Tuesday 2 August 2016

Jeremiah 9 verses 25 and 26

Keep reminding you Jews, Christians and Muslims, Universal God is punishing you stupid people who are circumcised and uncircumcised.
Judaism is a mad religion so too Christianity and Islam which derived from Judaism.
Religion that promotes violence is a mad religion.
Jews conquered Palestine and slaughtered many of them.
See how King David under protection fron the Palestinians king, went out to slaughter other Palestinians young and old, no one survived.
Jacob's son slaughtered the whole village of Palestinians after all the males were circumcised,  because a Palestinian raped his sister, but promised to marry her after circumcision.
So you stupid people can justify all these slaughter?
What is written in Bible cannot be undone because Universal God Fated all these.
Go for no religion as what New Testament is all about because everyone knows where God is.

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