Friday, 4 May 2007


Singapore time: 12.15 pm 4th May 2007

Homosexual is hot topic in Singapore after Lee Kuan Yew said government is not moral police and homosexual might be decriminalised from the penal code.

Homosexual is the indication of the moral standard of a country. When a country is going downhill on moral ground, there will appear more homosexuals in the country. If people think this is a natural process, they are wrong.

Nature has sign for people to read or see to know what might happen or are already happening but people are too absorbed in pleasure making that they are immune to all the signs. Homosexual is one of them. When society allowed homosexuals to live what they like as what Thailand is doing, then natural or human suffering will occur. Beauty contest for homosexuals only encourage more degradation to the society. More will get involved, so more suffering will occur.

To cure homosexual of their behavior is to get them to meditate my type of meditation posted in this blog or in Meditation For Everyone in my website.

Homosexual can be classified as a mental illness. There is not need to criminalise them, but help them to overcome their bad behavior. If the government of the day does not contemplate what is the wrong in the country to have more homosexual, then they are doing a disservice to the country. They have to find where they go wrong. For Thailand, they help the Americans to kill the Vietnamese during the Vietnam war. At the same time, they provided prostitutes for the American servicemen. This sins will hang on them forever if they still don't want to correct their degrading behavior. The Muslim militants in the South might just be a warning to the Thais to wake up. Or else more blood shed will flow and more natural disasters will occur.


Unknown said...

You are entitled to your views, but do not impose your views as 'truths'.

Unknown said...

he probably thinks that just because he's an old man his experience and words are words of value or something. pui!

Kew Kah Fatt said...


I am speaking the TRUTH as I quote from all scriptures I have. I can discuss Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Jewish religion etc.

Kew Kah Fatt said...


Sodomy is a term copied from Sodom which was destroyed totally by Nature or God. Scriptures are telling people to behave properly. Homosexual is abnormal. They beome plentiful when society is decaying. By making them to be legal, governments are condoning the sins of the people. So when punishment comes, who is to be blamed ?