Monday, 30 April 2007

The Temple

Singapore time: 3.05 pm 30th Apr 2007

2 Thessalonians 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 2:6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9:1 Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary. 9:2 For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. 9:3 And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; 9:4 Which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron's rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant; 9:5 And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercy-seat; of which we cannot now speak particularly. 9:6 Now when these things were thus ordained, the priests went always into the first tabernacle, accomplishing the service of God.
9:7 But into the second went the high priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself, and for the errors of the people:

The Temple mentioned in 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 is not the Jewish Temple which is none existent now. The original site is now having 2 Muslim shrines. The meaning can be found in Hebrews chapter 9 verses 1 to 5. Verses 1 and 2 describe the Heavenly Way temple as you can see the two images in my other posts. Verses 3 to 5 describe the details of our face. See the image in above or below link. .

The two tablets represent our two eyes, Aaron's rod is our nose, Jar of mannas is our mouth with teeth and cherubims are our eye-brows overshadowing the Mercy Seat which is the Mark on our forehead. This is a VOID so is invincible. This is the gateway to our origin.

For the Temple which is to be built, I have in mind to build one at the former Bukit Timah Race Course at the junction of Dunearn Road and Eng Neo Road, Singapore. I might not be able to build it, most likely my son.

Work Longer To Save For Old Age

Singapore time: 2.45 pm 30th Apr 2007

This is what Lim Boon Heng said today in the ST report.

How long are we to work to save for old age ? 55 or 62 years old ? We are human beings not animals. Our purpose in coming into this world is to have a decent life and wait for death to come. This is Nature, till the Salvation comes to bring us back.

Life is not about money. It is the quality of life that we lead, that is more important. If we just eat porridge with salted egg and bean sprouts for a meal, that is enough for us to survive. Why must we go for shark fins, abalone, fish, chicken, duck, pork, mutton, beef etc. Is eating these make our life more enjoyable and pleasurable to live ?

My advice is for you to have some money and when you reach 55 years of age, go vegetarian and retire for self cultivation. Self cultivation is for self, for family and the country. Don't think you cultivate is only for yourself. If you have a wife and children, your cultivation will affect them. You can change them for the better without taking any action, just cultivate self.

PAP government want Singaporeans to work, work and work, so the GDP can be higher. They don't care about your health if you have to work 12 hours a day. What they care is that you make more money for the country, ask you to upgrade your house, purchase more new gadgets for your home etc. They value you by how much you are worth, not the quality of life you lead. This is materialism worship.

Try to be yourself. Don't let others pull you by your nose.

Sunday, 29 April 2007


Singapore time: 3.45 pm 29th Apr 2007

People are wasting money and time to conduct expensive funeral wake and ceremony for burial or cremation. When a person is dead, the spiritual soul in the person has already left. Therefore the corpse is just like the carcases of chicken, pig, duck, goat, fishes in the market or supermarket. Why waste money and time on them.

The dead body should let close relatives and friends to see and after that send for cremation. The ashes after cremation has to be disperse into the sea or better to mix with fertiliser for uses in farms and gardens.

Teng Siow-ping was right to disperse by his family members, his ashes into the sea. This is making a model for others to follow. He was the former leader of China. More world leaders should come forward to pledge their wishes in this disposal of ashes.

I hope people can follow his example and tell their close kins their wishes about disposal of their ashes. In this way grave yards can be converted for more productive uses.

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Other Photograph

To let you see my Chinese name and the name of my triad banner, I put up this photograph. We Chinese put our sir name first before the other name in respect for our ancestor. The West put their sir name last. Hungmen is general name for triad. Others might use other name, I am not too sure.


Singapore time: 4.30 pm 28th Apr 2007

My meditation can do self healing and healing others. Energy is circulated in the body during meditation. This is a form of self healing.

When you place your two hands on another person, energy will go through the body of the other person if you meditate or practise tongue lock. This is healing others. However I advocate no breath control, so the energy is slow in healing.

