Monday, 22 August 2016

Facebook Memory

Facebook memory of 2009 posted today

第 六 十 八 章  善 為 士 者 不 武 , 善 戰 者 不 怒 , 善 勝 敵 者 不 爭 , 善 用 人 者 為 之 下 是 謂 不 爭 之 德 , 是 謂 用 人 之 力 , 是 謂 配 天 古 之 極 。

68.    Those who are good do not use violence; those who are good in war or fighting do not rage, those who are good in winning opponents or enemies, do not compete; those who are good in making use of humility do them humbly. This is called the virtue of not competing; it is also called the power to use men; it is also called to match heaven's apex measure; it is also called to be in the stature of the ancients.

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