"wu wei' or Inaction in Taoism is self cultivation.
The main cultivation is nasal gaze meditation. See
http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/chinese/meditate.html . Or
http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/comment/taoistyoga.html .
Any one can do this but only less than 10% of the people manage to practise.
If you a woman, your practice can help your family members.
If you a man, your practice can help your country including your family members.
When you perfect, you can be president of your country to salvage your people.
This is application of 'wu wei'.
The president should be a holy man practising 'wu wei'.
He is just a figure head and running of the country is by the prime minister.
'Wu wei' can make you perfect but not Salvation.
Salvation is Sealing the Mark on our forehead.
I-Kuan Tao or Tien Tao is doing this right now worldwide.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Life Is Fated
Do not take your life too hard. It is Fated.
Scriptures can predict. Chinese, Buddhists and Hindus etc believe in reincarnation. This is telling you our spirit or soul is eternal even though we go through different lives.
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Scriptures can predict. Chinese, Buddhists and Hindus etc believe in reincarnation. This is telling you our spirit or soul is eternal even though we go through different lives.
Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Breath of Life is our spirit or soul. So we are the same as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Elijah etc etc. Only our Fate is different.
People are idiots not knowing this because God blinded, deafen you, so you cannot see and hear properly.
God is going to punish Judea in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 17 or 21 but the Jews are so arrogant, they want to attack Iran's nuclear facilities. So these Jews are really idiots because God make you like this as predicted in the Bible, New Testament.
New Covenant is telling us there is no religion. So we are all Gods or Buddha or Tao etc etc.
You are idiots if you stress on your religion.
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Curse On The Philippines
I had put a curse on Philippines because of a Maria, Filipina.
See last portion of http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/election97.html .
The Philippines has to settle my money owed by her.
I cannot be cheated by anyone.
I will put a curse on any one or country trying to be funny with me.
Nature will bash you, Philippines, up till you surrender to me.
I am the last prophet Elijah or Melchizedek.
I am acting as Son of Perdition now.
So you Filipinos/nas, don't be idiots!
Obey my commands or you idiots suffer.
Email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
See last portion of http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/election97.html .
The Philippines has to settle my money owed by her.
I cannot be cheated by anyone.
I will put a curse on any one or country trying to be funny with me.
Nature will bash you, Philippines, up till you surrender to me.
I am the last prophet Elijah or Melchizedek.
I am acting as Son of Perdition now.
So you Filipinos/nas, don't be idiots!
Obey my commands or you idiots suffer.
Email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
My Indonesia
If the girl is my daughter in Indonesia, then Indonesia is in my grip.
Our of the population of 300 millions, 10 millions Indonesians might be against me.
Can they stomach a Chinese having sex with their Muslim woman and make her pregnant ?
You idiots can come and kill me.
Throw all your Indonesian black magic at me.
If you idiots can kill me, then I am not Succour of Surah 110.
Or else you idiots will suffer in my hands.
I can make you my warriors or fighters.
Obey my commands or you suffer.
I might put my daughter and her mother plus family in danger.
But this is FATE.
Revelation talks about son, not daughter - to me it is the same. We are neither male nor female.
Our of the population of 300 millions, 10 millions Indonesians might be against me.
Can they stomach a Chinese having sex with their Muslim woman and make her pregnant ?
You idiots can come and kill me.
Throw all your Indonesian black magic at me.
If you idiots can kill me, then I am not Succour of Surah 110.
Or else you idiots will suffer in my hands.
I can make you my warriors or fighters.
Obey my commands or you suffer.
I might put my daughter and her mother plus family in danger.
But this is FATE.
Revelation talks about son, not daughter - to me it is the same. We are neither male nor female.
Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Singapore Is In My Hands
I control Singapore not the idiots Lee Hsien Loong or Lee Kuan Yew.
The PAP government has to abolish the elected president law.
If they don't, Nature will punish them or make they go crazy or always in migraine state.
This is to tell Lee Kuan Yew that he is stupid to advocate this law in the first place.