My main object in meditation is spiritualism not healing. I cannot teach breath control since I don't practise them. My simple breath control is to hold the breath in for 30 seconds, then breath out and hold for 30 seconds. I practise this when I feel I need to energise my body. I seldom practise it since my health is in the pink.

To Cure Mental Illness

Singapore time: 4.05 pm 28th Apr 2007

The cheapest way to cure mental illness or depression is to do nasal gaze. This is the first procedure in my meditation blogged here. Just focus your eyes on the tip of your own nose, the longer the better.

For violence patience, you need to tie him/her down. Plaster his mouth and place a lighted candle, the flame near his nose tip. If he refuses to look at the flame, put the flame nearer, so the heat can affect him. Let him gazes for some time and repeat again after resting. When he is calm, then explain to him the meditation method and let him do himself.

Medicine and electric shock cannot easily cure mental illness and there are side effects of medication. If you want cheap and easy, do my meditation.

Friday, 27 April 2007

Lousy Employer

Singapore time: 10.05 am 27th Apr 2007

Singapore government is a lousy employer in the sense they employ army and police personnels etc on contract basis.

Police and army personnels are very important human resources to the country and the PAP government are treating them like dirts, except for the top scholars who holds high rank in the forces. These high ranking officers are put into high profile jobs in government or government related companies like SIA, Singtel etc when they retire around 45 years old. Some are asked to go into politics to serve as ministers when elected.

To the rest, they have to tend for themselves. Most are dis-oriented when they are out of the forces and find adjustment to private life more depressing. Even some go into criminal activities just to make a living.
I suggest the retirement age should be 55 years old since the general retirement age in Singapore is 62 years old. So officers need not have to go through a mid-term crisis in their life. At 55 years old, most are still fit to work if they are required to pass a fitness test annually.

The main problem in the forces is that they rely on qualification to promote an officer. Like my son during his NS service, he was a mortar combat support man in 6 SIR, but was asked to help out in documentation and be a clerk, because he can do work faster than what his clerk or senior clerk can perform. When computer breakdown, he was asked to troubleshoot. He has only 'O' level with about 3 credits. But he was performing duty of a senior clerk. Even now in his reservist training, he was asked to do documentation. What are those senior rank officers doing ? Are they only paper qualified genius but work stupid personnels ?

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Appoint Figure Head President

Singapore time: 11.40am 26th Apr 2007

This is about Confucianism as explained by me. See .
Most people will reject my idea, so the opposite effect will take place. France may get a new elected woman president this year and America might get a new elected president next year. You have seen already, Germany has a new woman prime minister or chancellor. This is indication we are moving into a DOOM or a punishment period whereby you people will wake up. Then you will know I am telling the TRUTH.

For Britain, Thailand and Japan, the head-of-state or king, emperor and queen, have been in the throne for many years. This is not good as the accumulated sins shouldered on them will get more heavy, thereby incurring punishment from Nature or God. To take away these sins on them is for them to abdicate. Only in this way they can reverse the downfall in society as citizens will be more degrading in behavior

I just do my duty to preach my Confucianism as this is the only savior for all countries. It is up to you to accept and adopt my advice. Whatever are going to happen will happen. I cannot stop them.

Go Vegetarian For Salvation

Singapore time: 11.30am 25th Apr 2007

Try to understand animals and others also have spiritual souls. So eating them is like eating your own brothers.

Salvation is for all, so these animals and others will die and reborn as human beings to receive the Sealing on the Mark on their forehead. Sealing on the Mark can only be done on human form.

Therefore if you have compassion for your fellow brothers, please go vegetarian.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Singapore time: 12.50pm 25th Apr 2007
The world is a stage
We are only actors
There is a beginning
So there is an end
Small is the opposite of big
Long is in greater length than short
High is in greater height than low
Heavy is in more weight compare to light
Light and darkness revolve around each other
So there is happiness and sadness
There are enjoyment and suffering
There is birth so is death
All these are void when we don't think of them
Then this is true happiness

Salvation II

Another name for Heavenly Way is I-Kuan-Tao. They some time put Laughing Buddha or Maitreya Buddha statue at the altar.

