Thursday, 31 January 2013
Singapore is the Patmos Island of the East.
I am here revealing that our spiritual Self is God or Jesus Christ or Buddha etc.
Or Tao, Krishna, Holy Ghost etc.
So Singapore's prosperity does not depend on Lee Kuan Yew.
He is just an actor doing his part.
He is even not fit enough to undo my shoe-lace.
He is equivalent to John the Baptist paving the way for me.
The world is in my hand what more Singapore.
So don't talk big, Lee Kuan Yew !
His time is up, punishment is catching up with him.
So you can see more misfortune for him, his family and Singapore.
He is the one against renewal, holding to his MP post.
This old hack is waiting for his own down fall.
We are in physical world.
So don't talk life after death or immortals or ghost or spirits etc.
If we cannot save ourselves, why bother life after death ?
Why look after pets ?
Our body health and mental health is more important.
Improve mental health by nasal gaze meditation.
Others too can help but not the best.
Body health is to be a vegetarian.
A vegetarian is stronger in defence against virus and bacteria.
I don't preach religion.
I preach that we are all Gods or Buddha or Tao etc etc.
So we are all equal except the prophet.
I use Bible to attack the Jews and Christians.
I use Quran to attack the Muslims.
I use Buddhist sutras to attack the Buddhists.
I use Hindu scriptures to attack the Hindus.
I use Chinese scriptures to attack Chinese.
My Tagged account was terminated in a week.
I think they don't like my many comments attacking people.
I opened Google + account but find posting of messages troublesome.
My weight is about 63 kg on fruits diet.
6 am Milo or chocolate drink, 9 am plain water, 12 noon almond drink
3 pm plain water, 6 pm plain water and 9 pm Milo or chocolate drink
1 apple at 9 am and 1 at 12 noon.
5 tea-spoons raw sesame seeds
Snack on dried fruits.
Excretion is soft.
Health is fine.
I spotted a mistake in the Bible regarding the ancestors of Jews.
Refer Matthew 1 verse 5 onwards and Luke 3 verse 30 onwards.
1 after David was Solomon.
Another had Nathan after David.
Solomon and Nathan were brothers from the same mother.
I pick this to tell you Bible has mistakes.
Bible was written by human beings, therefore many things there are not right.
If you treat Bible as Holy, you dare not attack it.
But if you treat it as novel, you will attack points you feel not right.
Saturday, 26 January 2013
America, you better tone down your voice.
You are not the Chief Judge.
Don't tell others what to do.
Ask yourself what sins you committed first.
Promotion pornography is more sinful than making a nuclear bomb.
Idiots, you America are the greatest sinners and you want to teach others how to behave ?
Allowing homosexuals, lesbianism, lewdness, abortions, etc, you committed more great sins.
You idiot America is Doomed !
Now I sleep less, so I am cutting off coffee.
I shall drink plain water instead.
Weight is about 62 - 63 kg.
Life is Fated.
Your body is not yours, but God's or Nature's.
God acts in you, not you doing what you want.
God Fated you a beggar, can you become a king ?
God Fated you a man, can you become a woman ?
So, what is there to worry.
No need to pray in temple or church or mosque etc etc.
You want to change Fate, meditate nasal gaze meditation. .
Friday, 25 January 2013
My weight is about 62 or 63 kg. Fruits diet is the same, 2 apples a day.
In this world, I am the ONE calling the shots. Psalms Chapter 82 -1. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods
Therefore you better obey me or else Nature will punish you. The one inside you punishes you.
Taiwan, you better reunite with China or you face the wrath of Nature.
Mongolia, you better become part of China or you will face the wrath of Nature.
Japan, you better stop provoking China. Return Diao Yu island to China or you face the wrath of Nature.
America, bring back all your troops from other countries. You want to face the wrath of Nature? Stationing troops oversea is an act of aggression. Bear that in mind.
Turkey, stop interfering in Syria's affairs. Nature will punish you if you keep on supporting the oppositions in Syria.
