Saturday, 31 August 2013
Friday, 30 August 2013
My warning to Taiwan !
You bastard better reunite with China or else Nature will rain down disasters on you. And expect China to rain down missiles on you once there is a war, either with you or Japan.
You are Chinese race and you want to be traitors and bastards ? Don't be a running dog to America ! Americans are great sinners, you want to join them in idolacy and immorality?
Time is running out. The faster you unite with China, the better. Major disasters are awaiting to fall on earth.
Stupid Christians and Muslims !
Verses below are showing that the creation of Israel is the sign that Salvation is near. Salvation is already here, so the big bang can occur any time now.
Luke 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls. 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
Koran Surah 17-103 And he wished to scare them from the land, but We drowned him and those with him, all together.
104 And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass we shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations. (It could be the Hereafter will come after the Jews regroup in Israel as a nation. So you Muslims have to face the fact that Allah wanted this to happen even though the Jews took the land of the Palestinians illegally. Therefore my first message is that 'we are only actors on the world stage'.)
105 With truth have We sent it down, and with truth hath it descended. And We have sent thee as naught else save a bearer of good tidings and a warner.
Thursday, 29 August 2013
約 翰 福 音
4:21 耶 穌 說 、 婦 人 、 你 當 信 我 、 時 候 將 到 、 你 們 拜 父 、 也 不 在 這 山 上 、 也 不 在 耶 路 撒 冷 。 4:22 你 們 所 拜 的 、 你 們 不 知 道 . 我 們 所 拜 的 、 我 們 知 道 . 因 為 救 恩 是 從 猶 太 人 出 來 的 。 4:23 時 候 將 到 、 如 今 就 是 了 、 那 真 正 拜 父 的 、 要 用 心 靈 和 誠 實 拜 他 、 因 為 父 要 這 樣 的 人 拜 他 。 4:24 神 是 個 靈 . 〔 或 無 個 字 〕 所 以 拜 他 的 、 必 須 用 心 靈 和 誠 實 拜 他 。
John 4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty
Salvation is for all not the Jews only. Our Spirit is God, therefore pray to the God inside us. Chinese translation for God is 無 or emptiness.
What is going to happen soon
Luke 21:19 In your patience possess ye your souls. 21:20 And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. 21:21 Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the countries enter thereinto. 21:22 For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. 21:23 But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. 21:24 And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. 21:29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; 21:30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand. 21:31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand. 21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
[Israel is surrounded by Muslims. The next major war might be this happening.]
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Xi Jingping ! Abolish abortion, one child policy and death sentence !
I want the Chinese to rule the whole world.
Idiot ! Don't stop the growth of Chinese population in the world.
Make more kids so Chinese can spread out all over the world to rule.
Make me or my nephew, now in Macau, the figure head head-of-state of China.
Can give us the title 'emperor' if your political system doen not want to change.
If not, Nature will rain more disasters on China because your sins are plenty.
See how much disasters had struck China since you hold office.
I am taking 5 apples a day.
My weight is about 57.5 kg.
From today I am stopping vegetables to see how low my weight will be.
One good sign is that my excretion is soft.
I thought without water or drink, it should be like marble.
So my palms or soles or pores are taking vapour from the air.
And I don't feel thirsty
Protein now is mainly raw sesame seeds..
My hand-phone is on silent mode.
I don't receive call, so you cannot disturb me.
Sms me and I reply.
Phone number is +65 93548052.
To all SE Asian Chinese, remember what Japan did to your fathers or grand fathers.
So stop Japan from becoming a military state same as in world war 2.
Boycott Japanese goods, so they go bankcrupt, cannot build up their military weapons.
Their air-craft carrier is afloat. You want to see more of these weapons to attack Asia and SE Asia again ?
So those that gang up with Japan like Philippines and Vietnam, they are traitors of their father and grand fathers who fell during the Japanese invasion and occupation.
You are idiots not to remember what Japanese did to your countries in the past.