You can see 3 lamp-stands,2 in front on the offering table and 1 at the altar, the lamps are lighted. You can see them on the first 5 days of Chinese New Year. Other time, they are not lighted if there is no prayer.
The altar and offering table are like what is written in Hebrews chapter 9 verses 1 and 2.


Singapore time: 8.50 am 25th Apr 2007


Salvation is already here and most people are ignorant about this. The sealing of the Mark on our forehead is the salvation now been done by the Heavenly Way group.
Do not be distracted by the Goddess of Mercy image in the picture. It has to be a mirror, so when you pray to the lamp-stand's light on the altar, you are praying to yourself in the reflection.
I am no more in the group, so I cannot tell them what to do, as I am not their leader. This group has branches in many countries under different branch names. My former branch in Singapore is Ping Tung.
The Sealing on the Mark on your forehead is to open the gateway to the source, THE VOID. And it can only be effective when you die, same as a will.

1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
2:8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
2:10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads.

Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 is very clear. In the beginning it was VOID. So we have to return to this VOID in the END of time.
Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 is clear that our spiritual soul is God or God's spirit. When IT is in, we are alive. When IT is out, our body is dead same as dust.


Singapore time: 8.36 am 25th Apr 2007
I want to warn the whole world the time is ticking close to the DOOM. Believe me and make peace so you can be salvaged. You can refer to Luke chapter 17 regarding the One doing the job as Noah or surah 17 below.

017.103 YUSUFALI: So he resolved to remove them from the face of the earth: but We did drown him and all who were with him.
PICKTHAL: And he wished to scare them from the land, but We drowned him and those with him, all together.
SHAKIR: So he desired to destroy them out of the earth, but We drowned him and those with him all together;
017.104 YUSUFALI: And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land (of promise)": but when the second of the warnings came to pass, We gathered you together in a mingled crowd.
PICKTHAL: And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.
SHAKIR: And We said to the Israelites after him: Dwell in the land: and when the promise of the next life shall come to pass, we will bring you both together in judgment.

The second warning in verse 104 is done by me. The first warning was done by Noah. So one major disaster to strike is caused by water, that is flooding to kill and destroy.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Merger Of Train Or Bus Companies

Singapore time: 1.27 pm 24th Apr 2007

The CEO of SBS Transit advocated the merger of MRT and merger of bus companies.

You Singaporeans still remember what PAP said when they merged the 3 bus companies in Singapore into SBS Bus ?

Problems still existed and they allowed Tibs to compete with SBS. Then came the SMRT and lately the North-East line which was awarded to SBS to manage. Then Tibs merged with SMRT.

This is the way the PAP government is treating Singaporeans like guinea pigs for them to experiment. They can say 1 thing at a time and say another thing at other time. So the merger of the 3 bus companies in the first place is totally wrong. It is simply they want to run the show and government profiting from it.

Transportation is quite complex as the demand and supply condition varies with the commuters. Just look at Hong Kong, the private sectors are running the buses and cabs. The government has less interference in the running of these companies.

Here in Singapore, most things are regulated. Even CEO of these companies are related to the government. They don't speak out loud their mind in public. I am quite surprise the CEO of SBS Transit came forward to give his advice.

When you say a policy to the people, these people trusted you what you say that it can work well. If you keep changing your policy and tell the people each time the reason because of 'time has changed', then what you say cannot be trusted. This is un-righteousness. Therefore your future actions and words cannot be implemented.

Just look at the number of Transport Ministers managing this portfolio. Most are failure, starting from Yong Geok Lin, the brother-in-law of Lee Kuan Yew to Yeo Ning Hong.

Prevent Your Wife Going Astray

Singapore time: 1.08 pm 24th Apr 2007

Practise my type of meditation can prevent your wife looking for other men.