All countries, if you did occupied others land, you are subjected to the wrath of Nature, if you still arrogant about your behavior in the past. So Norway, stop boasting the Viking. You want to face the wrath of Nature?
We are all equal except the prophet. So you stupid country leaders, stop thinking you are above your citizens. Thai king ! Stop the law that others criticise you publicly. You are same as the beggar in Bangkok. Don't be idiot to think you are big shot.
Australia, New Zealand, Canada etc etc, the Whites are mostly descendants of the British.
So you are sinners because of your forefathers.
Better go republic and appoint local tribe be figure head president.
Your suffering is the cause of sins committed by your forefathers.
America, you are no better.
Good to have African, Obama, be president.
But for how long ?
Spain coveted Philippines.
Spaniard priests converted Philippines people into Catholics.
Spaniards and their priests were sinners.
You Philippines people believed them ?
For me I don't like PAP because they are sinners.
They allow death sentence, abortion, R(A) shows, lewdness, ISA for politicians etc etc.
Can ask foreign priests to fly kite !
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Thou shall not covet !
But Britain coveted N America, part of Middle East, Rhodesia, S Africa, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaya, Singapore, Hong Kong, Falkland, Australia, New Zealand etc etc.
And you idiot British want to tell others what to do ?
You British are great sinners, so queen is there in place of king.
This is a sign of your past sins.
Blame your forefathers for you suffering today, you idiot British.
And you idiots are calling China the aggressive country.
China does not covet land only attackers like the Manchus.
Gublai Khan and Genghis Khan were Mongolians coveting China and other land.
Idiot coveters are Japan, India, Turkey, Greece and many European countries.
So know where you stand, world people !
If you gang up to provoke China, Nature will bash you up.
I am the King of all Kings.
My words can kill you.
Britain coveted lands and Anglican or England churches followed to preach locals.
The priests or pastors were sinners not telling the leaders what to do.
Instead they preached to local to convert them.
These churches were lead by sinners.
How can they be holy and true ?
They preached most lies in the Bible.
So now they can allow homosexual to be priest.
Singaporeans, try to recall what PAP said to WP about x-MP Chia's adultery.
Compare what WP said about PAP x-MP Palmer's adultery.
So you Punggol East residents can decide.
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Now I wake up I take Milo or chocolate drink.
Then I have 5 tea spoons of raw sesame seeds.
I use hot water to wash them.
9 am I have coffee black and an apple.
12 noon I have almond drink and an apple.
3 pm I take a cup of coffee black.
6 pm I take plain water and apple.
9 pm I have another cup of Milo or chocolate drink.
Snack can be longan meat or grapes, dried fruits etc.
My weight after excretion was 63 kg.
Excretion is soft.
Mentally is alright but cannot sleep long so surf the net at 4 am.
When sleepy, I nap in the afternoon.
I sleep at 9 or 10 pm at night.
At night I don't feel cold, so cutting down on nuts.
I like the Bible because of Fate or prediction.
Like Revelation chapter 17 is talking about the decline of America.
America is the Great Babylon, the Mother of all Prostitutes and Perverts in the world.
Why ? Because America is the greatest promoter of pornography, lewdness, homosexual, lesbianism etc in the world.
Next is the reincarnation of Elijah in Malachi chapter 4.
Next is the destruction of Jerusalem in Matthew 24 verse 15 onwards, Mark 13, Luke 17 and 21.
You stupid Christians are not interested in this ?
Without Jerusalem, what is the use of the Bible ?
Judaism and Christianity are no more.
Same with Islam.
Read hexagram 1, it is about the appearance of Sage King.
This is the same as Daxue's 1. cultivate self, 2. regulate family, 3. cure country, and 4. conquer the world.
Tao Te Ching talks about 'wu wei'.
You are idiots to learn this; it is only for the Sage King.
I use books of kings especially King David to explain Confucianism,.
All scriptures are related.
