is the country's failure; not to use intelligence to govern a country, it is the country's prosperity. Know the two differences, they are moreover like moral pattern. Always know these moral pattern is called mystic virtue. Mystic virtue is deep and far reaching, then causes a return. Things return to reach the great peace.

[    Using all means to govern a country is no better than to appoint a morally pure man to be the country's hesd-of-state.]

Can't Remember Which Scripture

第 六 十 六 章  江 海 所 以 能 為 百 谷 王 者 , 以 其 善 下 之 , 故 能 為 百 谷 王 。 是 以 聖 人 欲 上 人 , 必 以 言 下 之 ; 欲 先 人 , 必 以 身 後 之 。 是 以 聖 人 處 上 而 人 不 重 , 處 前 而 人 不 害 , 是 以 天 下 樂 推 而 不 厭 。 以 其 不 爭 , 故 天 下 莫 能 與 之 爭 。

66.    Why the rivers and seas can be the hundred valleys king, it is because they are at the base, therefore they can be hundred valleys king. So the Sage desires to be above the people, must speak with words that can drown them; Sage desires to be up front, must stand bodily behind the people. Therefore the Sage occupies the high seat, the people do not burdened, occupies upfront so the people are not harmed. So the world will love to trust him and bear no grudges. For the Sage does not compete for his rank, so the world will not compete with him.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Greatest Bastard Race

When talking about bastard race,  Jews are the most bastards.
Abraham was from Mesopotamia in modern day Iraq.
So he is an Iraqi.
He rebelled against his father and moved to Canaan.
So he was a father of bastard race now named Jews.
Modern Jews include white, yellow, brown and black.
This is a mixture with other races or slaves.
Bible says that they have to marry their own to have a pure race.
Stubborn Jews simply disobey.
So Universal God is going to punish them, destrying Judea with Jerusalem.
See Matthews chapter 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 and 21.
Tribe recording of the same matter.
So how serious Universal God is to punish the Jews.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Arrogance Of PAP Government

PAP government is good for bullying people.
They could not find any criminal  fault in Aljunied /Hougang to charge but they still use the court to pin down the WP.
They make a big issue of small matter, politicise in parliament the negligence of WP MPs.
They make a big issue of SMRT train cracks when it is solved easily.
They politicise the issue in parliament embarrassing China authority.
The defence minister is arrogant talking the wrong of China in South China Sea,
He is a Chinese and he talked like this as if he is a barbarian attacking China.
Mind you PAP government,  Singapore is 70% .Chinese .
Don't jeopardise the  lives of  Singapore Chinese.
If you want bastard Chinese you can do so.
Universal God will wipe out all bastard races who go against their ancestors.
America is a bastard race rebelled against England.
You want to join them  ?

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Contempt of Court

Is this considered a contempt of court  ?
These are police photos of the court case in 1994.
I did not engage any lawyer so the police gave me a set of photos.
My intention are 3.
1, scold my debtor.
2, spread my message that we are all Gods or Sons of God or Buddha or Tao or Allah or Krishna etc etc
3, attack Lee Kuan Yew and PAP government.
This has become attack on Lee Hsien Loong and Lee Wei Ling.
My question is this. Did the police reported the article to Lee Kuan Yew in 1994 ?
Do the police now report the article to Lee Hsien Loong and Lee Wei Ling ?

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Facebook memory posted in 2013 today

Egypt's illegal government treating the Muslims Brotherhood is an injustice. The army conducted a coup to topple Mursi government but the world is not against them.
America wanted to see Mursi down, but what they see now is the injustice done by the Egyptian army and police dealing with the majority Muslim Brotherhood. The opposition has less than 50% support of all Egyptians, but the army supports them all this while. May be America tell the army to topple the Muslim Brotherhood government because they dislike them, same as Iran.
Also this is the fate of Muslims because they are circumcised. Many will suffer. Circumcision is wrong because Nature or God made us males with foreskins. So how can you cut it off just because voices in your mind told you so. Idiots isn't it.
Just look at Syria. Muslims are fighting Muslims just because they are of different sects.

Monday, 15 August 2016


Selfie today 15th August 2016.
My weight is around 56 kg.
I drink instant oats drink at 6 am, 9 am 12 pm 3 pm and 6 pm.
I eat also bananas mainly for better excretion.
Or I could  not  excret for a few days.
I put 4 tea spoonful of oats in termo mug and hot water.