The next move is to use tongue lock, 2nd item in my meditation, during sexual intercourse with your wife. This will stimulate here and gives her great pleasure.

Practise tongue lock in 'woman on top' or 'side way facing each other' positions. This way you are more relaxed and at least one hand is free to explore your wife's naked body, stimulating her further.

When you practise tongue lock, your energy is circulating, so you are circulating your energy into your wife during copulation with her. This can make her more strong and healthy. This is family cultivation.

Don't practise oral sex with your wife if she does not ask for it. Oral sex is degrading to women because once they are accustomed in it, they will demand for more. And if you have no time for her, she might have the urge to find someone to satisfy her.

Government Not Moral Police

This was what PAP said, published in the newspaper yesterday, 23rd Apr 2007.

It is the duty of the government to provide moral conduct for the citizens to follow. If they can say the government is not a moral police, then why ban pornography in the first place ? All the old laws against homosexual activity, adultery etc are still intact in Singapore laws. The PAP government do not amend or abolish them yet, but when applied in court cases, the registrar of court can strike them of the application. This happened when a man applied to sue another for committing adultery with his wife. But the registrar of court struck it off.

So Singapore have laws that cannot be applied or righted. Why don't delete them altogether ? PAP ministers are doing nothing for them ? So they are still first class ministers ?

Homosexuality or gay, lesbian are to be discouraged. Those who are caught in the act should be rehabilitated and not charged in court. They should go through moral class and do meditation, especially mine recorded in below post or in Meditation or Taoist Yoga .

Monday, 23 April 2007

Problem In Singapore

The main problem in Singapore is that Lee Kuan Yew does not want to step down. He cannot let go and retire. This is as if he is the king, so he is waiting till the end to die in office.

What he said about renewal of PAP is all bullshit. It is more likely the case of renewing 'yes-men' in parliament to bow to his demand. Old 'yes-men' can revolt, so have to be kicked out. New 'yes-men' have to play his game along and once they are seasoned and stubborn, they will be kicked out also.

Many important announcement are made by him, not his son, first. The pay increase for ministers was announced by him after the government announced the increase in GST, which is suppose to help the poor also. But I see it as more likely for the ministers' pay rise and senior civil servants pay rise.

To be great is to let go at the opportunity. Yao and Shun abdicated in favour of others than their own son. This is 1 reason they were great. Lee Kuan Yew groomed his son to take over him, but still holding the final say in decision. The reason why God Chok Tong is still around is to stop gossip. If God steps down while Lee Kuan Yew is still mentor minister, then many Singaporeans will curse him.

The elected president law was initiated by him, so he can be president and his son prime minister. However many voices in opposition and my article on Confucianism in Election '97 might have scared him to do so. If he is to be president, he will be subjected to total punishment to him and his family members. See what happened to Ong Teng Cheong after he became president of Singapore.

I advocate a young man, married with at least a son, to be appointed as a figure head president. His main duty is to meditate and eat vegetarian food. Using my meditation in post below is the best. This is like the reverse in the top of the nine in 1st Hexagram Chien which states 'arrogant dragon has cause to repent'.

You see Nathan is now in South Africa doing the job same as Goh Chok Tong. He is a president and has to work so hard. Without letting go is like becoming arrogant. So the calamity of downfall. If without duty but meditate and eat vegetarian food to cultivate self, a president will bring harmony to the country.

As my work is been carrying on, my spiritual power will increase. So more mishaps will occur here in Singapore and the world. You Singaporeans will see the downfall of Lee Kuan Yew and his PAP gang.

Vandalism Or Mischief

1) I used red paint (people say using water colour is classified as mischief)
2) My name is on the poster 'The Sins of PAP Government'. (is this vandalism?)
3) Penalty was 4 months and 3 strokes of the cane (a fine mostly for mischief)
4) I did 3 jobs in 1 go, namely revealing the Mark on our forehead, article attacking Lee Kuan Yew and demanding payment from the Indian Muslim woman.
Till now she has not repay me the money, so I cursed all Indian Muslims in the world in

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Righteous White Dragon

I am a triad member, alone and banner or group is
Righteous White Dragon.
See my photograph in profile.