For the 1000 years in Revelation it could be a new Era after the destruction of Jerusalem.
We can live up to 1000 years like Adam or Noah.
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
Some Bibles don't have this above. Why?
Because some churches don't want Christians to know this.
Elijah is supposed to be the last prophet, from the East.
So how can Jesus be the last? Jesus was from Jerusalem.
Muslims believe Muhammed to be the last prophet.
Mecca is to the South of Jerusalem.
So Muslims are idiots to take South for East.
Revelation of Christ is at Patmos Island in Revelation chapter 1.
Therefore Singapore is the Patmos Island where I reveal Jesus Christ as our spiritual Self.
Real Patmos Island is in the Mediterranian Sea, so West of Jerusalem.
So you idiot Christians, if you wait for Christ to come down from the cloud, you are crazy !
We are the temple of God, therefore God or Christ or Buddha or Tao etc is inside us at 'suan kuan' acupuncture point.
This is the Mercy Seat in Hebrews 9 verses 3 to 5.
No Christian is able to expound this in the open.
People will kill him. I am Elijah, so you come and kill me lah !
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Bible condemns the Jews but the Jews are idiots.
They can't understand what are written or the Holy Message.
Psalms 82 verse 6 says that we are Gods or Sons of God.
All means every human being.
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life; and man became a living soul.
Every human being has this Breath of Life.
This doesn't belong to you Jews or Christians !
You are idiots to believe, Breath of Life only for you Jews or Christians.
Same goes to Quran -
Surah 15 -- Al-Hijr 29. So, when I have made him and have breathed into him of My Spirit, do ye fall down, prostrating yourselves unto him.
My Spirit is in you Muslims and me or others.
My Spirit is the same in Muslims or Jews or Christians or Buddhists or Hindus or others.
Are you still idiots my dear Muslims believing it only belongs to you ?
Human being is higher than ghost and spirit.
So Allah commanded them to bow to Adam.
So you are stupid to pray to ghosts and spirits - ancestors worship.
Pray to My Spirit inside us by nasal gaze meditation will do.
America, the faster you surrender Tiao Yu island to China, the better for you.
The more you provoke China, the more mad is your country.
You shall be like a dead duck.
More people will go violent, killing like mad.
More natural disasters will rain on you to make you poorer.
Hillary Clinton, don't talk big !
You want Nature to slap you, so your face goes side-way ?
By right you America cannot covet Hawaii, Guam, Pig's Bay in Cuba etc etc.
You sinned by occupying them.
You better return them to the local tribes.
Get your troops out of other countries !
This is an Order !
I had said before that I want to demolish PAP, People's Action Party.
So Lee Hsien Loong, take heed.
Abolish the elected presidency law and remove Tony Tan.
Then change your PAP name to any other name.
And appoint me the president of Singapore.
If you don't do that, one by one your PAP MPs will go crazy.
Some commit adultery, take bribes, commit murder or other sins.
Lee Hsien Loong, better take note what I write.
I am reminding all world leaders, you will behave like small kids.
You act like jokers.
Time is now for Judgement and Punishment.
So if you refuse to obey me, you all will become stupid fools.
I don't give a damn who you are.
My duty is to bring you down.
We are all equal, so don't think you are big shots.
You are no different from beggars or prostitutes.
I am watching the 2.30 pm drama show Lotus Lantern Fable of channel 8.
This show distorts facts of the spiritual world.
The writer was human, so how can he knew the experiences of the spiritual world ?
Example Jade emperor has queen, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters etc etc.
Immortal is individual, no family relation.
Another factor is the human world, dragon world and immortal world are mixed.
Only in legend, this is possible.
That means either true or untrue.
Chinese were conned for thousands of years of this nonsense.
So Chinese, you better wake up.
If you believe human can fly, you are stupid.
Only when we are in spiritual era, then that can happen.
Also the story is mixing Chinese culture and Buddhism especially Goddess of Mercy.
