Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Retire At 62 ?

Singapore time 1.30 pm 3rd July 2007

I am presently retired. I am only 56. It is up to you whether you want to work or retire. Put your life in your own hand, not let the government to drag you by the nose. They can legistrate new law to extend the retirement age to 65, and also the release of CPF minimum sum from then on. PAP is the government , what they want to do is up to them, since they have the two third majority in parliament. If you want to blame, just blame yourself why you want to vote for them. It is you Singaporeans who put them there, so don't blame others.

Life and death is in the hand of Nature. Why be so hard on life. Take it easy and let Nature takes its course. Why must you want to have 5 Cs. Are they so important to your life ? When you die, what will happen to them ? Can you bring them to your grave or after life ?

Don't let peer pressure to drag you down. If your relatives have big houses and big cars, don't follow them. Just stick to your budget. Don't ever go into debt to live a life of luxury. Frugal is the right word to everyone.

We come to earth is not to get rich or famous. We are just visitors on earth. Just treat it as a visit because we have to go home to our source. Earth is not our home. So don't get too engrossed into earthly life.

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