Monday, 29 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 24
第 二 十 四 章
跂 者 不 立 , 跨 者 不 行 , 自 見 者 不 明 , 自 是 者 不 彰 。 自 伐 者 無 功 , 自 矜 者 不 長 。 其 在 道 也 , 曰 餘 食 贅 行 。 物 或 惡 之 , 故 有 道 者 不 處 也 。
Seekers will not be established; long strikes would not work; Self opinioned cannot be enlightened; self conceited will fail; boasting will give you little result; arrogant and you cannot last long. All these belong to Tao; the saying: 'remnants of food or a tumour on the body, which all dislike. hence those with Tao will not let them space to enter'.
Seek for Tao, you cannot find it. Tao is just nasal gaze, and the mind thinking of nothing.
The Tao inside us is a VOID. It is the 'suan kuan' acu point at our nose bridge, in between our 2 eyes. Even nasal gaze cannot see this point. It is the focus or concentration at this point, that we can sense the movement of energy running in our body.
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Awful Horror
Daodejing Poem 25
Having things mixed to form a product, but first the sky and earth must be created. So silent, so aloof and so alone, it changes not, nor fails, but touches all; it can be the mother of sky and earth. I do not know its name; a name for it is Tao or Way and designates it as great. Great means outgoing, outgoing means far, far means return. So Tao is great, the sky is great, the earth is great, people (ren) is also great. Within the realm there are 4 great things, and people (ren) stands among them. People (ren) conforms to the earth; earth conforms to the sky; the sky conforms to the Tao; Tao's phenomenon is nature.
4 great things, but 1 is Tao, unseen, untouchable. Therefore it is only 3 things, the trinity. When Tao creates these 3 things, the others will be formed.
King is in place here instead of people. This Chinese version is from King is to signify the king's role in achieving world peace. See poems 32 and 37.
Tao is a return when the time is ripe. Now the time is up for all to return.
Friday, 26 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 26
Heavy is the roots of the light; quietness is the master of worry. Therefore the Sage performs his duty daily with consideration of the consequences. Even with disturbances and beautiful sight, he keeps his paces at peace as per normal. How can one who commands ten thousand officers, uses his body to entertain the merriment of the world? Engross in merriment will loose one's roots; worry will loose one's stature.
A general message for the Sage King.
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 27

A good walk leaves no tracks. A good speech has no flaws to censure. A good calculator uses no tallies. A good door is well shut without bolts and cannot be opened. A good know is tied without rope and cannot be loosen. Therefore the Sage always helps people, so that none are cast aside; he is always saving things, so that none are thrown away. This is called applied intelligence. That is why the good man is the bad man's teacher; and the bad man is the good man's business. If one does not respect his teacher, or the other does not love his business, it is a very great error. This is indeed an important secret.
General message for the Sage King. So all the evil people on earth are my business. That is to say you have to treat your enemies as your loved ones.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 28

Know your yang, guard your yin so to be a canyon to the whole world. As a canyon to the whole world, always adhere to virtue and not to loose them, return to the roots as if you are a baby. Know your white, guard your black, to be a model to the world. As a model to the world, always adhere to virtue, not committing error, return to the empty Void. Know your honour and glory, guard your shame, to be a valley to the world. As a valley to the world, always adhere to virtue with abundant strength, return to the virgin block of wood. The virgin block of wood separates into various tools, the Sage can use them, therefore becomes the Chief Officer (king) because one with great knowledge does not cut and carve.
The virgin block of wood refers to our nose pin-pointing the Mystic Portal by the Chinese word 木 for wood. After studying all scriptures, you will know how to execute your spiritual power.
2nd to 4th lines are as below:-
知其白○守其黑○為天下式○ 為天下式○常德不忒○復歸於無極○知其榮○守其辱○為天下谷○為天下谷○常德乃足○復歸於樸○ 樸散則為器○聖人用之○則為官
Yang is your right eye and yin is your left eye. Focusing inwards to the 'suan kuan' or Mark on our forehead, is to make use of it or in communion with the One inside us.
It is only the Sage King who can execute these moves here in order to achieve world peace and get all people back to the origin.
Monday, 22 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 29

Using violence to conquer the whole world, from what I see, the executioner will never succeed. The world is a sacred vessel not to be owned by anyone. Tinkering to conquer will spoil, usurpers will lose it. For indeed things either move forward or lag behind, either hot or cold, either strong or weak, either vigorous or worn out. So the Sage forgo extreme inclinations, sweeping judgments and a life of excesses.
This message is to say that only non violence then can conquer the world. That is inaction or 'wu wei'.
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 30