Only stupid people believe this.
Saturday, 19 January 2013
If you are not happy with me or my preaching, come and kill me.
I don't fear death. I have trust in God or Nature. My death is Fated.
Come and get me here:-
Block 409, Pandan Gardens, #03-69, Singapore 600409.
I provide you with my profile photograph to protect you.
So make use of it and print and hang in your home.
Portraits of Jesus, Buddha or dead sages or saints are useless.
I am Maitreya Buddha or Melchizedek or Elijah or Son of Perdition or Sage King or Succour etc.
Therefore I don't have to visit anyone.
You have to visit me.
Once I put your name on paper or internet you are under my thumb.
See .
Lee Kuan Yew should be under my thumb.
I put Lee Hsien Loong, Tony Tan, Singapore president, Obama, Natanyahu, Abe and others too.
They should be under my thumb.
I cursed others in so they too should be under my thumb.
The Diamond Sutra -The Vajracchedika-prajna-paramita Sutra
4-line stanza
"All phenomena are like
"A dream, an illusion, a bubble and a shadow,
"Like dew and lightning.
"Thus should you meditate upon them."
Friday, 18 January 2013
I don't use violence to take revenge.
I use spirituality to seek revenge.
I took photograph of myself after release from prison, 25.12.94..
Then I changed my i/d using the new photograph.
So if the police or government wants to take action against me, the whole computer system can collapse.
This is the revenge I can throw on anyone.
Like hacker disturbing me, my spiritual power can make him mad on the other side of the internet.
My power is from .
To conquer the world I have 2 groups to depend on.
1 is I-Kuan Tao world wide.
The other is Chinese Triads world wide. .
I-Kuan Tao has Mark on our forehead.
Chinese Triad has Mark on the hand.
So all other races, beware of these.
Now is the Chinese century.
Chinese are ruling the world.
Romans 13:9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
So countries, you are not allowed to conquer other countries. You are not allowed to occupy other countries. You will suffer if you do so. The 8 countries that attacked Beijing, China, before, you better watch out !
You idiot leaders ! Remember that ! The Whites and others suffer now for the sins of their forefathers.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
I am a Chinese Triad member, see .
So I can revive the slogan 'fun qing fu ming' basing on >日 明 月< = 日+月=明 or sun + moon = Ming or brightness .
That means I am reviving Ming Dynasty.
So you idiot China leaders, beware of this.
Or you appoint me 'emperor of China' as a figure head.
I am using Nature's power to achieve my goal if Fated.
France and Nato keep pounding and attacking the Mali opposition.
They are increasing the sins of murder and have to face the wrath's of Nature.
Violence is not the solution to the Mali problem.
Appoint me the figure head president of Mali will solve the problem.
These people are idiots using violence against violence.
1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
6:15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
6:20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty
6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
Romans 5:5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.
8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.
8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
8:27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.1
2:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
14:7 For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.
14:8 For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord's.
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Today, 15th Jan, there is a big festival in India where the 2 big rivers meet.
This is once every 12 years.
Many Hindus will go ther for bath.
Millions converge there today.
Millions of Sandhus will strip naked and jump into the river.
Camera men will take video showing their nakedness on TV, Youtube, internet etc.
Their privacy is invaded.
Where the 2 rivers meet is actually 'suan kuan', acupuncture point.
This is where our 2 tears flow out, like 2 rivers.
Rivers flow out from Jerusalem is the same meaning.
In the Quran, Moses is supposed to find the place where 2 rivers meet.
So it is stupidity for Hindus to bath in the river as pollution is very high with millions of people dirtying it.
The battle formations in Bhagavad Gita is right eye against left eye.
Khrisna and Arjuna were in between the 2 eyes, at 'suan kuan'.
Arjuna's bow is our eye-brows.
All world leaders, you better move UN HQ from NY to Singapore !
There is no world peace with UN HQ in NY.
Nature will bash you till you move the HQ to Singapore.
