Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Xi Jingping ! Abolish abortion, one child policy and death sentence !
I want the Chinese to rule the whole world.
Idiot ! Don't stop the growth of Chinese population in the world.
Make more kids so Chinese can spread out all over the world to rule.
Make me or my nephew, now in Macau, the figure head head-of-state of China.
Can give us the title 'emperor' if your political system doen not want to change.
If not, Nature will rain more disasters on China because your sins are plenty.
See how much disasters had struck China since you hold office.

I am taking 5 apples a day.
My weight is about 57.5 kg.
From today I am stopping vegetables to see how low my weight will be.
One good sign is that my excretion is soft.
I thought without water or drink, it should be like marble.
So my palms or soles or pores are taking vapour from the air.
And I don't feel thirsty
Protein now is mainly raw sesame seeds..

My hand-phone is on silent mode.
I don't receive call, so you cannot disturb me.
Sms me and I reply.
Phone number is +65 93548052.

To all SE Asian Chinese, remember what Japan did to your fathers or grand fathers.
So stop Japan from becoming a military state same as in world war 2.
Boycott Japanese goods, so they go bankcrupt, cannot build up their military weapons.
Their air-craft carrier is afloat. You want to see more of these weapons to attack Asia and SE Asia again ?
So those that gang up with Japan like Philippines and Vietnam, they are traitors of their father and grand fathers who fell during the Japanese invasion and occupation.
You are idiots not to remember what Japanese did to your countries in the past.

Double standard
To Iraq that used chemical weapons on Iran, America did nothing.
Without confirmation of evidence, America is planning to bomb Syria.
What America wants is to bring down Assad like what they did to Hussein with lies.
America used Orange Agent and napalm bombs in Vietnam.
So America can use chemical weapons others cannot.
So America is going to commit great sins.
So Americans, prepare for the punishment from Nature.
Or demonstrate to stop America committing sins.

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