Double standard
To Iraq that used chemical weapons on Iran, America did nothing.
Without confirmation of evidence, America is planning to bomb Syria.
What America wants is to bring down Assad like what they did to Hussein with lies.
America used Orange Agent and napalm bombs in Vietnam.
So America can use chemical weapons others cannot.
So America is going to commit great sins.
So Americans, prepare for the punishment from Nature.
Or demonstrate to stop America committing sins.
Monday, 26 August 2013
I chatted with a ms Thiya B, my friend in on sex and she willing to come to my home for sex. She did not turn up. I observed her account changed profile photos a few times, but did not contact her. When sms to her, she asked me who I was. She looked like not the same person I know. Or whether this is a con job to get all the correspondence in sms and tell the whole world, what type of person I am, I don't know.
Her number is +6597563251.
Another one, Ela sms me saying an Indonesian friend introduced me to her. We chatted on sex and she is willing to come to my home for sex. Now she want more details and ask for 3some with my wife. Another con job.
Her number is +60107914355. This is a Malaysian number.
She said by typing my name Kew Kah Fatt in Google search, she can see my details in the net. So she is an expert in computer. She might turn out to be a man.
They think they can expose me to the world but they never think I am a spiritual man and can cause them to go mad so they can tell the whole world about me. This is the result I want. I want to be notorious in the world so my title Son of Perdition can stand.
I teach nasal gaze meditation so you can learn it.
1. both eyes looking at nose tip, eyes opened,
2. tongue rolled up, tip touching palate,
3. hands together, can palm to palm, place at nose tip for better guidance.
This is a miracle affair.
It can cure madness, depression and many others.
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Political leaders are stupid not knowing compulsory vegetarian diet for prisoners is good to reform them. It is like magic. Most people are afraid of vegetarian food. So by forcing criminals to eat them, they can become better citizens.
This should start the day they are arrested. After eating vegetarian food, they can confess their crimes faster. There is no need to use violence to make them confess.
I saw the TV clip on Syrian chemical carnage filmed by the rebels.
This can be a show enacted by the rebels to draw the West into the fight against Assad.
I did not see any empty shell which is evidence and the country that made the shell.
And how many shells dropped on the area in Demacus ?
All these are not reported, only the suffering of the people.
The rebels can release the sarin gas or other poisonous gas and started filming the suffering of the people. So no shell can be found.
Friday, 23 August 2013
It is hard for such a one to attain to (the state where) nothing is practiced and nothing manifested.
Is not the above Buddhist sentence same as 'wu wei' of Taoism ?
Am I Son of Perdition ?
2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
Most Christians don't understand these 5 verses. I am Son of God because I oppose worship in church or mosque or temple etc. We are all Gods, so we should pray to the God inside us not the Jesus or Allah or Buddha outside. Our body or rather our face is the temple of God. Mercy Seat is 'suan kuan' acupuncture point in between our 2 eyes.
So the 5 verses are saying right things about me. I do this expounding most scriptures, till I get full enlightenment. Expounding has to come first before enlightenment.
So Christians, don't be stupid to listen to old teaching of your priests. The New Covenant confirms this.
I want to reform prostitutes or criminals.
So I have to make friends with them.
I am different from top leaders or priests who condemn them.
Prostitute is a God too.
She is no different from Lee Kuan Yew.
We are all Gods.
We are all equal.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
The Sutra of Forty-Two Sections 14th Feb 2000
When the World-honored had become Enlightened, he reflected thus:--"To abandon desire and rest in perfect quietude is the greatest of victories. To remain in a state of complete abstraction is to overcome the ways of all the evil ones." In the Royal Deer Park, he expounded the Doctrine of the Four Noble Truths, converting Kaundinya and four others, and thus manifesting the fruit of the Way. There were frequently monks who voiced their doubts and asked the Buddha to resolve them, so the World Honored taught and commanded them, until, one by one, they became Enlightened and, bringing their hands together in respectful agreement, prepared to follow the sacred commands.