See .
Nature is making climate changes and cause people to go mad turning violent.
So fighting will continue in many places.
>日 明 月< = 日+月=明 or sun + moon = Ming or brightness
Sun is right eye, moon is left eye, Ming is 'suan kuan'.
Or Yang, Tao and Yin. Or Jesus, God and Satan.
Or Sun Bodhisattva, Buddha of Medicine and Moon Bodhisattva.
Joining right and left eyes is moving inwards focusing on 'suan kuan'.
You cannot see 'suan kuan', so gaze at nose tip.
This is nasal gaze mentioned in Bhagavad Gita chapter 6.
Therefore by focusing on 'suan kuan' you become a living God or Buddha or Sage etc.
I am reviving the Ming dynasty basing on this.
So other races, beware of this !
If you provoke China or Chinese, you will be punished.
Sealing the Mark on our forehead or Dharma Transmission is in the hands of the Chinese.
You want Salvation, look for I-Kuan Tao group from the Chinese.
Monday, 14 January 2013
I am giving peace and prosperity to China Chinese, not you idiot China leaders.
Abolish death sentence, abortion, one child policy etc to reduce the Nature's wrath on you.
Or appoint a holy man to be figure head president.
Or faster appoint me the figure head president of China the better.
'Suan kuan', the acupuncture point is the Gateway to God or Nature or Tao etc.
'Suan kuan' is the Mercy Seat or Mark on our forehead.
'Suan kuan' is the Seat of God or Buddha or Tao etc on our forehead.
'Suan kuan' is the Seat of Jesus Christ inside us.
'Suan kuan' is the only Gateway, through Christ, to Father or Nature.
Only by getting 'suan kuan' Sealed, then you get to return to Nature.
So Nature will have no mercy on you if you still disbelieve.
Certain Era in the time of Bodhidharma to the time of Hui Neng has to be noted.
Buddhism was on the decline in India so Bodhidharma went over to China to be the 1st Patriarch.
That was a new Era.
Next was when Hui Neng became the 6th Patriarch.
Bodhidharma said 5 petals form a flower.
So the flower was completed after 5th Patriarch.
Hui Neng was another new Era.
Before him it was 1 to 1 transmission of Dharma.
He transmitted to 43 monks the Dharma Seal.
From the 43 lines, only one was correct.
The rest died down peacefully or violently.
The next Era was when transmission was passed to mass people not monks.
I heard from my uncle, White Lotus Sect had the same temple arrangement as I-Kuan Tao.
So White Lotus Sect could be the out-caste of I-Kuan Tao.
Only one direct line is possible.
Now there are many lines of I-Kuan Tao.
When the rest die down, time only can tell.
The Bible gives people the wrong impression of murder.
Cain murdered Abel but was not punished.
And the Bible further states that God put a Mark on his forehead so that if he was killed, 70 people had to die.
Jews took this wrongly as Cain was not a Jew.
Cain was a vegetarian.
He presented the produce of the field to God.
Abel offered burnt animal to God.
Therefore Cain can be said to be forefather of the Chinese or Asians doing farming.
The Jews got the cheek to say, one Jew killed, 70 enemies have to die.
Jews coveted the land of Palestine.
So Jews are the greatest sinners.
Christians are stupid to wait for Jesus to come down from the cloud.
Bible, Malachi chapter 4 says Elijah is coming down.
Elijah is to preach family unity or Confucianism.
Psalms 110 says Melchizedek is to rule and Jesus is only a high priest.
So Melchizedek = Elijah.
Psalms 82 verse 1 says God is judging among Gods.
So it is man judging men.
Son of Perdition = man in Matthew 24 verse 15.
He is not anti-Christ as what most Christians believe.
Christ is the Breath of Life or our spiritual Self or Self Nature inside us at the 'suan kuan' acupuncture point.
People hate this revelation so he is named that way.
I don't preach religion.
I preach that we are all Gods or Buddha or Tao etc etc.