Friday, 12 August 2016

Old Hacks

Old hacks like Queen Elizabeth II and Thai king are doing disservice to their countries.
Saudi king and Malaysia Agong are also too..
One leg is already in the coffin, they are stubborn to step down.
Queen Elizabeth is degrading the English race world wide including those in America, Australia,  New Zealand and Canada etc.
So the president of China, your moral standard affects Chinese world wide.
Bear this in mind.

Judge Countries

I use Confucianism to judge countries.
Like Japan,  the emperor is a dynastic ruler so he carries all the sins of world war 2 committed by Japan to marry countries.
Therefore Japan is going to suffer until they charge the dynasty.
India has a  woman president not too long ago.
So India is still under the curse of woman president.
Many Indians now promote pornography so India is degrading to like America.
More will be gays homosexuals and lesbians.
Many countries have presidential rule.
Therefore these countries have to suffer till they change to parliamentary rule with appointed figure head president.
This includes Singapore.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

America Is Doomed

Obama has no son, so he is bad for America.
He is a reject from Universal God.
If Hillary is elected president, then she can be the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
By Confucianism, a woman is not fit for president.
See Books of Kings in Bible why Jews hated the only queen they had.
Messages in the books, say a king has to be good in order to have peace and prosperity.
Therefore a married holy man is the best candidate.
If Trump is elected president,  America will be bad too.
He is a man full of sins, like running casino.
America, if you don't charge your political system to a parliamentary system,  Universal God will make a hell out of you.
Confucianism is ruling the world. Family unity in Malachi chapter 4 is about Confucianism.

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Life Is Fated

Life is Fated. Birth and death are fixed.
So, how you behave is already Fated.
Singaporeans, I still want to tell you this.
Killing is a sin, whether humans or animals or insects etc.
So death sentence is a sin. Government has no right to kill people.
Homosexuality is a sin.
Lesbianism is a sin.
Promoting pornography is a sin. This is why Bible Fated America as Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
Good enough, no need to add other sinful things.
Singapore is the New Holy Land so sinful things have to be abolished.
The God inside you can punish you for doing sinful things.
With Tony Tan still as president,  you can hardly change.
Appoint me president of Singapore, then you Singaporeans can change for the better persons.

Saturday, 6 August 2016

Family is more important

Singaporeans, you and your family are more important than the country.
By Confucianism, after regulating your family then you can cure the country.
It is cure the country not rule the country which  most Chinese think.
Regulate your family is very easy, just meditate nasal gaze meditation and go on vegetarian food.
You daily work is not affected.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Warning To Singapore Government

With Tony Tan and Lee Hsien Loong at the top,Singapore is experiencing a hard time .
Tony Tan is ex PAP chairman so he is carrying all the sins of PAP and Singapore.
Lee Hsien Loong has an albino son so he is not fit for prime minister post.
Security in Singapore is very safe because I am here.
Singapore is the New Holy Land so sinful things have to be abolished like death sentence, R (A) shows, casinos  etc.
Singapore is 70% Chinese,  so Singapore has to be neutral in China and USA spat or pro China.
If the PAP government is pro America,  more troubles for Singapore.
Natural disasters can strike Singapore.
So I have to cripple PAP before it becomes a bastard race.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

America Is Great Babylon, The Mother Of All Prostitutes And Perverts In The World

Bible, Revelation chapter 17 painted America as the Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
Why? Because America is promoting pornography and lewdness in the name of democracy.
America is promoting homosexuality and lesbianism.
Now is the Era of Melchizedek, so America is going to suffer.
Universal God will punish you by turning you into mad people and start killing people.
If you don't want to suffer,  ban pornography, lewdness, homosexuality and lesbianism etc.
And change your political system to parliamentary system appointing a married holy man as figure head president.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Fated With High Spirituality

With high spirituality you know what is right and what is wrong in scriptures.
Like in Bhagavad Gita and Diamond Sutra,  there are 2 meditation methods and 2 4-line stanzas.
Nasal gaze is the right one not the one focusing in between eye-brows and Every phenomenon is a dream,  not the other stanza favouring Buddha in Diamond Sutra.
This is all Fated.
Like I got unhappy with Merchant of Venice when studying in secondary school .
Like righteousness is ingrained in my heart.
Reading the Bible is the same.
I was not happy with all the crimes and sins of the Jews.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Jeremiah 9 verses 25 and 26

Keep reminding you Jews, Christians and Muslims, Universal God is punishing you stupid people who are circumcised and uncircumcised.
Judaism is a mad religion so too Christianity and Islam which derived from Judaism.
Religion that promotes violence is a mad religion.
Jews conquered Palestine and slaughtered many of them.
See how King David under protection fron the Palestinians king, went out to slaughter other Palestinians young and old, no one survived.
Jacob's son slaughtered the whole village of Palestinians after all the males were circumcised,  because a Palestinian raped his sister, but promised to marry her after circumcision.
So you stupid people can justify all these slaughter?
What is written in Bible cannot be undone because Universal God Fated all these.
Go for no religion as what New Testament is all about because everyone knows where God is.