36. The Buddha said:
It is hard for one to leave the grosser forms of incarnation and be born a human being.
It is harder for such a one to escape being a woman and be born a man.(man is superior over woman)
It is hard for such a one to be born with all his organs in perfect condition.
It is hard for such a one to be born in China (or Middle Kingdom).(Chinese, you are lucky.)
It is hard for such a one to be born directly into Buddhist surroundings.
It is hard for such a one to come in contact with the Way.
It is hard for such a one to cultivate faith in his mind.
It is hard for such a one to attain to the Bodhi-heart.
It is hard for such a one to attain to (the state where) nothing is practiced and nothing manifested.
42. The Buddha said: "I look upon the state of kings and princes as upon the dust which blows through a crack. I look upon ornaments of gold and jewels as upon rubble. I look upon garments of the finest silk as upon worn-out rags. I look upon a major chiliocosm as upon a small nut. I look upon the Anavatapta as upon oil for smearing the feet. (On the other hand), I look upon expedient methods (leading to the truth) as upon spending heaps of jewels. I look upon the supreme vehicle as upon a dream of abundant wealth. I look upon the Buddha's Way as upon all the splendors which confront the eyes. I look upon dhyana meditation as upon the pillar of Mount Sumeru. I look upon Nirvana as upon waking at daybreak from a night's sleep. I look upon heresy erected as upon six dragons dancing. I look upon the universal, impartial attitude (of a Buddha) as upon the Absolute Reality. I look upon conversion (to the Way) as upon the changes undergone by a tree (due to the action of the ) four seasons. (The Way is the splendors (colors) which confront the eyes when you gaze at the nose tip. The nose is equivalent to Mount Sumeru, so meditation is looking at its pillar.)
Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Clear Proofs
Koran -Surah 2
63. And (remember, O children of Israel) when We made a covenant with you and caused the Mount to tower above you, (saying): Hold fast that which We have given you, and remember that which is therein, that ye may ward off (evil). (The Mount should be our nose bridge, we hold fast to the Mark on our forehead at the nose bridge; whereby we can ward off evil.)
248. And their Prophet said unto them: Lo! the token of his kingdom is that there shall come unto you the ark wherein is peace of reassurance from our Lord, and a remnant of that which the house of Moses and the house of Aaron left behind, the angels bearing it. Lo! herein shall be a token for you if (in truth) ye are believers. ( The kingdom of God is at the nose bridge between the 2 eyes. It refers to the Covenant of the Tent in Hebrews chapter 9 verses 3,4 and 5. Remnant of Moses and Aaron are tablets, our 2 eyes.)
253. Of those messengers, some of whom We have caused to excel others, and of whom there are some unto whom Allah spake, while some of them He exalted (above others) in degree; and We gave Jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs (of Allah's sovereignty) and We supported him with the holy Spirit. And if Allah had so willed it, those who followed after them would not have fought one with another after the clear proofs had come unto them. But they differed, some of them believing and some disbelieving. And if Allah had so willed it, they would not have fought one with another; but Allah doeth what He will. (This shows the New Testament has the clear message of the Kingdom of God, but God made people dull and argue over the written Words. This is the will of God.)
This is me right ?
Surah 61-6 And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is the Praised One. Yet when he hath come unto them with clear proofs, they say: This is mere magic.
(You have to read the Bible, New Testament to verify because Jesus said about his second coming only. It might refer to me as people will reject me before the Trumpet blows. This cannot be Muhammad as he had many followers.)
9 He it is who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may make it conqueror of all religion however much idolaters may be averse.
[Was Muhammad the conqueror of the world? The Praised One or Ahmad has to conquer the world by peaceful means not using violence.]
Singapore MOM should not say that the church sacked the pregnant woman without suitable reason. She admitted that she committed adultery with her colleague. The church should also sack the man, but he already resigned. Furthermore she is not divorced yet. So the baby is going to be a bastard.
