Singapore time 9.15 am July 30th 2007
Using my Confucianism to salvage the world, there is another solution. If I have a son in each country in the world, then I can influence the world without doing anything.
So if you women want to salvage your country, willing to sacrifice yourself, you can come forward to me and make baby, preferably a son. I am poor so you have to come to me.
I stay in Singapore, an island below the Malaysia peninsular. My home is at Pandan Gardens, my block is 409. Unit number is #03-69. Singapore postal code is 600409.
You must be single or never have a baby before. Seperated or divorced women are still eligible if you have not given birth or done abortion.
Monday, 30 July 2007
Spam on Pornography

Singapore time 9 am 30th July 2007
My Yahoo mail alway has spams from pornography promoters. An example is the above image. I received many images from different people on this url. I just hope all countries in the world can ban this sort of nonsense in the net. It is degrading to the world.
One server that has some link to pornography is The sex link leads to nude galleries of where you can see naked girls or young women. Images are something like the above.
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Singaporeans Becoming Barbarians ?
Singapore time 10.36 am 25th July 2007
Today and yestarday I visited Xiaxue's blog to look at the issue she raised about Steven Lim. After going through it, I find that she uses vulgarity to spice up her blog. Also many commentators use vulgarity.
I used to take part the forum in Google group soc.culture.singapore and others. There most posters also use vulgarity.
If this is carried on, we might become a nation of barbarians.
In the '70s, I use to board British tankers. The junior officers like to use vulgarity in their speech. I find this disgusting.
In the '90s I ferry pessengers in my taxi. Once I took 2 Indian young women from Britain and I was shocked the way they spoke. They used the same vulgarity as the British officers in tankers.
We are a nation of mostly Asians. Are we aping the British to speak the way they do ? I call this barbarian language. I would not mind if you use Hokien, Indian or Malay vulgar words as they are your mother tongue. But if you use English vulgarity in your words, you are considered barbarians.
Today and yestarday I visited Xiaxue's blog to look at the issue she raised about Steven Lim. After going through it, I find that she uses vulgarity to spice up her blog. Also many commentators use vulgarity.
I used to take part the forum in Google group soc.culture.singapore and others. There most posters also use vulgarity.
If this is carried on, we might become a nation of barbarians.
In the '70s, I use to board British tankers. The junior officers like to use vulgarity in their speech. I find this disgusting.
In the '90s I ferry pessengers in my taxi. Once I took 2 Indian young women from Britain and I was shocked the way they spoke. They used the same vulgarity as the British officers in tankers.
We are a nation of mostly Asians. Are we aping the British to speak the way they do ? I call this barbarian language. I would not mind if you use Hokien, Indian or Malay vulgar words as they are your mother tongue. But if you use English vulgarity in your words, you are considered barbarians.
Monday, 23 July 2007
My Confucianism
Singapore time 10.15 am 23rd July 2007
India just elected their first woman president, so for the next 5 years, their fortune is not too rosy.
Next year Americans are going to elect their president. If Nature wants to punish America, IT will make the Americans crazy and they will elect their first woman president.
Just remember what I wrote today and see the answer in future.
I just saw 8 Days on brief details of the TV show Qing Dynasty. The Qing had a boy emperor before they invaded and occupy China. This is application of my Confucianism.
This emperor abdicated or died in absence and pass the throne to his son, only a boy. This boy, I think was Kangxi ruled wisely following his grandfather's dying words to rule the Manchu and Han equally. This is why the Manchu was the longest dynasty in China.
India just elected their first woman president, so for the next 5 years, their fortune is not too rosy.
Next year Americans are going to elect their president. If Nature wants to punish America, IT will make the Americans crazy and they will elect their first woman president.
Just remember what I wrote today and see the answer in future.
I just saw 8 Days on brief details of the TV show Qing Dynasty. The Qing had a boy emperor before they invaded and occupy China. This is application of my Confucianism.
This emperor abdicated or died in absence and pass the throne to his son, only a boy. This boy, I think was Kangxi ruled wisely following his grandfather's dying words to rule the Manchu and Han equally. This is why the Manchu was the longest dynasty in China.