Monday, 1 August 2016


Selfie today by ASUS tablet. My weight is around 56 kg.

Friday, 29 July 2016

Signs of Disasters

There are signs you have to look out for because they affect you.
The worst sign is the increase of homosexuality.
That means Universal God is going to punish the world,  same as in Sodom in the past.
A bachelor president is affecting the country badly.
A president with no son is bad too.
A sinful president is very bad for the country.
A woman president is worst for the country.
Singapore has Tony Tan as president.
He is ex PAP chairman so he carries all the sins of PAP.
So how can he be a good president?
Lee Hsien Loong has an albino son.
So he is bad for  Singapore.
More Singaporeans will have retarded children.
Signs are pointing to the eventful disasters coming soon.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Purpose of Nasal Gaze Meditation

The purpose of nasal gaze meditation, especially for men, is to lift up your mental health,  body health and spiritual protection from harm etc.
Next is you influence your family prosperity.
Or influence directly to your family if you are head of family.
Women can't have this.
And monks, sandhus and single celebrites can't have this too.
Next you influence your relatives, friends and country men.
Your country shall get better.
Buddha can't do this so his families and country were wiped out.
Next, if you are president or king, you transform your country and the world as well.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Our Spiritual SELF iIs Our God

Most people are stupid because they don't know the meaning of REINCARNATION.
REINCARNATION means our spiritual SELF is eternal, can never die.
Those legends of disintegrated spirits are bullshit.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Judaism, Christianity and Islam are mad religions

The West and Christians are influenced by the Bible which has violence and many sinful things in it like rape.
Chinese are shaped by Chinese scriptures so they have internal fights, never venture abroad to occupy others'land.
The West occupied many countries when they have strong navy.
Bible is talking of a mad religion,  Judaism,  then Christianity.
Next was Quran which has many stories from the Old Testament or Torah.
Christianity preach no circumcision.
But Quran preaches circumcision following the Judaism.
From this example, Chinese scriptures are superior.
Religion that preaches violence is a mad religion.
But idiot Western people still paint China as an aggressor.
I am not quite sure of Indian scriptures because they might be Aryan origin who came from Central Asia.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Sage King or Holy King

I-Ching 1st hexagram is talking about the Sage King climbing up the 6 steps. Why top line says that of regret at the top? This is because it represents executive king or president. Sage King has no regrets.
Therefore all countries should appoint a married holy man as figure head president of the country.

1, cultivate self, 2, regulate the family, 3, cure the country, then  4 bring world peace. Only a holy man can accomplish this. Idiot politicians or kings can't.
So you have to appoint a married holy man as figure head president of the country.

Read Books of Kings in the Bible. They say the same. A good king gives peace and prosperity. An evil king brings chaos and disorder. The perfect king is the Sage King or Holy King.

Friday, 22 July 2016

One Man Conquers The Whole World

I don't quite like the English translation.
It says if the king can focus on it, everything or everyone will be righted.
So the meaning is that One man can transform the whole world .
You conquer yourself is to conquer the whole world.
Not what others say of conquering other countries as your own.
So practice nasal gaze meditation to bring world peace.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Appoint Married Holy Man As Country President

Basing on Confucianism, Taoism's Wu Wei and I-Ching 1st hexagram, the head of state should be a pure perfect man.
Married holy man is the best candidate.
Now is Salvation Era or Punishment Era or Melchizedek Era etc.
Countries with executive president or king have to suffer.
France is an example.
Countries with woman executive president or queen will be worst.
So all countries should appoint a married holy man to be figure head president or else the world will be in 3rd world war or nuclear war.