Church is on moral ground so any staff committing grave sin like adultery should be sacked.
My weight is about 58 kg. I eat 5 apples a day plus some vegetables. No water or drink for me. I also eat raw sesame seeds mixed with a packet of red date n longan powder. I stop eating ground nut.
I find this much better.
Since May 2013, I have no sex, even with my wife. When I can have one, I don't know.
I also try for 5 minutes the stance for Qikong. Legs apart, bend the legs a little like in kung fu stance 'ma pu', arms a bit straight pointing south, so body facing south. Hands open with palms facing downward.
When you look down, you must see your big toes. Just bend only a little of your legs so you can see your toes.
Relax your body.
My elder brother says this is basic Qikong exercise. Should practise half hour or 1 hour. There are a total of 3 basic exercises.
Monday, 19 August 2013
Philippines ! Don't be stupid to provoke China. In the past China allowed your fishermen to fish. Once you provoked them, China stopped your fishermen to fish. So you are on the losing side. Best is to go for co-operation in joint venture in exploration for oil or gas and other minerals. Each contributes 50% and takes turn to control. Whoever makes the most profit in money can control longer.
Xi Jingping, I think you have a lot of sins plus country sins, in less than a year in office, so many natural disasters struck China and many people died.
So you better wake up. Go on vegetarian diet or cut down your sins and country sins. Country sins are death sentence, abortion, one-child policy etc etc.
The faster you cut down your sins and country sins the better or else the disasters will get worst year after year.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
The Mean-In-Action
That which Heaven entrusts to man is to be called his nature. The following out of this nature is to be called the Way. The cultivation of the Way is to be called instruction in systematic truth. The Way, it may not be abandoned for a moment. If it might be abandoned, it would not be the Way. Because this is so, the man of principle holds himself restrained and keyed up in relation to the unseen world (lit. what he cannot see or hear). Since there is nothing more manifest than what is hidden, nothing more visible than what is minute, therefore the man of principle is on guard when he is alone with himself.
(The nature in human is the soul or spirit. The Truth about this nature is Tao or Way. Tao or Spirit, inherent in each one, cannot be removed from human body. Once IT is removed, the man is dead. Meditation is to be in communion with Tao or Way, and the mind should be tied to a point and not allowed to wonder about even when alone.)[Few lines have no translation.]
That which Heaven entrusts to man is to be called his nature = Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. = or Surah 15 -- Al-Hijr 29. So, when I have made him and have breathed into him of My Spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him.
Our Self Nature is God or Buddha or Tao or Allah etc etc
第 三 十 二 章
道 常 無 名 。 朴 雖 小 , 天 下 不 敢 臣 。 候 王 若 能 守 , 萬 物 將 自 賓 。 天 地 相 合 , 以 降 甘 露 , 人 莫 之 令 而 自 均 。 始 制 有 名 ; 名 亦 既 有 , 夫 亦 將 知 止 ; 知 止 所 以 不 殆 。 譬 道 之 在 天 下 , 由 川 谷 之 於 江 海 。
Taoteching 32. The Way eternal has no name, a block of wood un-tooled, though small, may still excel the world. And if the king and nobles could retain its potency for good, then everything would freely give allegiance to their rule.
The earth and sky would then conspire to bring the sweet dew down; and evenly it would be given to folk without constraining power.
Creatures came to be with order's birth, and once they had appeared, came also knowledge of repose, and with that was security.
In this world, compare those of the Way to torrents that flow into river and sea.
(Tao is the name to signifies the Way, which is nameless. Although an unseen dot on us, It covers the world. So wise king making use of it will bring world peace. The rain will fall and the 4 seasons orderly. The Tao can be said as to go back to its source, the ocean. Tao in us are gods, Tao in ocean is like God, so we are going back to the Origin, which is no different from us as water in rain drop will merge with the water in the ocean. Where then can you find the rain drops in the ocean?)
