Sunday, 4 September 2016

Many Facebook Memories Today

Facebook memory of 2009 dated 4th September

第 八 十 章  小 國 寡 民 , 使 有 什 伯 人 之 器 而 不 用 , 使 民 重 死 而 不 遠 徙 。 雖 有 舟 輿 , 無 所 乘 之 ; 雖 有 甲 兵 , 無 所 陳 之 ; 使 民 復 結 繩 而 用 之 。 甘 其 食 , 美 其 服 , 安 其 居 , 樂 其 俗 。 鄰 國 相 望 , 雞 犬 之 聲 相 聞 , 民 至 老 死 不 相 往 來 。

80.    Small country few people, even with a hundred fold equipments, they are not used; cause people to value death so they do not emigrate; even having boats and carts, none is rode on; even having armour brigades, none is displaced. Cause the people to return to knotted cords and use them; sweeten their meat, adorn their clothing, settle them down, charm their customs. Neighbour countries look at each other; the sound of crowing cockerels and barking of dogs are heard across each other; the people live till death do not exchange greeting.

[    This is a difficult chapter to explain. My only explanation is return back to our beginning Void, which is the Mark on our forehead, the Mystic Portal. Neighbouring countries are 2 eyes which can move inwards, looking at the other eye (if possible).]

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