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Shares Trading
Singapore time 12.45 pm 18th July 2007
This morning I bought 10 lots of GMG Global at S$0.14. Due to bad report or maybe rumour investors were dumping the shares yesterday. To me it is a golden opportunity to buy at low price. My previous purchase was at S$0.155 (lots sold). I like this counter because they have plantations in Cameron and other African states. If I can extend my spiritual influence there using this GMG counter, it will be most helpful.
Counter like Informatics has many branches in other countries. This is helpful for my influence there.
I bought Gems TV and Thai Beverage is to extend my influence to Thailand and UK.
I bought Berlian Laju is to extend my influence to Indonesia.
This morning I bought 10 lots of GMG Global at S$0.14. Due to bad report or maybe rumour investors were dumping the shares yesterday. To me it is a golden opportunity to buy at low price. My previous purchase was at S$0.155 (lots sold). I like this counter because they have plantations in Cameron and other African states. If I can extend my spiritual influence there using this GMG counter, it will be most helpful.
Counter like Informatics has many branches in other countries. This is helpful for my influence there.
I bought Gems TV and Thai Beverage is to extend my influence to Thailand and UK.
I bought Berlian Laju is to extend my influence to Indonesia.
Saturday, 14 July 2007
Christopher Lee PR Status
Singapore time 8.25 am 14th July 2007
After committing crime Singapore PR will be subjected to review of their PR status. This is a clear cut pressure to PR and new Singapore citizens from other countries to behave properly in Singapore.
So during general election, I think most of these foreign born Singapore citizens will vote for the PAP. There is fear in most of them if their vote is found to be for the opposition. This is unlikely but people are emotional. The episode of Christopher Lee drunken driving court case is striking them in fear.
My advice is this, vote at your own discretion. Voting is secret. If they dare to open the ballot boxes for investigation, then they, the PAP, can be easily toppled. Justice is on the round. The world disasters and climate changes are sign justice is in hand.
After committing crime Singapore PR will be subjected to review of their PR status. This is a clear cut pressure to PR and new Singapore citizens from other countries to behave properly in Singapore.
So during general election, I think most of these foreign born Singapore citizens will vote for the PAP. There is fear in most of them if their vote is found to be for the opposition. This is unlikely but people are emotional. The episode of Christopher Lee drunken driving court case is striking them in fear.
My advice is this, vote at your own discretion. Voting is secret. If they dare to open the ballot boxes for investigation, then they, the PAP, can be easily toppled. Justice is on the round. The world disasters and climate changes are sign justice is in hand.
Shares Trading
Singapore time 8.18 am 14th July 2007
Yesterday I got S$20 dividend from Eucon shares.
My application for IPOs were rejected
Share prices are now very high. I have to decide with more thinking which shre counter to buy. My holding of shares have not reach the profit margin for me to sell. So I have to hold them.
Yesterday I got S$20 dividend from Eucon shares.
My application for IPOs were rejected
Share prices are now very high. I have to decide with more thinking which shre counter to buy. My holding of shares have not reach the profit margin for me to sell. So I have to hold them.
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Shares Trading
Singapore time 2.40 pm 11th July 2007
Today I bought 11 lots of HLH at S$0.10, another 10 lots of Eucon at S$0.16.
Today I bought 11 lots of HLH at S$0.10, another 10 lots of Eucon at S$0.16.
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Monday, 9 July 2007
Renewing Passport
Singapore time 4 pm 9th July 2007
Today I went to renew my passport and was a bit lost in ICA building. I went to the 2nd floor counter for application for new or renewing passport and was directed to go downstairs, 1st floor to pay by nets and drop the form into the box. The net machine is new to me so I read the instruction but cannot get going. A lady helped me to do it but was unable to slot the card. The picture shows different side of the card. We managed to slot it in the opposite direction from the picture in the instruction.
If the instruction is provided in the letter they sent to us before we go there, we might have less problem going to the reception for application then go down to the net machine. We can directly go straight to the net machine and settled the form straight away. Also this is not good, in case there is mistake, there is no one to check the form. It will be more troublesome if we are called up to amend any mistake, like not signing the form, put the date etc.
Most Singaporeans are educated at least up to primary 6, so more instruction should be given to them before they go to ICA. Instruction on net payment should be given and how to use the machine. Many are first time using the machine by themselves. At shop, the sales person does the initial punching before lettting us to key in the code. Even sloting the card is done by the sales person.
