Monday, 29 August 2016

Many Facebook Memories Today

Facebook memory of 2009 posted on 29th August

第 六 十 五 章  古 之 善 為 道 者 , 非 以 明 民 , 將 以 愚 之 。 民 之 難 , 治 以 其 智 多 。 以 智 治 國 , 國 之 賊 ; 不 以 智 治 國 , 國 之 福 。 知 此 兩 者 , 亦 楷 式 。 能 知 楷 式 , 是 謂 玄 德 。 玄 德 深 矣 , 遠 矣 , 與 物 反 矣 , 乃 至 于 大 順 。

65.    People's starving is because the authority consume by tax more than their need, therefore starving. The people is hard to rule is because the authority meddles too much, therefore it is hard to rule. The people does not fear death is because their lives demanding livelihood is thick, therefore not to fear death. Oh yea, those without using livelihood as measure, has virtue that of supreme birth.

[    Livelihood as measure is comparing riches, wealth, properties, possessions etc. If you are contented to live a simple life spending less than 1000 Sing dollars a month, you can be said to be of supreme birth. A millionaire can not be in this category. ]

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