If you want to join me you need to prepare an all white 'changpow' (gown) as seen in the photograph I welcomed you to this blog in the first post.

In Revelation, the mention of the marks on the right hands is talking about us.

My piece in my website is at .

Meditation For Everyone

A Handbook 25th Feb 1989

Meditation is a subject that has a wide scope of fields. It can be said to relate Indian Yoga, mystical practices, spiritual enlightenment, kung fu (martial art), exercises for healthy living etc. In this work, I would like to present meditation as a form of spiritual enlightenment, a way of living for the present and a means to solve our problems.

I first started to meditate in April 1981. I began after I had studied the Buddhist 'Diamond Sutra'. As stated in the sutra, there is a need to understand at least a 4 lines stanza and expound it to others. So I chose -
'All phenomena are like;
A dream, an illusion, a bubble and a shadow;
Like dew and lighting;
Thus should you meditate upon them'.
This 4-lines stanza stresses on meditation (or visualization).

Stated in the sutra ' Visualize The Buddha of Immeasurable Length of Life', 1st to the 13th visualizations teach us to meditate (visualize). From my understanding of the sutra, it is to gaze at the tip of our nose. (In actual fact we have to concentrate on the 'mysterious gate of the square inch', midway between our eyes as stated in books on Taoist Yoga). Our eyes must be open (gaping) during meditation.

Why must we concentrate on the 'mysterious gate of the square inch'? Let me elaborate. Holy Koran, Surah XLVIII, Victory, verse 29 states that ' the mark of them is on their forehead from the traces of prostration. Such is their likeness in the Torah and their likeness in the Gospel - like as sown corn that sendeth forth its shoot and strengtheneth it and riseth firm upon its stalk; delighting the sowers'. Look at the illustration in figure 'corn plant', then compare it with figure '2 eyes' above.

In the New Testament, Hebrews chapter 9 verses 3 - 5 state :'Behind the second curtain was the tabernacle called the Holy of holies, containing the golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant completely covered with gold; inside it the golden jar of manna, Aaron's rod that sprouted, and the tablets of the covenant. Above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat - about which we cannot now go into details'. (Cherubim is a winged creature with human head.) See my illustration in figure 'covenant' above. I do hope I give the correct details.

In the Old Testament, there are descriptions of the Most Holy Place in the Temple, where 2 winged creatures overshadow the covenant box. Chronicles, chapter 5 verses 7 - 10 state: 'Then the priests carried the Covenant Box of the Lord into the Temple and put it in the Most Holy Place, beneath the winged creatures. Their outstretched wings covered the Box and the carrying-poles. The ends of the poles could be seen by anyone standing directly in front of the Most Holy Place, but from nowhere else. (The poles are still there today.) There was nothing inside the Covenant Box except the 2 stone tablets which Moses placed there at Mt. Sinai'. See figure 'covenant box' above.

One article in the Readers' Digest, 1983 January issue, titled 'Bio-magnetism: an awesome force in our lives', states that 'there might have some magnetic particles in the human brain clustering where the nose joins the skull'. That is somewhere in the spot between the 2 eyes.
The above illustrations show the importance of the 'mysterious gate of the square inch'. It can be called The Truth.

Recordings of birds are found in many scriptures. Example, New Testament, when you see a vulture you know there is a corpse below it. Chuang Tzu's big bird that has to climb a high mountain before attempting to fly, and Confucius's Great Learning states 'As to resting, the bird knows where it can rest - is it right for a man to be less than a bird!'.

In Bhagavad-Gita, chapter 6 verses 13 - 14 state 'Holding the body, head and neck erect, motionless and firm, gazing at the tip of the nose and not round about, fearless, secure, restrained in mind, and established in the vow of continence, he should sit in spiritual communion with Me, looking upon Me as his highest and most precious end'.

