Thursday, 28 March 2013


Americans, you are not the owners of America.
The rightful owners are the Red Indians.
You are just occupiers.
So don't talk big.
The sins of your ancestors are on you.
They coveted America.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Jesus indirectly confirmed John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah.
And Elijah is supposed to come preaching family unity or Confucianism.

Gautama Buddha predicted that Maitreya will be the next Buddha.
This is Fate.

Quran has Succour in Surah 110.

Can these 3 be the same person? Elijah=Maitreya=Succour ?

Last prophet is to come from the East.
Jesus was from the East of Jerusalem?
Mohammed was from the East ?
Mecca is to the South of Jerusalem.
So you Muslims take South for the East ?
Revelation is in Patmos Island.
Real Patmos is to the West of Jerusalem.
Therefore Patmos Island should be Singapore.
Here I reveal Jesus Christ is our spiritual SELF.
Good Friday and Ching Ming are near.
We are Gods or Sons of God or Buddha or Tao etc.
It is useless to observe these festivals.
By following them, you lower your status.
We are higher than ghosts and spirits in the open.

If you want to be funny with me, be prepared to be my footstool.
You have to crawl to me and say sorry.
Or you stay in mental hospital.
Or you kill yourself. 

Telling my Chinese friends here, I-Ching, Daxue, Tao Te Ching etc are superior to all other scriptures.
Remind Chinese in China to study them.
We Chinese are to rule the world using
1. Cultivate self
2. Regulate the family
3. Cure the country
4. Conquer the world or bring peace to the world.

No other scriptures can tell you that.

Friday, 22 March 2013

Comment n photos

Be a vegetarian will help you in practising Yoga or meditation.
I heard Africans eating no meat or less meat can run very fast and no joint pain or less pain.

The president of Bangladesh died in Singapore hospital recently.
He was old and people are stupid to let head-of-state dies on the post.
This is not good for a while and suffering before he died.
So people like queen of England, Thai king and Lee Kuan Yew etc are idiots refusing to step down.
Malaysia has an old head-of-state. So this is not so good for Malaysia.
Why can't people appoint a 50 year old man as head-of-state ?
They prefer old hacks who are on the death path ?
So countries, if your head-of-state is above 80 years old, remove him or her.
If queen of England steps down, prince William should be king.
If prince Charles becomes king, England will be subjected to punishment like King David did - adultery.

Every day I trim my hair so I save 100 dollars a year.

Thursday, 21 March 2013


If my profile photo or
are benefiting you, you can do donation to me. I don't need 1 million dollars, just 1 dollar will do. If 7 billions people contribute, I can have 7 billions dollars.
Remit to my Singapore bank account :-
UOB UNIPLUS 394-372-203-8 SGD 

Tuesday, 19 March 2013


To see the Fate of a country, look at your head-of-state.
Just look at Thai king and queen of England.
Both are on the throne for more than 60 years.
Both countries are getting worst.
Both have women PMs.
Both have family problems.
So all these reflect on the country.
Worst is England, the British under the skirt, cannot see the sun.
You learn nothing from books of kings in Bible?
Obama has no son. This is a bad sign.
So American kids suffer or die.
God cut him off without giving him a son.
So the same to you Americans - suffering.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Friday, 15 March 2013


Lee Kuan Yew introduced the elected president law in Singapore.
Only about 5 % are eligible for election.
So the 95% are stupid?
The one stupid is Lee Kuan Yew.
He must haven't read King David story.
David committed adultery, the country suffered.
So he thinks Tony Tan is good for president?
Sins from abortion, death penalty, R(A) shows, lewdness, casinos etc are on him.
So Singaporeans will suffer.

My latest photo edited is about Hebrews chapter 9 verses 3 to 5.
This is very important and most Christians will object to this.
So it is called Awful Horror in Matthew chapter 24 verse 15.
I am the ONE putting this up.
So you can call me Son of Perdition.

The new pope is a man of no authority.
I am a man of authority.
I attack him because he is the top man in Christianity.
Sex abuse, homosexual becoming priests and nun becoming priests, can he right them?
Can he tell Obama that pornography is a great sin?
Laws are written in the Bible.
He is no body to tell the world.