I hope Immigration department should improve their services further.
Today I went to renew my passport and was a bit lost in ICA building. I went to the 2nd floor counter for application for new or renewing passport and was directed to go downstairs, 1st floor to pay by nets and drop the form into the box. The net machine is new to me so I read the instruction but cannot get going. A lady helped me to do it but was unable to slot the card. The picture shows different side of the card. We managed to slot it in the opposite direction from the picture in the instruction.
If the instruction is provided in the letter they sent to us before we go there, we might have less problem going to the reception for application then go down to the net machine. We can directly go straight to the net machine and settled the form straight away. Also this is not good, in case there is mistake, there is no one to check the form. It will be more troublesome if we are called up to amend any mistake, like not signing the form, put the date etc.
Most Singaporeans are educated at least up to primary 6, so more instruction should be given to them before they go to ICA. Instruction on net payment should be given and how to use the machine. Many are first time using the machine by themselves. At shop, the sales person does the initial punching before lettting us to key in the code. Even sloting the card is done by the sales person.
I hope Immigration department should improve their services further.
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Dealing With Iran
Singapore time 8.55 am 8th July 2007
Iran is a moderate country. Although they are fundamental, they have limited democratic election which is seldom carried out in Arab kingdoms.
They are Shiite and are subjected to intimination by the Sunni Muslims in the world. To deal with them is to talk to them. They should be reasonable when you talk politely to them, not drumming your policies down their throat.
Iran has said they pursue a nuclear policy for peaceful means. The West should believe them and send inpectors to look into their plants and at the same time have survellance to check for any secret programme for nuclear bomb making.
Get more people to visit the country to promote tourism there, so Iranians can be helped to get richer and be exposed to foreign culture. This is a way they might go secular instead of funamental. The more richer they are, the more they will be secular.
If you bar or sanction them to make the Iranians poor, they will definitely turn radical. Why make enemy instead of making friend ?
Iran is a moderate country. Although they are fundamental, they have limited democratic election which is seldom carried out in Arab kingdoms.
They are Shiite and are subjected to intimination by the Sunni Muslims in the world. To deal with them is to talk to them. They should be reasonable when you talk politely to them, not drumming your policies down their throat.
Iran has said they pursue a nuclear policy for peaceful means. The West should believe them and send inpectors to look into their plants and at the same time have survellance to check for any secret programme for nuclear bomb making.
Get more people to visit the country to promote tourism there, so Iranians can be helped to get richer and be exposed to foreign culture. This is a way they might go secular instead of funamental. The more richer they are, the more they will be secular.
If you bar or sanction them to make the Iranians poor, they will definitely turn radical. Why make enemy instead of making friend ?
Friday, 6 July 2007
Hamas In Gaza
Singapore time 12.48 pm 6th July 2007
Hamas was elected as the majority government in Palestine. The West does not want to talk to them and Israel does not want to deal with them. They, the Hamas is the chosen representives of the Palestinian people, if the rest of the world do not want to deal with them, they can still survive with limited resources from radical Muslims. But the people there will suffer. Those liberals will leave Gaza leaving behind only fundalmentalists.
What the world Muslims will look at this treatment of Palestinians by the West and the liberal Muslim countries like Eygpt and Jordan, this picture will have a bad influence on them. They might want to join the radicals.
What the West have to do is talk to them and provide needed aids to the poor suffering refugees there. If you don't negotiate with them, it is tantamount to say the Palestinians have to die or surrender. Democracy is brought to the Palestinians. And if the result is rejected by the West, why introduce democracy in the first place ? You are saying Saudi and other Muslim kingdoms do not need democracy any more if the people want to vote for the radical parties.
Hamas might be radical at the moment but they can be negotiated to make peace since they are now the elected representives. It is no use using pressure to force them to give up violence. For democracy to work, let them run the country and talk with them for peace at the same time. In due time they will cool down their vengence for revenge agsainst Israel.