第 三 十 七 章
道 常 無 為 而 無 不 為 。 侯 王 若 能 守 , 萬 物 將 自 化 ; 化 而 欲 作 , 吾 將 鎮 之 以 無 名 之 樸 ; 無 名 之 樸 , 亦 將 不 欲 ; 不 欲 以 靜 , 天 下 將 自 正 。
Taoteching 37. The Way is always still, at rest, and yet does everything that's done. If then the king and nobles could retain its potency for good, the creatures all would be transformed.
But if, the change once made in them, they still inclined to do their work, I should restrain them then by means of that unique Original simplicity found in the Virgin Block, which brings disinterest, with stillness in its train and so, an ordered world.
(Tao is inaction, but every things are created. So only king and government leaders can make us of it, the country can be transformed. I can restrain the human beings by meditating upon the One, so an ordered world will be in place, but I have to be in the king's position to accomplish this task.)
Application of 'wu wei' is to appoint a holy man as head-of-state. This compliments with 1st hexagram top line 'Arrogant dragon has cause for repent' which I rewrite as ''Wu wei' dragon has cause for peace and prosperity'.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
[From the beginning in 1981, what I have done and what remarks or actions people said and did to anger me, these people have to say sorry to me. For example the editor of Kuai Pao in 1981, the immigration officer in Robinson Road 1981, IO of Clementi police Station 1993, the officer at Attorney General Chamber responsible for my case, Oct 5th 1994, the magistrate who put me to Woodbridge 1982, J B Jeyaratnam 1984, the Filipina who has my 26,000 pesos investment money - the Philippine has to suffer because of her etc.
I also wrote letter to CID 1983, cc to all police stations and disturbed Shao Lin Pugilistic Federation in Shuang Lin Temple. If the termite eaten temple is the result of my disturbing, you can imagine the conditions of people who angered me. (J B Jeyaratnam had many misfortune after 1984 case) I tell you this not to frighten you but to tell you I might be the One who is going to bring peace to the whole world.
I influence Singapore, Singapore influences ASEAN with the exception of Philippines which has to settle my 26,000 pesos investment money. So, if UN HQ is here, world peace will be imminent. The choice is yours (Singaporeans as well as the whole world).]
China's leaders, don't be stupid the Japanese surrendered to China. It was the America that the Japanese surrendered to.
So be prepared to fight another war with Japan and the past fighting was stopped after the atomic bombs explosion. Aim at least 10,000 missiles, short range and medium range. So once first shot is fired, the missiles can rain on Japan. There is no need to send men to fight. Target all the warships by GPS and use missles to sink them. Target all the air-bases and destroy them including the civilian airports.
If can target all the heavy industries and destroy them. Target all Japanese satellites and destroy them.
In this way they are crippled. So they can surrender to China.
HDB is helping the middle class to get rich by allowing them to own private properties and HDB flats. When there was abundance 0f 17,000 flats unsold, they twicked the law to allow HDB owners to own private flats for rental or investment. So the price of properties keep going up as long there is buyers.
They should stop this amended law against new buyers but allow the old ones to carry on living in HDB flats. But once they sell their HDB flat, they can not buy any more.
Friday, 16 August 2013
Egypt's illegal government treating the Muslims Brotherhood is an injustice. The army conducted a coup to topple Mursi government but the world is not against them.
America wanted to see Mursi down, but what they see now is the injustice done by the Egyptian army and police dealing with the majority Muslim Brotherhood. The opposition has less than 50% support of all Egyptians, but the army supports them all this while. May be America tell the army to topple the Muslim Brotherhood government because they dislike them, same as Iran.
Also this is the fate of Muslims because they are circumcised. Many will suffer. Circumcision is wrong because Nature or God made us males with foreskins. So how can you cut it off just because voices in your mind told you so. Idiots isn't it.
Just look at Syria. Muslims are fighting Muslims just because they are of different sects.
I am warning the world if anyone is against me, he will be worst than my wife and daughter because they are spiritually higher than you. Madness will accompany him till he says sorry to me.