Email or

Wednesday, 20 July 2016


Universal God has condemned America for less than 2000 years since Revelation was written.
See Revelation chapter 17 which painted America as Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
So America is acting as a Satan now.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Meditate To Overcome The Mighty

I preach using nasal gaze meditation to over power the strong and mighty.
So people who are oppressed for a long time just practice nasal gaze meditation  and see the miracles evolving.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Revelation of Jesus Christ

This was my, 1, Revelation of Jesus Christ,  2, curse on Lee Kuan Yew and PAP or now Lee Hsien Loong, 3, my debtor.
I was in Queenstown Remand Prison for 81 days because of this.
I am doing the work of Universal God so the judge putting me in prison has to suffer with his family. 
I was on fruits diet for the 81 days, from 63 kg down to 50 kg.
This is how I can punish people. 
My nasal gaze meditation is the most supreme. 
Lee Kuan Yew did not take action so I want to see whether Lee Hsien Loong can take action because I mentioned the albino grandson or Hsien Loong's son. Also I mentioned the daughter eloped with a Sri Lanka man, doctor.

Email or 

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Get Rid American Forces

As long as I can see American warplanes and warships in Singapore,  you PAP government will be in trouble.
Get rid of them and bring UN HQ in Singapore.
I one person is controlling world people.
What outside military force do you need?

Be My Footstools

I am mounting pressure on PAP government to abolish the elected president law and appoint me as the President of Singapore. 
The world scene is getting worse every day if I am not the President of Singapore. 
My pressure is spiritual so you can get mad.
Or you prefer to crawl to me as my footstools. 
Bible says that I will make your enemies, footstools for you. 
Maybe in this way world people will obey me.

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Reincarnated Elijah is a Chinese

Most Christians don't believe this and most Jews expect reincarnated Elijah to be a Jew.
If you believe in the Bible, you should not reject this.
The reincarnated Elijah is a Chinese preaching family unity or Confucianism. 
This is because Confucianism is ruling the world. 
Did Jesus preached family unity? 
The way he treated his mother and brothers and sisters is saying he was against family unity. 
In family, the faster is the head, so in a country, a man should be the head of state. 
Britain is having double woman at the top, the queen and May, the new woman prime minister. 
So Britain should expect double trajedy or disasters.

Email or 

Sunday, 10 July 2016


If those idiot governments  do not appoint a married holy man as figure head president of the country,  in order to protect yourself and your family,  HANG THIS PROFILE PHOTO IN YOUR HOME.
I am giving help to all world people .
If you don't believe, you can put black magic on my photo to see whose spiritual power is more superior  whether yours or mine.

Want the original big photo, request by email 

Thursday, 7 July 2016

S China Sea

Singapore ministers, you better watch out your words when you talk about S China Sea.
If you are ignorant of China history, you better shut up your mouth.
Ming Dynasty Chinese already mapped out most of the islands or shoals in S China Sea.
So you idiots Philippines, Vietnam,  Indonesia and Malaysia want to challenge China on this ?
Singapore is 70% Chinese.
So you better be neutral or on the side of China.
Once you go against  China,  Singapore will be a target for Chinese missiles because you let American warplanes and warships to station here temporary.
Your investment in China will be in trouble.
And if you a Chinese,  you are against your ancestors for anti-China.
Bare that in mind because you are a bastard race  for anti-China like the American Englishs who rebelled against England.

Email or

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Only One China

One country two systems is easy to understand but Honkies are idiots to understand including the Hong Kong authority.
One country means that all in Hong Kong are Chinese subjects,  but Hongkies prefer to lick the British boss or go independent.
Two systems means Hong Kong Chinese subjects can have democracy but they cannot go against China, their masters,
 in any way.
The 6.4 demonstration yearly is against China but idiot Hong Kong authority do not take any action.
So how can Hong Kong be a peaceful city?

Republic of China and People's Republic of China have China name in them.
ROC was established in Mainland China in 1911 after overthrown the Ching Dynasty by leader Sun Yat Sun.
Taiwan Chinese worshipped Sun Yat Sun but those idiots prefer to call themselves Taiwanese not Chinese.
So they want to rebel against their ancestors who came from China except the 5% local tribes.
Now with a woman leader at the head, Taiwan Chinese are going to suffer.

China has many disasters now because of Salvation Era or Punishment Era.
Therefore if China does not appoint a married holy man as figure head president of China,  worst disasters are going to happen.
Study my Confucianism to understand.

Friday, 1 July 2016

Selfie today 1st July 2016

Selfie today 1st July 2016. My weight is around 57 kg.

Saturday, 25 June 2016


When I combined Diamond Sutra's 4 lines stanza with Visualising Sutra, the  important points are nasal gaze meditation and know that Buddha is at our Suan Kuan acupuncture point.