He can step down and go fly kite.
Or he can stay in Woodbridge IMH for his madness.
I throw you into mental hospital.
I don't throw people into prison.
The PAP government has to abolish the elected president law.
If they don't, Nature will punish them or make they go crazy or always in migraine state.
This is to tell Lee Kuan Yew that he is stupid to advocate this law in the first place.
He can step down and go fly kite.
Or he can stay in Woodbridge IMH for his madness.
I throw you into mental hospital.
I don't throw people into prison.
My Indonesian Daughter
I might have a daughter in Indonesia.
She is about 16 now been born in 1996.
You can say I am cruel.
Make baby but don't support her.
But have you think about the population of Indonesia, about 300 millions?
These 300 millions Indonesians will be affected by me if I do inaction or 'wu wei'.
They are in my hands. I control the whole of Indonesia through my daughter.
They can live in peace and prosperity.
So women, if you want your country to have peace and prosperity, come to me in Singapore and make baby.
Raise the baby in your country by yourself.
This is one way I can conquer the world.
Email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
She is about 16 now been born in 1996.
You can say I am cruel.
Make baby but don't support her.
But have you think about the population of Indonesia, about 300 millions?
These 300 millions Indonesians will be affected by me if I do inaction or 'wu wei'.
They are in my hands. I control the whole of Indonesia through my daughter.
They can live in peace and prosperity.
So women, if you want your country to have peace and prosperity, come to me in Singapore and make baby.
Raise the baby in your country by yourself.
This is one way I can conquer the world.
Email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
Perfspot Accounts
As long as I receive notifications from Perfspot in my Yahoo or Hotmail, those idiots in http://www.perfspot.com/ will be mad.
I don't throw people into prison.
I throw people into mental hospitals. Or they get migraine all day.
I don't throw people into prison.
I throw people into mental hospitals. Or they get migraine all day.
Monday, 27 August 2012
Patmos Island
The original Patmos Island is in the Mediterranean Sea, so it is to the West of Jerusalem.
The Revelation Patmos Island is Singapore, East of Jerusalem where Jesus Christ is revealed by me. So Singapore is the new Holy Land. So I am the last prophet from the East.
Old Testaments has plenty Isle written. I don't think readers understand it. This Isle is referring to Patmos Island or Singapore.
Therefore Singapore cannot have sins committed.
PAP government has death sentence, abortion, R(A) shows, casinos, lewdness etc etc.
These are to be banned.
If PAP government do not ban these, Nature will punish them.
They will end up in mental hospitals.
I don't throw people into prisons.
I throw people into mental hospitals.
I have selected the land of ex Bukit Timah race course at Eng Neo Avenue to build the 3rd Temple. This is for Sealing the Marks on our forehead or for Salvation.
See http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/wpeace.html .
The Revelation Patmos Island is Singapore, East of Jerusalem where Jesus Christ is revealed by me. So Singapore is the new Holy Land. So I am the last prophet from the East.
Old Testaments has plenty Isle written. I don't think readers understand it. This Isle is referring to Patmos Island or Singapore.
Therefore Singapore cannot have sins committed.
PAP government has death sentence, abortion, R(A) shows, casinos, lewdness etc etc.
These are to be banned.
If PAP government do not ban these, Nature will punish them.
They will end up in mental hospitals.
I don't throw people into prisons.
I throw people into mental hospitals.
I have selected the land of ex Bukit Timah race course at Eng Neo Avenue to build the 3rd Temple. This is for Sealing the Marks on our forehead or for Salvation.
See http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/wpeace.html .
Sunday, 26 August 2012
In 42 Sections Sutra it is said, maybe in 36 section, that it is not easy to be born in Middle Kingdom.
Middle Kingdom is China.
So if you born a Chinese, you are lucky.
The last prophet is from the East.
So a Chinese is most likely the prophet Elijah, in Malachi 4, preaching family unity or Confucianism.