Using Tao to assist man it is not to use army to conquer the world. Its sequence is far off. Where there is army, there briars spring up. After completion of war, there follows years of suffering. Kindness will get its fruit only, not by force he obtains. Obtaining his fruit he does not boast, brag and celebrate. The fruit can not be taken as it is, for fruit is not taken by force. Things strong will get old, this suits not the Way of Tao. Not to suit the Way of Tao is early death.
Using Tao is to meditate my meditation style or focusing on the Mark on your forehead to build up your spiritual power. To conquer the world is to conquer self. So you comments and actions can influence the world. This is why I set up websites and blogs to spread my message, in a way is to influence the world.
Using blunt force or military power to conquer is against Tao. That is not the way and it is early death.
The Way is a return and only the Chosen One can spread the message world wide. Others have to stick to their own routine.
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 31

Original Chinese texts are slightly different in sequence.
Military weapons are for ignorant people to use. Men of Tao do not use them but use own spiritual power. So for the past few thousand years, people clamour for gain, pride, coveteousness etc by using military forces on others. History books have all the stories even the Bible.
In this age of Melchizedek or evil and Dharma ending, it is the spiritual force that is supreme. So Singapore been a small island country can rule the whole world. This is because Singapore is the Patmos Island in Revelation chapter 1.
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
道德經 Daodejing Poem 32

The earth and sky would then conspire to bring the sweet dew down; and evenly it would be given to folk without constraining power.
Creatures came to be with order's birth, and once they had appeared, came also knowledge of repose, and with that was security.
In this world, compare those of the Way to torrents that flow into river and sea.
(Tao is the name to signifies the Way, which is nameless. Although an unseen dot on us, It covers the world. So wise king making use of it will bring world peace. The rain will fall and the 4 seasons orderly. The Tao can be said as to go back to its source, the ocean. Tao in us are gods, Tao in ocean is like God, so we are going back to the Origin, which is no different from us as water in rain drop will merge with the water in the ocean. Where then can you find the rain drops in the ocean?)
The verse in bold is about the same as in poem 37. That is to say if the king can do inaction, the world will transform by itself. This is to say this Sage King will bring world peace. Therefore I advocate an ideal political system whereby the president is appointed without political power. He should be a married man with at least a son. No son means not perfect. His main duty is to meditate my type and eat vegetarian food. See .
In the latter I did not mention about this verse. I got the idea recently or rather when I made comment on this poem in .
The Tao inside us is like a droplet, so when it merges with the ocean it becomes One with the ocean. Therefore we are all One.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 33

It is wisdom to know people, it is enlightenment to know one's self. Conqueror of men is powerful, the master of one's self is strong. It is prosperity to be contented. It is guts to force one's way on others. It is lasting not to lose one's place. To die but your spirit lives on is eternal.
General advice.
To die but lives eternally is your spirit goes back to the source, the VOID. To return you need to have the Mark on your forehead Sealed. The Mark on your forehead is the Gateway to return.
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 34

The great Tao overflows and spreads on every side. All being comes from it, no creature is denied. After having called them forth, it calls not one its own. It feeds and clothes them all and will not be their lord. Always without desire, it can be named as small, but all things return to it which claims not their host. Therefore it can be named great. For it always regards itself as not great, so it can achieve its greatness.
Tao is a VOID, so people treat IT as not great. Only divine people treat IT as great. IT is neutral but creates all.
Saturday, 13 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 35

Grasp the great form, the world goes back to the past. Return to the past has no harm, it is calm, peaceful and at ease. For merriment and food, traveler stops. The gate of Tao seems thin and flavourless; looking for it, you cannot see; hear from it, you heard nothing; but when used, it is inexhaustible.
Advice message - Seeking Tao is a return to the origin. It is peaceful, calm and at ease. Others seeking merriment and fun will like to stop and enjoy. We are just travellers, so we cannot set roots on earth, like visiting a country and after so much enjoyment, you tend not to return home.
The gateway of Tao is a Void. You cannot see or hear it. However you can make use of it when doing meditation.
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Daodejing Poem 36