Other factors are not important. Only Sealing the Suan Kuan acupuncture point is the most important because this is Salvation or Dharma Transmission. After Sealing, when we die or expire, we go direct back to Universal Buddha.

Can forget about Heaven and Hell.

Now is Salvation Era so many natural disasters and men made disasters are striking the world. No worry, even if you are killed, you will reborn again to receive the Sealing. Everyone has to return to the Universal God. 

Friday, 17 June 2016


Selfie today 

Normal nasal gaze meditation. 30 minutes 

For beginners, palms together for better gazing 

For those who can't meditate, look at nose tip for a few seconds many times a day 

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Sealing the Mark on our forehead

Sealing the Mark on our forehead is actually Dharma Transmission.

Next day the Patriarch came secretly to the room where the rice was pounded. Seeing that I was working there with a stone pestle, he said to me, "A seeker of the Path risks his life for the Dharma. Should he not do so?" Then he asked, "Is the rice ready?" "Ready long ago," I replied, "only waiting for the sieve." He knocked the mortar thrice with his stick and left.

Knowing what his message meant, in the third watch of the night I went to his room. Using the robe as a screen so that none could see us, he expounded the Diamond Sutra to me. When he came to the sentence, "One should use one's mind in such a way that it will be free from any attachment," I at once became thoroughly enlightened, and realized that all things in the universe are the Essence of Mind itself. (Tao is in everything.)

"Who would have thought," I said to the Patriarch, "that the Essence of Mind is intrinsic pure! Who would have thought that the Essence of Mind is intrinsically free from becoming or annihilation! (eternal) Who would have thought that the Essence of Mind is intrinsic self-sufficient! Who would have thought that the Essence of Mind is intrinsic free from change! Who would have thought that all things are the manifestation of the Essence of Mind!" (Bodhi is translated here into Essence of Mind. It is actually our soul or spirit and named Tao in Taoism.)

Knowing that I had realized the Essence of Mind, the Patriarch said, "For him who does not know his own mind, there is no use learning Buddhism. On the other hand, if he knows his own mind and see intuitively his own nature, he is a Hero, a 'Teacher of gods and men,' 'Buddha'." (Hui Neng was a lay man and had no Buddhist teaching from any one and he cannot read or write. A person who is fated to be an enlightened person will achieve his goal no matter how. Gautama Buddha was predicted to be a holy man when he was just born as a baby and some wrote that he pointed one index to the sky and the other index to the earth. Also Jesus when still a baby wealthy merchants visited him. This is a PLAN by the mysterious One. We are only actors and actresses. Once you are handed a role of a beggar, you have to act a beggar, a king, act as a king and an enlightened man as a Buddha, Saint, prophet etc. act as one of them.)

Thus, to the knowledge of no one, the Dharma was transmitted to me at midnight (sealing the mark on the forehead), and consequently I became the inheritor of the teaching of the 'Sudden' School as well as of the robe and the begging bowl.

"You are now the Sixth Patriarch," said he. "Take good care of yourself, and deliver as many sentient beings as possible. Spread and preserve the teaching, and don't let it come to an end. Take note of my stanza:-- 'Sentient beings who sow the seeds of enlightenment, in the field of Causation will reap the fruit of Buddha-hood. Inanimate objects void of Buddha-nature, sow not and reap not.'

He further said, "When the Patriarch Bodhidharma first came to China, most Chinese had no confidence in him, and so this robe was handed down as a testimony from one Patriarch to another. As to the Dharma, this is transmitted from heart to heart, and the recipient must realize it by his own efforts. From time immemorial it has been the practice for one Buddha to pass to his successor the quintessence of the Dharma, and for one Patriarch to transmit to another the esoteric teaching from heart to heart. As the robe may give cause for dispute, you are the last one to inherit it. Should you hand it down to your successor, your life would be in imminent danger. (a change of order to transmit Dharma to many) Now leave this place as quickly as you can, lest some one should do you harm."

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Our Mind Is Our Buddha

Buddhist countries, ask why your countries are so poor?
You spend too much time on worship, so no time for productivity.
Buddha already said that we are all potential Buddha.
So why pray to Buddha made of wood, paper, cloth, metal, stone etc ?

Our mind is the Buddha.
So focus on the Buddha inside us.
Our Buddha is at our Suan Kuan  acupuncture point in between our 2 eyes.
When our mind is neutral thinking neither good nor bad, we are in Buddha state of mind.

This is Facebook memory today,  I just edited .

Wednesday, 1 June 2016


My condition today using Samsung and ASUS tablets