Thursday 26 June 2008

Daodejing Poem 69

Singapore time 9.30 am 26th June 2008

The generals have a saying:- 'I dare not be host, let me be guest; dare not advance an inch, let withdraw a foot.' This is called action without action, to snatch without arm, to throw without enemies, to maintain without army. Disaster! they are greater than underestimating the enemy; underestimating the enemy is bound to lose my treasure. When opposing armies clash, the sincere party wins.
The message here is to tell you not to use force to settle problems. This is what the Americans and the West favourite tactic. Mediation is the best resort. Just take the issue of Iran nuclear enrichment. There is no banning of this activity at all. What America wants is to punish whoever opposes them. They even indulge in telling lies just to attack Iraq. So are they sincere ? They just make more enemies and open America to more disasters.

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