The fate of the Judiciary Commissioner or judge who sent me to prison is like this. His son was in prison and given 3 strokes of rattan, same as me.
Life is Fated.
If you suffering or have bad life, change your Fate by meditating.
This is a miracle cure for most things.
Thursday, 15 August 2013
My daughter reported to my wife my writing and she nagged. When she nagged, the baby will give her trouble. I pity her as she is not our own. I hope her parents can bring her back.
Only I can criticize my wife and daughter. You are not qualified to talk bad about them. See the 3 statues of Buddha. If you do, you can get punished for insulting the prophet and his assistants or Buddha and his assistants etc.
I don't receive my CPF reitrement installment, so I went to the CPF Board to enquire. They told me it was amended to 63 years old. So I can only receive my money in July nest year. What happens if they intend to amend again ?
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Friends, MMS my profile photo to your friends or relatives to protect them. Tell them to print and hang my photo in their house to protect their family.
We are in Judgment Era or Punishment Era. Many disasters will strike earth.
When they were young, I forbid them, my kids to keep pets. But my wife allowed them to keep. Daughter had hamsters and son had fishes. Son later imported worms and sell them. My house was full of fish tanks and fishes.
Daughter's ex boy friend bought her hamster. He still owed her $20,000 or $30,000. Ex husband bought a dog for her. She later bought a dog in Taiwan. Present husband had a dog.
So she suffers because of pets.
I have put a curse on Philippines in 1995.
See .
So my Filipino friends, download my profile photo into your hand-phone for protection.
Or print and hang in your home to protect your family.
My words once out cannot be retracted.
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
My wife and elder brother eat less vegetables. So I recommend blending the vegetables into liquid form and boil to make soup. My wife refuses to do that.
It is sheer stupidity on the part of the Thai king that he still refuse to step down. Is he following tradition to die at the throne ?
Thai king is making Thailand suffer. Having a woman prime minister is a sheer sign of that.
Thai king ! You want the Thais to suffer ? Idiot ! Step down !.
I am reminding the white races, you better be humble and stop telling others what to do. You are under the sins of your forefathers for coveting others lands.
Now is Judgment Era or Punishment Era, so punishment will come to you if you still arrogant.
China should have proper hygiene for handling live chicken to reduce chicken flu spreading. I see from news clip, China still allow markets to sell live chicken. Most chicken live in non hygienic condition, so they can get sick easily. Spreading of flu is faster there because of heavy traffic of human beings there for marketing.
Market should not sell live chicken only frozen or fresh slaughtered chilled chicken. Those still want to buy live chicken should get them from the farms.
Actually I intend to transfer my house ownership to my daughter. But I hear from my wife my daughter might owe the banks $50,000 for credit cards debt. So how can I transfer the ownership to her.
Most bills are in my wife's name. I don't want my name in any property except my bank account for getting CPF money transferred to it.
Monday, 12 August 2013
I am eating 5 apples a day. No banana for me now. I still eat vegetables and nuts. No water or drink for me. I am cutting on grapes and longan because they cost a bomb. Occassionally I eat oranges for extra liquid.
My weight is 58.5 kg, height 1.62 M. Me eye sight is fine so far. Poor eye sight could be the fault of surfing too long on the net. So I surf less. Sorry for this as I cannot chat too long.
My palms and soles are cold. Sometime, I feel the baby's palms are also cold but she feels alright.
Japan ! Get rid of your emperor dynasty to have peace and prosperity ! The sins of the world war 2 committed by you are on the emperor's shoulder. So how can he help Japan to prosper ?
You are doomed if you carry on like this. Stupid of you Abe !
I am righting all the injustice done in the past right up to Cairn case killing Abel. So you idiot Japanese, you better wake up !
Singaporeans, do you know your Fate is influenced by Tony Tan, the president ? Any sin he commits, you can suffer. The sins of the PAP government are on his shoulder. So how can he help you ?