So we are all equal except the prophet.
I use Bible to attack the Jews and Christians.
I use Quran to attack the Muslims.
I use Buddhist sutras to attack the Buddhists.
I use Hindu scriptures to attack the Hindus.
I use sins to attack Lee Kuan Yew, Lee Hsien Loong and PAP government.
Can they sue me ?
I use albino son of Lee Hsien Loong to attack Lee Kuan Yew for his stubborness on death sentence and abortion etc.
His treatment of the Barison Socialis members is another sinful act.
I attack Lee Hsien Loong for bringing in casinos to Singapore.
So now Singapore is on the down turn or rather PAP is going down.
Sunday, 13 January 2013
My weight yesterday, 12th Jan, was 64 kg.
I take 3 apples a day.
Protein is raw sesame seeds, raw almonds and peanuts.
Drink chocolate drink, coffee black and plain water.
Excretion is soft. Eye sight is alright.
1 condition about me is that when I enter air-con place, my palms and soles will become cold and white.
That is why I stop window shopping.
Pope of Vitican, are you a man of Authority ?
Why you must have bullet proof vehicle ?
You have no trust in God ?
You have no trust in Christ ?
I have trust in God or Christ.
So any one can come to me and kill me if you want.
I don't fear death.
My death is Fated by God.
If God Fated me Melchizedek or Elijah or Son of Perdition etc are you higher than me ?
You idiot could not get hold of all your Catholics, so you are man without authority.
We are all Gods or Sons of God.
Pope ! you know this ?
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
1 Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
King of Thailand, why you so stupid holding to your throne ?
Your sins and Thailand's sins are affecting Thailand.
Idiot ! you know or not !
Japanese emperor, why you stupid to hold on ?
Your sins and Japan's sins are weighing on the Japanese.
You idiot not knowing this ?
Queen Elizabeth II, why be an idiot on the throne ?
Britishs are suffering because of your sins and England's sins.
Queen of Holland, don't be idiot holding to the throne.
Dutches are suffering because of your sins and Holland's sins.
Abe, you idiot PM of Japan, don't be too arrogant.
You better know how many Chinese your forefathers killed before and during World War II.
If those killed are to take one for one, how many Japanese have to die ?
Japan is on a fault line, a volcano area and typhoon area.
You want Japan to sink 10 metres ?
Or you want all the volcanoes to erupt and explode in Japan ?
Or you want massive typhoons to storm Japan ?
You idiot, you better wake up.
Tiao Yu Island belongs to China, a historical fact.
Rhukyu islands were Chinese vessel but you occupied them.
You also took Taiwan.
Only Taiwan was returned.
All I-Kuan Tao groups, you better pay allegance to me.
There are so many branches now.
Some will die off peacefully or violently.
Promote the 3 Treasure as meditation tool.
This is the only way you can go straight.
Remove all statues on the altar and place a big mirror at the back.
So when you pray, you can see yourself in the reflection.
Tao is in everyone.
But you idiot Taoists pray to idols.
Cultivate yourself and you become sage.
So what is the use of praying to idols or ancestors ? .
Meditate and achieve your goal.
Stupid to pray to idols even Lao Tzu.
'Suan kuan' the acupuncture point is the Seat of Tao inside us.
Our Mind is the Buddha.
So why you idiot Buddhists pray to idol Buddha or Boddhisattvas ?
Monk-hood is giving up all world affairs.
But you idiot lamas indulge in politics.
Monks should be vegetarians.
This is helpful for meditation.
Taking of meat is taking life in the blood.
So you see Hinayana monks are not so helpful for the country.
Hinayana monks are good in meditation only for self cultivation.
Mahayana monks are helpful for the country.
They promote goodwill.
There are many methods of meditation.
Only one is perfect. That is my nasal gaze meditation. .
Come and challenge me if you think yours is superior.
If you visit me from oversea, you can stay in my house.
I have a room with double decker bed.