I doubt this will happen because people are now very stubborn and will only want to use violence or force to settle scores. This is the sign the DOOM IS NEAR,
Hamas was elected as the majority government in Palestine. The West does not want to talk to them and Israel does not want to deal with them. They, the Hamas is the chosen representives of the Palestinian people, if the rest of the world do not want to deal with them, they can still survive with limited resources from radical Muslims. But the people there will suffer. Those liberals will leave Gaza leaving behind only fundalmentalists.
What the world Muslims will look at this treatment of Palestinians by the West and the liberal Muslim countries like Eygpt and Jordan, this picture will have a bad influence on them. They might want to join the radicals.
What the West have to do is talk to them and provide needed aids to the poor suffering refugees there. If you don't negotiate with them, it is tantamount to say the Palestinians have to die or surrender. Democracy is brought to the Palestinians. And if the result is rejected by the West, why introduce democracy in the first place ? You are saying Saudi and other Muslim kingdoms do not need democracy any more if the people want to vote for the radical parties.
Hamas might be radical at the moment but they can be negotiated to make peace since they are now the elected representives. It is no use using pressure to force them to give up violence. For democracy to work, let them run the country and talk with them for peace at the same time. In due time they will cool down their vengence for revenge agsainst Israel.
I doubt this will happen because people are now very stubborn and will only want to use violence or force to settle scores. This is the sign the DOOM IS NEAR,
Shares Trading
Singapore time 12.45 pm 6th July 2007
This morning I sold 14 lots of Informatics at S$0.085 over 15 lots at S$0.065, making about S$130 and balance 1 lot. I also bought 1 lot of Thai Beverage at S$0.265.
This morning I sold 14 lots of Informatics at S$0.085 over 15 lots at S$0.065, making about S$130 and balance 1 lot. I also bought 1 lot of Thai Beverage at S$0.265.
Thursday, 5 July 2007
Shares Trading
Singapore time 11.15 am 5th July 2007
I just sold 9 lots of IPC Corp at S$0.21 over my 10 lots at S$0.175, balance 1 lot I am keeping. I also bought 1 lot of Berlian Laju at S$0.335.
Yesterday I made about S$220. Today I make about S$50 taking the balance 1 lot as a bonus. So total is about S$270 so far. I am in no hurry to make more money because I have S$367 cash from GST credit. This is enough for my monthly expenses.
I just sold 9 lots of IPC Corp at S$0.21 over my 10 lots at S$0.175, balance 1 lot I am keeping. I also bought 1 lot of Berlian Laju at S$0.335.
Yesterday I made about S$220. Today I make about S$50 taking the balance 1 lot as a bonus. So total is about S$270 so far. I am in no hurry to make more money because I have S$367 cash from GST credit. This is enough for my monthly expenses.
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Taxi Woes
Singapore time 11.35 am 4th July 2007
So much complains are voiced in newspaper forum and other forums against the bad shape of taxi situation in Singapore.
To remedy the solution, the government should let more free play to individuals who want to own their taxis. Presently most taxis are controlled by companies, with some yellow top private taxis still plying. The latter will die off once the owner retires or dies.
When taxi driver rent the cab from the company, he seldom take care of the taxi. His main objective is to make as much money as possible in his shift. So taxi is overworked and rough handed. Damage is mount to occur so repair has to be covered, therefore rental will be high.
However for ownership taxi, the taxi driver will take good care of the taxi so his repair cost will be minimum. Just look at the situation in Hong Kong. I think majority of the cabs there are under ownership scheme rather than under company control. So the service there should be better.
In Singapore, the government think otherwise. They want their own cronies to own taxis so profit goes to them. Lately small companies join the taxi fleets but how are they going to compete with the biggest taxi operator, the ComfortDelgro which owns almost 16,000 taxis out of the 21,000 or so taxis in Singapore.
The attitude of present day taxi driver is just to make profit for himself. He does not have to bear the repair cost, as long as he make good money, he can work the taxi 24 hours a day if he can. Sharp cornering can cause suspension damage and tire wear off one sided. Inproper change of gear can cause the gear to damage faster. There are other inproper driving that cause damag to the cab.
Taxi owner usually take good care of his taxi and will scold the relief driver if the relief drives inproperly. He can even sack him. In this manner his overall cost a month will be low, so he can still make good money with a tip top condition cab.
If the government still want to control too much of taxi transportation, the taxi woe in Singapore can never end.