What is to be shrunken is first stretched out. What is to be weaken is first made strong. What is to be trashed is first raised up. What is to be possessed is first made familiar. This is called mean intelligence. The gentle way will overcome the hard and strong. Fish should not be out of the pool, so the country's weapons are not to be displayed to others.
This is the advice to the Sage King to apply the doctrine of the mean.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Role of Singapore
Singapore time 7.04 am 9th September 2008
Singapore is the Patmos Island in Revelation chapter 1 because Jesus Christ is revealed by me here. It is not the real Patmos Island in the Mediterranean Sea.
As I am here, Singapore will be the new HOLY LAND. Read Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21 that God or Nature is to destroy Jerusalem. And I think something will also happen to Mecca where the stone is. This stone might disappear.
Singapore will influence the whole world. So what happen here can affect the world. As long as I am not recognised here, there will be disasters all over the world. My rightful place is the Singapore Presidency post. I don't have to do anything just inaction 'wu wei', and the world will rectify by itself.
So if Singaporeans do not want to see suffering all over the world, they have to appoint me as their president. Me at this post, then the world can have GREAT HARMONY.
See and .
Singapore is the Patmos Island in Revelation chapter 1 because Jesus Christ is revealed by me here. It is not the real Patmos Island in the Mediterranean Sea.
As I am here, Singapore will be the new HOLY LAND. Read Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21 that God or Nature is to destroy Jerusalem. And I think something will also happen to Mecca where the stone is. This stone might disappear.
Singapore will influence the whole world. So what happen here can affect the world. As long as I am not recognised here, there will be disasters all over the world. My rightful place is the Singapore Presidency post. I don't have to do anything just inaction 'wu wei', and the world will rectify by itself.
So if Singaporeans do not want to see suffering all over the world, they have to appoint me as their president. Me at this post, then the world can have GREAT HARMONY.
See and .
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Who Am I ?
Singapore time 8.59 am 7th September 2008
Am I Melchizedek written in Psalms 110 and Hebrews chapter 7 ?
Am I the One putting up the Awful Horror in Matthew chapter 24 verse 15 ?
Am I the Son of Man in Luke chapter 17 verse 26 ?
Am I the Son of Perdition in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 ?
Am I Elijah in Malachi chapter 4 ?
Am I the Evil One forcing people to have the Mark on their forehead in Revelation ?
Am I the Praised One or Ahmed in Quran surah 61 verse 6 and a conqueror in verse 9 ?
Am I Maitreya Buddha expounding the 4-line stanza of Diamond Sutra and expounding the Visualising Sutra ?
Am I the Sage King in I-Ching 1st hexagram climbing up the 6 steps to the throne ?
Am I the king in Daodejing 32 and 37 doing inaction so that the people can transform by themselves ?
Am I the Sage King that is cultivating self, regulating the family, curing the country and then bringing world peace in Daxue ?
Am I Melchizedek written in Psalms 110 and Hebrews chapter 7 ?
Am I the One putting up the Awful Horror in Matthew chapter 24 verse 15 ?
Am I the Son of Man in Luke chapter 17 verse 26 ?
Am I the Son of Perdition in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 ?
Am I Elijah in Malachi chapter 4 ?
Am I the Evil One forcing people to have the Mark on their forehead in Revelation ?
Am I the Praised One or Ahmed in Quran surah 61 verse 6 and a conqueror in verse 9 ?
Am I Maitreya Buddha expounding the 4-line stanza of Diamond Sutra and expounding the Visualising Sutra ?
Am I the Sage King in I-Ching 1st hexagram climbing up the 6 steps to the throne ?
Am I the king in Daodejing 32 and 37 doing inaction so that the people can transform by themselves ?
Am I the Sage King that is cultivating self, regulating the family, curing the country and then bringing world peace in Daxue ?
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Awful Horror

I am putting this Awful Horror as mentioned in Matthew chapter 24 verse 15. This is my explanation of Hebrews chapter 9 verse 2 to 5, to show that the Mercy Seat is the Mark on our forehead.
This Mark has to be Sealed. See Revelation chapter 7. 144,000 Jews are figurative. It should be all human beings.
So by this announcement, the DOOM is here. Expect all the retribution that Nature is to throw on earth. See Revelation, Mark chapter 13 and Luke chapter 21.
Confirming Awful Horror

This is to confirm the Awful Horror I will put up shortly. I use Quran Surah 48 verse 29 to confirm the Mark on our forehead as shown in the image of corn plant and comparing it with the eyes below.
I also explain Visualising Sutra to show that the Bodhikaya of Amita Buddha is at the Mark on our forehead.
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