Wednesday, 23 January 2013


Now I wake up I take Milo or chocolate drink.
Then I have 5 tea spoons of raw sesame seeds.
I use hot water to wash them.
9 am I have coffee black and an apple.
12 noon I have almond drink and an apple.
3 pm I take a cup of coffee black.
6 pm I take plain water and apple.
9 pm I have another cup of Milo or chocolate drink.
Snack can be longan meat or grapes, dried fruits etc.
My weight after excretion was 63 kg.
Excretion is soft.
Mentally is alright but cannot sleep long so surf the net at 4 am.
When sleepy, I nap in the afternoon.
I sleep at 9 or 10 pm at night.
At night I don't feel cold, so cutting down on nuts.

I like the Bible because of Fate or prediction.
Like Revelation chapter 17 is talking about the decline of America.
America is the Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
Why ? Because America is the greatest promoter of pornography, lewdness, homosexual, lesbianism etc in the world.
Next is the reincarnation of Elijah in Malachi chapter 4.
Next is the destruction of Jerusalem in Matthew 24 verse 15 onwards, Mark 13, Luke 17 and 21.
You stupid Christians are not interested in this ?
Without Jerusalem, what is the use of the Bible ?
Judaism and Christianity are no more.
Same with Islam.
Read hexagram 1, it is about the appearance of Sage King.
This is the same as Daxue's 1. cultivate self, 2. regulate family, 3. cure country, and 4. conquer the world.
Tao Te Ching talks about 'wu wei'.
You are idiots to learn this; it is only for the Sage King.
I use books of kings especially King David to explain Confucianism,.
All scriptures are related.
For the 1000 years in Revelation it could be a new Era after the destruction of Jerusalem.
We can live up to 1000 years like Adam or Noah.

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