We have to get rid of death sentence, abortion, R(A) shows etc etc. Then there is peace.
Best is to appoint me president of Singapore. Abolish elected presidency election law before you can do so. Lee Kuan Yew will cry if you do that because it is his brain child.
I am attacking Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Hsien Loong and Tony Tan, but my stupid wife still nags at me. She has no respect for me the world number one man. My daughter reports to her what I write here. So both are in the same wave-length.
My wife can nag in front of my relatives visiting me. She nagged when we having mahjong session with my cousin Lim. This is her and daughter's Fate before my full enlightenment.
Tony Tan, the president of Singapore !
When are you stepping down ?
Your sins are affecting Singaporeans !
I want Tony Tan, the president of Singapore to step down.
He is affecting the whole Singapore with his many sins.
See what wrong is happening now.
Step down before more misfortune happen again.
Then abolish the elected presidency law and appoint me the president of Singapore.
Now is Judgement Era.
Singaporeans, you want to suffer?
So quickly make me your president !
Lee Hsien Loong, the PM of Singapore !
You better bring back our troop from Afghanistan or you want the God inside you punishes you making you mad !
You introduced casinos to Singapore so you committed a great sin.
Your God inside you will punish you for that !
Your father continued ISA, Death sentence, race horsing and introduced abortion etc etc.
You better abolish them for the sake of Singaporeans and those living here.
Singapore is the Patmos Island of the East - the new Holy Land.
So all sinful things have to be wiped out.
My weight is 58.5 kg, height 1.62 M. Me eye sight is fine so far. Poor eye sight could be the fault of surfing too long on the net. So I surf less. Sorry for this as I cannot chat too long.
My palms and soles are cold. Sometime, I feel the baby's palms are also cold but she feels alright.
Japan ! Get rid of your emperor dynasty to have peace and prosperity ! The sins of the world war 2 committed by you are on the emperor's shoulder. So how can he help Japan to prosper ?
You are doomed if you carry on like this. Stupid of you Abe !
I am righting all the injustice done in the past right up to Cairn case killing Abel. So you idiot Japanese, you better wake up !
Singaporeans, do you know your Fate is influenced by Tony Tan, the president ? Any sin he commits, you can suffer. The sins of the PAP government are on his shoulder. So how can he help you ?
We have to get rid of death sentence, abortion, R(A) shows etc etc. Then there is peace.
Best is to appoint me president of Singapore. Abolish elected presidency election law before you can do so. Lee Kuan Yew will cry if you do that because it is his brain child.
I am attacking Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Hsien Loong and Tony Tan, but my stupid wife still nags at me. She has no respect for me the world number one man. My daughter reports to her what I write here. So both are in the same wave-length.
My wife can nag in front of my relatives visiting me. She nagged when we having mahjong session with my cousin Lim. This is her and daughter's Fate before my full enlightenment.
Tony Tan, the president of Singapore !
When are you stepping down ?
Your sins are affecting Singaporeans !
I want Tony Tan, the president of Singapore to step down.
He is affecting the whole Singapore with his many sins.
See what wrong is happening now.
Step down before more misfortune happen again.
Then abolish the elected presidency law and appoint me the president of Singapore.
Now is Judgement Era.
Singaporeans, you want to suffer?
So quickly make me your president !
Lee Hsien Loong, the PM of Singapore !
You better bring back our troop from Afghanistan or you want the God inside you punishes you making you mad !
You introduced casinos to Singapore so you committed a great sin.
Your God inside you will punish you for that !
Your father continued ISA, Death sentence, race horsing and introduced abortion etc etc.
You better abolish them for the sake of Singaporeans and those living here.
Singapore is the Patmos Island of the East - the new Holy Land.
So all sinful things have to be wiped out.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Now is the 7th month Ghost festival of the Chinese race.
Once we have the Sealing on the Mark on our forehead, we are a living God.
So there is no need to pray to them.
Also, don't pray to ancestor.