So much complains are voiced in newspaper forum and other forums against the bad shape of taxi situation in Singapore.
To remedy the solution, the government should let more free play to individuals who want to own their taxis. Presently most taxis are controlled by companies, with some yellow top private taxis still plying. The latter will die off once the owner retires or dies.
When taxi driver rent the cab from the company, he seldom take care of the taxi. His main objective is to make as much money as possible in his shift. So taxi is overworked and rough handed. Damage is mount to occur so repair has to be covered, therefore rental will be high.
However for ownership taxi, the taxi driver will take good care of the taxi so his repair cost will be minimum. Just look at the situation in Hong Kong. I think majority of the cabs there are under ownership scheme rather than under company control. So the service there should be better.
In Singapore, the government think otherwise. They want their own cronies to own taxis so profit goes to them. Lately small companies join the taxi fleets but how are they going to compete with the biggest taxi operator, the ComfortDelgro which owns almost 16,000 taxis out of the 21,000 or so taxis in Singapore.
The attitude of present day taxi driver is just to make profit for himself. He does not have to bear the repair cost, as long as he make good money, he can work the taxi 24 hours a day if he can. Sharp cornering can cause suspension damage and tire wear off one sided. Inproper change of gear can cause the gear to damage faster. There are other inproper driving that cause damag to the cab.
Taxi owner usually take good care of his taxi and will scold the relief driver if the relief drives inproperly. He can even sack him. In this manner his overall cost a month will be low, so he can still make good money with a tip top condition cab.
If the government still want to control too much of taxi transportation, the taxi woe in Singapore can never end.
Shares Trasding
Singapore time 11.28 am 4th July 2007
I just sold part of my Plastoform shares, 10 lots at S$0.23 over 5 lots at S$0.185 and 5 lots at S$0.205.
I also applied for China Sunsine Chemical IPO, just only 1 lot. This is just for luck because applicants are many and chances are slim.
I just sold part of my Plastoform shares, 10 lots at S$0.23 over 5 lots at S$0.185 and 5 lots at S$0.205.
I also applied for China Sunsine Chemical IPO, just only 1 lot. This is just for luck because applicants are many and chances are slim.
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
Retire At 62 ?
Singapore time 1.30 pm 3rd July 2007
I am presently retired. I am only 56. It is up to you whether you want to work or retire. Put your life in your own hand, not let the government to drag you by the nose. They can legistrate new law to extend the retirement age to 65, and also the release of CPF minimum sum from then on. PAP is the government , what they want to do is up to them, since they have the two third majority in parliament. If you want to blame, just blame yourself why you want to vote for them. It is you Singaporeans who put them there, so don't blame others.
Life and death is in the hand of Nature. Why be so hard on life. Take it easy and let Nature takes its course. Why must you want to have 5 Cs. Are they so important to your life ? When you die, what will happen to them ? Can you bring them to your grave or after life ?
Don't let peer pressure to drag you down. If your relatives have big houses and big cars, don't follow them. Just stick to your budget. Don't ever go into debt to live a life of luxury. Frugal is the right word to everyone.
We come to earth is not to get rich or famous. We are just visitors on earth. Just treat it as a visit because we have to go home to our source. Earth is not our home. So don't get too engrossed into earthly life.
I am presently retired. I am only 56. It is up to you whether you want to work or retire. Put your life in your own hand, not let the government to drag you by the nose. They can legistrate new law to extend the retirement age to 65, and also the release of CPF minimum sum from then on. PAP is the government , what they want to do is up to them, since they have the two third majority in parliament. If you want to blame, just blame yourself why you want to vote for them. It is you Singaporeans who put them there, so don't blame others.
Life and death is in the hand of Nature. Why be so hard on life. Take it easy and let Nature takes its course. Why must you want to have 5 Cs. Are they so important to your life ? When you die, what will happen to them ? Can you bring them to your grave or after life ?
Don't let peer pressure to drag you down. If your relatives have big houses and big cars, don't follow them. Just stick to your budget. Don't ever go into debt to live a life of luxury. Frugal is the right word to everyone.
We come to earth is not to get rich or famous. We are just visitors on earth. Just treat it as a visit because we have to go home to our source. Earth is not our home. So don't get too engrossed into earthly life.
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