My address is :-
Block 409, Pandan Gardens, #03-69, Singapore 600409.
Sms me +65 93548052 before you come.
I am helping you all by providing my profile photo to hang in your home for protection.
Treat it as talisman or Buddhist Tanka or Lucky Charm etc.
Next I provide you nasal gaze meditation to practise. .
This manual can also be hang in your home for protection because of many quotes from scriptures.
Next is the handshake with me so I can past my energy to you.
This energy can last about 7 day of luck for you.
Or you can search for I-Kuan Tao group and get your Mark on your forehead Sealed.
This Sealing is the gateway to return to God or Nature.
Sealing cannot change your Fate.
Only by meditation then you can change your Fate.
Another item is vegetarian diet.
World is transforming, so all animals, birds, fishes, reptiles etc will die.
Then you have no meat to eat.
So be a vegetarian first before it is too late.
Noah was a vegetarian or fruitarian and can live up to 1,000 years.
I like to attack King David for his many sins.
Bible painted him as a prophet.
To me it was Fate.
But his many sins cannot be written off.
He ate the offering in the Temple.
He killed many people.
But his own son raped his many concubines, he did nothing.
His assistant caused his son's death. Also he did nothing.
He asked Solomon to finish him off for him.
He committed adultery and cause the lover's husband to die in front line battle.
Solomon was borne from the union.
So Jews were condemned.
So Bible is to be condemned for writing such stories.
Read the books of kings for details.
I preach Confucianism using King David as example. .
So I advocated appointing holy man as figure head president.
Decline of Buddhism in India is a setback for India.
The Transmission Line of Dharma or called Sealing the Mark on the forehead is now in the hands of the Chinese.
So this is a Chinese century before the END.
India has to use English to unite the country.
This is a disgrace to use foreign language.
India has caste system and dowry paid by brides.
These are the drawbacks for India.
We are all Gods so we are all equal.
Caste system is a disgrace to humanity.
I think the Aryan implemented the system to control the dark skin Indians.
Dowry paid by brides is an Amazon custom.
Certain Indian villages still have this custom of women running the show.
My Myspace friend sent me this:-
I think it is a site of prostitutes of Filipinas.
I am not happy that pornography is so easily provided in the net.
I get pornography from Yahoo.
I saw pornography in Hotmail also.
Even Facebook, if you search, you can find pornography.
I think Youtube also has pornography or adult material.
So all these are provided by the West and America.
If you study well Revelation chapter 17, God is going to punish countries promoting pornography.
Therefore I don't pity the West and America.
God Fated this to be.
White races are on the decline.
White races interpret the Bible upside-down.
So they disobey the 10 Commandments and covet other lands.
They have no filial piety to parents.
Friday, 4 January 2013
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Happy New Year 2013
I am doing self cultivation at home.
Or you can say doing 'wu wei' of Taoism at home.
Self cultivation is mainly nasal gaze meditation.
See .
Next is on diet.
For others, it is vegetarian diet.
For me , it is fruits diet.
I practise tongue lock whole day.
Tongue lock is 2nd part of nasal gaze meditation.
Roll up your tongue, tip touching palate, the soft palate the better.
This is energy circulation according to Taoist Yoga.
I am helping you all by providing my profile photo to hang in your home for protection.
Treat it as talisman or Buddhist Tanka or Lucky Charm etc.
Next I provide you nasal gaze meditation to practise. .
This manual can also be hang in your home for protection because of many quotes from scriptures.
Next is the handshake with me so I can past my energy to you.
This energy can last about 7 day of luck for you.
Or you can serch for I-Kuan Tao group and get your Mark on your forehead Sealed.
This Sealing is the gateway to return to God or Nature.
Sealing cannot change your Fate.
Only by meditation then you can change your Fate.
Another item is vegetarian diet.
World is transforming, so all animals, birds, fishes, reptiles etc will die.
Then you have no meat to eat.
So be a vegetarian first before it is too late.
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