Succour should be the last prophet, see Surah 110 in Quran.
Mecca is to the South of Jerusalem, so how can Muhammad be the last prophet. The last prophet should be a Chinese.
Life is Fated. In Genesis 2 verse 7, God blew his Breath of Life into clay figure to make Adam alive.
Breath of Life is our spirit inside us, without this, we are dead. So we are no different from Adam, only our fate is different.
To see the fate of races, see the head-of-state of the race.
Queen is the head of England, so the English is on the downhill. The queen family is mostly divorced and they can do degrading things. The latest is naked photo of prince Harry.
The queen is also affecting English Americans, English Canadians, English Australians, English New Zealanders etc etc.
Same with Holland with a queen and others.
The king of Thailand is a very old man, on the throne for many years since the age of about 6.
He became king after the slaughter of his brother. So there is bloodshed for his throne.
Can this type of king provide peace and prosperity to the Thais?
The emperor of Japan is also old. The sins of world war 2 were passed over from his father to him.
So he is no better than others.
As long as he and Japan still don't appologise for the wrong deeds in ww2, Japanese race has to suffer.
India has an old man as president. Last one was a woman.
This shows the degrading society of India.
They prefer boys than girls but can elect woman president and prime minister.
This is not what your society behave. Baby girls are abandoned and women abused by the husband families.
Can your Indian race be superior in this?
America is a mixture of races. So it is not a good society to live in. Each race will want to outdo the rests. So there is abuse and bully. The strong survive just as the animal world do.
Malaysia has an old Agong. This is not good. Racial practices by the government is not right, more racist like benefits for the Bumiputras or local race or Malays.
How can Malays be a superior race?
Mayan can predict but they cannot predict their downfall.
Egypt can built pyramids but they cannot tell whether the Jews lived in Egypt in the past. They abandoned their religion to accept Islam or Christians following the occupiers way of life.
Korea is going Christians. This is against their ancestors way of life. When you abandon your racial past, you get rotten future, unless you have strong religious backing. Christians is not a strong backing because they allow pornography, homosexual, lesbianism, lewdness, casinos, abortion etc etc.
South Korea can go downhill if you not careful.
Japan is the same. Japanese celebrate January the 1st now not the Lunar New Year. Japanese are abandoning their roots. This is downfall for the race.
Any question, you can email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
Middle Kingdom is China.
So if you born a Chinese, you are lucky.
The last prophet is from the East.
So a Chinese is most likely the prophet Elijah, in Malachi 4, preaching family unity or Confucianism.
Succour should be the last prophet, see Surah 110 in Quran.
Mecca is to the South of Jerusalem, so how can Muhammad be the last prophet. The last prophet should be a Chinese.
Life is Fated. In Genesis 2 verse 7, God blew his Breath of Life into clay figure to make Adam alive.
Breath of Life is our spirit inside us, without this, we are dead. So we are no different from Adam, only our fate is different.
To see the fate of races, see the head-of-state of the race.
Queen is the head of England, so the English is on the downhill. The queen family is mostly divorced and they can do degrading things. The latest is naked photo of prince Harry.
The queen is also affecting English Americans, English Canadians, English Australians, English New Zealanders etc etc.
Same with Holland with a queen and others.
The king of Thailand is a very old man, on the throne for many years since the age of about 6.
He became king after the slaughter of his brother. So there is bloodshed for his throne.
Can this type of king provide peace and prosperity to the Thais?
The emperor of Japan is also old. The sins of world war 2 were passed over from his father to him.
So he is no better than others.
As long as he and Japan still don't appologise for the wrong deeds in ww2, Japanese race has to suffer.
India has an old man as president. Last one was a woman.
This shows the degrading society of India.
They prefer boys than girls but can elect woman president and prime minister.
This is not what your society behave. Baby girls are abandoned and women abused by the husband families.
Can your Indian race be superior in this?
America is a mixture of races. So it is not a good society to live in. Each race will want to outdo the rests. So there is abuse and bully. The strong survive just as the animal world do.