Friday, 9 August 2013
I am monitoring event at home. Whenever my wife nags at me, the baby becomes nasty and can bite her. Baby can go hysteria screaming and crying. I tell my wife not to buy 4-D, but she still buy. When she nags, she hardly can strike 4-D.
My cousin likes to argue with me and he lost in the mahjong session.
So if you good to me, you have good luck. Go against me, you get lousy or bad luck.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
See my life story in .
I am taking revenge on the writers of the Chinese articles.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
I heard from my wife that my daughter's marriage could be in a rock.
This might be expected.
When I am fully enlightened, my wife is on my right and daughter on my left.
Then I do not do much thing.
So my daughter could be doing for me like surfing the net etc.
This might be expected.
When I am fully enlightened, my wife is on my right and daughter on my left.
Then I do not do much thing.
So my daughter could be doing for me like surfing the net etc.
Sunday, 4 August 2013
My weight is still about 57.5 or 58 kg. I eat 5 apples a day, vegetables. No water or drink for me. Liquid is from fruits and vegetables. I take some nuts. I cannot go fully pure fruits. I am afraid my weight will go further down and feel cold at night or raining period.
I still roll up my tongue whole day. Still meditate -
When I attack my wife I must mention Lee Kuan Yew, Tony Tan and Lee Hsien Loong. I am afraid my daughter shall inform her. So that is big problem but expected. I am waiting for the big bang in Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 17 or 21 to happen. Big earth quake strikes Jerusalem parting the earth so water from the sea rushes in through Jerusalem into Dead Sea. So people have to go uphills or rooftops.
Saturday, 3 August 2013
Yesterday, my wife cooked 'assam' fish with brinjal and lady finger added. So much vegetable, she still cooked bitter gourd with egg. She nagged why I did not eat vegetable. So I ate the brinjal, lady finger and bitter gourd. She nagged again why I ate so much bitter gourd she intended for dinner also.
She can baby sit baby till 18 months. She cannot baby sit older baby above 18 months. The baby shall bully her. She is not strict on the baby and let it climbs over her head. My daughter is an example. My wife still has to do errand for her, like buying chicken meat for her dog.
She can baby sit baby till 18 months. She cannot baby sit older baby above 18 months. The baby shall bully her. She is not strict on the baby and let it climbs over her head. My daughter is an example. My wife still has to do errand for her, like buying chicken meat for her dog.
Friday, 2 August 2013
Why I was not keen on my wife ? We had sex very fast in dating and she was not a virgin, may be I was the 4th man or 4th time she had sex. Her vagina was loose. I tried another girl, but many time, I cannot go in because of tightness and she cried. So no entry for her. I was not a play boy as I had sex with only 3 decent Singaporeans including the virgin. The other was my sister-in-law's sister's friend. I entered her and she felt nothing like a prostitute. So how to date her again.
I was angry when my wife aborted my first child. I was waiting for relative to talk to her family but she aborted before we came.
I attack her is thousand times I attack Tony Tan, Lee Kuan Yew and Lee Hsien Loong. I am cultivating self, regulated, cure country and bring world peace or conquer the whole world. All 4 are related and done by ONE person.
About130,000 Chinese soldiers died in Korean war 60 years ago. Therefore N Korea should respect China and stop the nuclear weapon development. China will protect you if the South or America attacks you. By going nuclear, how you expect China to protect you when bombarded ?
Yesterday I did not eat the lunch green vegetable cooked with dried prawns. It was later thrown away. Dinner was cauliflower but there was garlic.
She still nags and shows her sour face when I say something about her.
Thursday, 1 August 2013
I am trying to get all the world people to receive Sealing from I-Kuan Tao group, but my wife is against. She had the Sealing before same time with me and my daughter. Once I-Kuan Tao is mentioned, she gets angry and starts scolding my 2nd sister for bringing us into I-Kuan Tao. So she wants to suffer for going against I-Kuan Tao. This is spiritual so she can be possessed during her hysteria.
She still put garlic into vegetables.
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