Sunday, 25 November 2012

Democracy is Dead

Democracy is dead. Just see how India, Britian and USA fare, the result is the same, total failure.
China, on the other hand, uses its own social policy, the result is totally different.
If you use Tao Te Ching, Daxue and I-Ching to implement the supreme policy, it is to appoint a holy man to be a figure head president.
So parliamentary system is superior to executive president system.
In parliamentary system, you can appoint a president, while the other is that the president is elected.
People will only elect the charismatic leader, not the holy man.
The holy man is to cultivate self, regulate family, cure the country then conquer the world.
Elected president only depends on his IQ and EQ plus the sins he committed.
The more sins he has, the country suffers the more.

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