Tuesday, 23 August 2016


Facebook memory of 2009 posted today

第 六 十 九 章  用 兵 有 言 , 吾 不 敢 為 主 而 為 客 , 不 敢 進 寸 而 退 尺 。 是 謂 行 無 行 , 攘 無 臂 , 仍 無 敵 , 執 無 兵 。 禍 莫 大 於 輕 敵 , 輕 敵 幾 喪 吾 寶 。 故 抗 兵 相 加 , 哀 者 勝 矣 。

69.    The generals have a saying:- 'I dare not be host, let me be guest; dare not advance an inch, let withdraw a foot.' This is called action without action, to snatch without arm, to throw without enemies, to maintain without army. Disaster! they are greater than underestimating the enemy; underestimating the enemy is bound to lose my treasure. When opposing armies clash, the sincere party wins.

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