Thursday, 1 September 2016

Many Facebook memories today

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 1st September

第 七 十 七 章  天 之 道 , 其 猶 張 弓 乎 ! 高 者 抑 之 , 下 者 舉 之 ; 有 餘 者 損 之 , 不 足 者 補 之 。 天 之 道 , 損 有 餘 而 補 不 足 。 人 之 道 則 不 然 , 損 不 足 以 奉 有 餘 。 孰 能 有 餘 以 奉 天 下 ? 唯 有 道 者 。 是 以 聖 人 為 而 不 恃 , 功 成 而 不 處 , 其 不 欲 見 賢 耶 。

77.    Is not God's Way (or Heaven's Way) like a bow well bent? High and mighty are brought low; the low caste are up-righted; those with plenty are uprooted while those hungry are fed. God's Way is to uproot the rich and feed the hungry. What human does is different; it is to rob the poor to feed the rich. Who can with abundance benefit the world, it is only he who has Tao. Therefore the Sage can act alone without the whim of other. He will succeed but not authoritative as he prefers to be the same as others, not their superior.

[    Bow is to show our eye-brows. In Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna carries a bow, together with Khrisna at the centre of the battleground between 2 armies, 2 eyes.]

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