Malaysia has an old Agong. This is not good. Racial practices by the government is not right, more racist like benefits for the Bumiputras or local race or Malays.
How can Malays be a superior race?
Mayan can predict but they cannot predict their downfall.
Egypt can built pyramids but they cannot tell whether the Jews lived in Egypt in the past. They abandoned their religion to accept Islam or Christians following the occupiers way of life.
Korea is going Christians. This is against their ancestors way of life. When you abandon your racial past, you get rotten future, unless you have strong religious backing. Christians is not a strong backing because they allow pornography, homosexual, lesbianism, lewdness, casinos, abortion etc etc.
South Korea can go downhill if you not careful.
Japan is the same. Japanese celebrate January the 1st now not the Lunar New Year. Japanese are abandoning their roots. This is downfall for the race.
Any question, you can email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
Saturday, 25 August 2012
My Diet
I drink milk, coffee and tea. I stop drinking cereal drinks and others.
I snack on fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, etc and dried fruits.
If I don't snack, I have no excretion to pass motion.
My health is alright.
My weight is now 65 kg.
I stay at home most time. I water the plants, read newspapers, watch television for news and dramas plus documentary.
I seldom meditate but practise tongue lock whole day. Tongue lock is rolled up tongue, tip touching palate, paet 2 of nasal gaze meditation.
See http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/chinese/meditate.html or
http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/comment/taoistyoga.html .
This is miracle cure. Or hang it in your home to protect your family.
Email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
I snack on fruits like bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, etc and dried fruits.
If I don't snack, I have no excretion to pass motion.
My health is alright.
My weight is now 65 kg.
I stay at home most time. I water the plants, read newspapers, watch television for news and dramas plus documentary.
I seldom meditate but practise tongue lock whole day. Tongue lock is rolled up tongue, tip touching palate, paet 2 of nasal gaze meditation.
See http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/chinese/meditate.html or
http://www.kewkahfatt.9f.com/comment/taoistyoga.html .
This is miracle cure. Or hang it in your home to protect your family.
Email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Plight of Women and Baby Girls in India
Yesterday, I saw a documentary in channel 8 at 1.30 pm about the plight of women and infant girls in India.
Because women have to pay dowry to the bridegroom, women are always abused if they cannot come up with enough dowry for the husband.
India society stress on male family line, so infant girls are abandoned if too many girls are borne in the family.
So democracy is dead in India, only for the sake of voting.
India is ruled by traditions, customs and religions.
So how can India progress?
With pro male society, India can produce woman president and prime minister. This is hypocracy.
With a male population 40 millions more than women, India is more a hen pecked society. Granny is the matriarch in the family.
As long as you Indian Hindus don't abandon dowry, caste system etc, your society will suffer.
I am preaching, using chapter 2 of Bhagavad Gita, that we are all Gods. So you idiot Hindus, abandon all your temples and idols at home. Since our spirit inside us is eternal, we are Gods. You Hindus understand ?
Email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
Because women have to pay dowry to the bridegroom, women are always abused if they cannot come up with enough dowry for the husband.
India society stress on male family line, so infant girls are abandoned if too many girls are borne in the family.
So democracy is dead in India, only for the sake of voting.
India is ruled by traditions, customs and religions.
So how can India progress?
With pro male society, India can produce woman president and prime minister. This is hypocracy.
With a male population 40 millions more than women, India is more a hen pecked society. Granny is the matriarch in the family.
As long as you Indian Hindus don't abandon dowry, caste system etc, your society will suffer.
I am preaching, using chapter 2 of Bhagavad Gita, that we are all Gods. So you idiot Hindus, abandon all your temples and idols at home. Since our spirit inside us is eternal, we are Gods. You Hindus understand ?
Email me kewkahfatt@yahoo.com.sg
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Perfspot account still intact?
To prove my Perfspot account is still intact, these are the photos.
Email me

Email me
kewkahfattsingapore@hotmail.com if you want.
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