It seems Chinese forget about this chapter when dealing with the people and enemies.
Compassion to many people means differently in meaning. Death sentence is not compassion. Judges like to belittle the criminal by passing sarcastic remarks, like 'you deserve it'. Compassion should be shown to the good as well as the evil.
Frugality is a must in order that we can grow economically. If everyone overspend, the country will be in debt. This is what America is in today. Confucianism also touches on frugality. I think most religions teach the same. The price of private designed and built HDB flats are priced too high. I hope they can price it at market rate so to show how they are subsidised in the discounted price. In a way, the HDB is making housing expensive for the people. This is a waste of money.
Not to be the world supreme leader is meant to others except me. The Chosen One has to undergo extreme tests that ordinary people would not like to deal with. My wife objects to my self cultivation and preaching. If in most cases, we will be divorced long ago, but there is something that will get us together due to my tolerance and perseverance.