Friday, 22 March 2013

Comment n photos

Be a vegetarian will help you in practising Yoga or meditation.
I heard Africans eating no meat or less meat can run very fast and no joint pain or less pain.

The president of Bangladesh died in Singapore hospital recently.
He was old and people are stupid to let head-of-state dies on the post.
This is not good for a while and suffering before he died.
So people like queen of England, Thai king and Lee Kuan Yew etc are idiots refusing to step down.
Malaysia has an old head-of-state. So this is not so good for Malaysia.
Why can't people appoint a 50 year old man as head-of-state ?
They prefer old hacks who are on the death path ?
So countries, if your head-of-state is above 80 years old, remove him or her.
If queen of England steps down, prince William should be king.
If prince Charles becomes king, England will be subjected to punishment like King David did - adultery.

Every day I trim my hair so I save 100 dollars a year.

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