Sunday 8 July 2007

Dealing With Iran

Singapore time 8.55 am 8th July 2007

Iran is a moderate country. Although they are fundamental, they have limited democratic election which is seldom carried out in Arab kingdoms.

They are Shiite and are subjected to intimination by the Sunni Muslims in the world. To deal with them is to talk to them. They should be reasonable when you talk politely to them, not drumming your policies down their throat.

Iran has said they pursue a nuclear policy for peaceful means. The West should believe them and send inpectors to look into their plants and at the same time have survellance to check for any secret programme for nuclear bomb making.

Get more people to visit the country to promote tourism there, so Iranians can be helped to get richer and be exposed to foreign culture. This is a way they might go secular instead of funamental. The more richer they are, the more they will be secular.

If you bar or sanction them to make the Iranians poor, they will definitely turn radical. Why make enemy instead of making friend ?

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