Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Jesus indirectly confirmed John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah.
And Elijah is supposed to come preaching family unity or Confucianism.

Gautama Buddha predicted that Maitreya will be the next Buddha.
This is Fate.

Quran has Succour in Surah 110.

Can these 3 be the same person? Elijah=Maitreya=Succour ?

Last prophet is to come from the East.
Jesus was from the East of Jerusalem?
Mohammed was from the East ?
Mecca is to the South of Jerusalem.
So you Muslims take South for the East ?
Revelation is in Patmos Island.
Real Patmos is to the West of Jerusalem.
Therefore Patmos Island should be Singapore.
Here I reveal Jesus Christ is our spiritual SELF.
Good Friday and Ching Ming are near.
We are Gods or Sons of God or Buddha or Tao etc.
It is useless to observe these festivals.
By following them, you lower your status.
We are higher than ghosts and spirits in the open.

If you want to be funny with me, be prepared to be my footstool.
You have to crawl to me and say sorry.
Or you stay in mental hospital.
Or you kill yourself. 

Telling my Chinese friends here, I-Ching, Daxue, Tao Te Ching etc are superior to all other scriptures.
Remind Chinese in China to study them.
We Chinese are to rule the world using
1. Cultivate self
2. Regulate the family
3. Cure the country
4. Conquer the world or bring peace to the world.

No other scriptures can tell you that.

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