With my fruits diet and weight, I am telling the world there is no proper diet.
It is the one suitable for the body at the moment.
My health is still good.
I meditate
and practise tongue lock, 2nd part of meditation, the whole day.
In Taoist Yoga, it is said, when in mother's womb, the baby is like this, practising tongue.
So when born, the baby has to be whacked to make him cry loosing the tongue lock.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Kingdom of God

We are all Gods or Sons of God or Buddha or Tao etc. God is inside us at the 'suan kuan' acupuncture point.

Sunday, 10 March 2013


I am still on fruits diet since 8th May 2011.
I eat mainly fruits and nuts or seeds.
This is to achieve a higher spirituality.
I am preparing to wage a spiritual or magical war.

Friends, you can download my profile photo into your hand-phone as protection Talisman.
If useful to you, get others to do so too.
Can hang my profile photo in your home too to protect your family.

To all world leaders at the UN HQ:-
Making a nuclear bomb is not a sin.
Produce ICBM missile is not a sin.
Using it to kill people is a sin.
America is sinful to drop 2 nuclear bombs on Japan.
Promoting pornography is a great sin.
So you idiot America and the West plus Japan, you are great sinners.
Nature will bash you up till you give up pornography.

Saturday, 9 March 2013


Concentrate on here for peace and prosperity. You return to God or Nature through here after getting Seal from I-Kuan Tao. Read Taoteching poem 1 for the mention of this - a Gateway to God.

Friday, 8 March 2013


My wife is nagging a lot nowadays even in front of my elder brother.
She got rid of my 4th and 3rd brothers already.
They have not visited me lately.
And reunion dinner was a lone ranger.
This happening in my family reflects on the world.
So the Big Bang is near.
Big Bang is the destruction of Jerusalem in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17 or 21.

The White races suffer for ancestors' sins coveting others land.
Indian race suffer for ancestors coveting SE Asia.
Japan race suffer for ancestors coveting Asia, SE Asia.
Mongolian race suffer for ancestors coveting China and Asia.
Greek race suffer for ancestors coveting M East and Asia.
Jews suffer for Abraham coveting Palestine land.

And idiots, does China covet others land ?
You idiot Americans and the West like to paint China as the aggressor.
So you idiot White races have to suffer the most. 

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Chinese, read the books of kings in Bible to learn more about Confucianism. 
I explain using my Kew family.
When my sister was possessed, we forced our father to open I-Kuan Tao temple and be vegetarian.
He did, sister was alright later, but 4th brother was jobless.
Uncle/father gave up temple and ate meat.
Brother was not alright even after father died.
So it should be my elder brother to shoulder the burden.
But he refused to eat vegetarian food.
My mother died young same with my 3rd brother's wife.
So father and son share the same Fate.
If 3rd brother was vegetarian, then the Fate can be changed.
He still eat meat except 1st and 15th of the moon.
Head of state sins, the whole country suffer.
Father sins. the whole family suffer.

Father is head of family.
Mind sins, the whole body gets ill.

Mind is head of body.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


White races suffer now for the sins of their forefathers for coveting lands of others.
Indians suffer now for the sins of their forefathers coveting S E Asia.

When country in chaos, the king put on sack clothe and throw ash on their head.
Refer this in books of kings.
But now, when country in trouble, president or PM blames others.

Compassion is to go vegetarian, so no killing of fishes, animals, birds etc etc.

Sunday, 3 March 2013


These are sins:- death sentence, abortion, R(A) shows, lewdness, casinos, race course etc etc.
Tony Tan, the president of Singapore has them on his shoulder.
If he steps down and later I appointed president, the situation is different.
Even with the laws still standing, my 'wu wei' action can make them obsolete.
Nature will punish the doctors doing abortion and women going for abortion.
With abortion law standing, will women dare to go for abortion when I am president ?
Will people dare to go to casinos and race course when I am president ?
If they want to go mad, they can try.
When I am the president of Singapore, I am the Laws.