How to meditate? - There are many ways to meditate. It all depends on the instructions from meditation teachers and the objectives of the meditators. For spiritual enlightenment, I recommend the following method.

1) Eyes gazing at the tip of own nose

2) Tongue curled up, tip touching palate (soft palate) (I call it tongue lock)

3) 2 hands placed together

This meditation can be performed standing, sitting or laying down. It depends on individuals and posture comfort. It is advisable to maintain an erect body. See figure above.

Time for meditation is flexible. As for me, I prefer 5 am and 10 pm. Initially try to do 5 - 15 minutes and gradually prolong to 1 - 3 hours (or longer if you prefer).
For beginners, the initial stage is quite difficult, but you can use your hands to guide. Place palms together and put the indexes at your nose tip. You can see something like the picture above.

Mentally, try not to think of anything. Six Patriarch, Hui Neng, when he was chased by monk Wei Ming spoke 'Since the object of your coming is the Dharma, refrain from thinking of anything and keep your mind blank. I will then teach you'. When Wei Ming had done that for a considerable time, Hui Neng said 'When you are thinking of neither good nor evil, what is at that particular moment, Venerable Sir, your real nature (literally original face)?'.

There is nothing to gain from spiritual meditation. When the mind is empty, then IT can mystically manifest itself. When we aim for it, we do not get it. Even when we have got it (enlightenment) do not think we have got it, or else we may lose it.
Usually our legs cramped during meditation. Try to bear it, or you can switch position/posture and carry on meditating. Another way is to control the breath (inflow as well as outflow) longer. Breath in and out naturally. Observe how a baby breaths and imitate it during meditation. Relax your body muscles (very important).

Certain feelings will result during meditation. I cannot go into details because individual has his own particular feeling/achievement, but I can quote Svatesvatara Upanishad, chapter 2 certain verses. 'The first fruits of the practice of Yoga are : health, little waste matter, and a clear complexion; lightness of the body, a pleasant scent, and a sweet voice, and an absence of greedy desires'.

Particularly the pleasant scent, I hereby quote the New Testament, Mathew, chapter 26 verses 7 - 13; ' A woman approached Him (Jesus Christ) with an alabaster flask of very precious perfume and poured it on His head as He was seated at the table. Observing it, the disciples said indignantly, "Why this waste? This could have been sold at a good price and given to the poor". When Jesus heard it, He said to them, "Why do you embarrass the woman? She has done something lovely for Me; for you always have the poor with you, but Me you do not have always. By pouring this perfume on My body she has prepared for My burial. I assure you that wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, this that she has done will be mentioned to her memory".'

Sometimes I can smell a nice fragrant scent during meditation and after. It comes from my own body. Dear readers, do meditate and see whether you can have the same result.

Meditation for women - Meditation for women is the same for men. In my opinion (because I am a man) a meditator/wife can weaken her husband during sex. Therefore my advice is that the wife should ask her husband to meditate as well.

Meditation for the blind - Blinds can meditate if they want. They can sit or stand during meditation. With tongue curled up touching palate, they have to place a finger touching the nose bridge between the 2 eyes. This is to stimulate a sensation at the bridge, so they can concentrate on that spot. When the blinds are able to concentrate on the 'mysterious gate of the square inch', the finger should be removed, both hands placing together.

Meditation for the mentally retarded - Parents/relatives can help their mentally retarded kin to meditate. Use a small torch-light. Putting the lighted torch-light at the nose tip, show them to gaze at the light. They might not be easily taught. We need to set an example showing them how to do it. Or another person demonstrates, the second person teaches. Mentally retarded person can only do nasal gaze. The tongue curling up method is definitely quite impossible to teach them.

A Living meditator - We meditate not for the present, but for after death. New Testament, Hebrews chapter 9 verses 16 and 17 state 'For where there is a testament, the death of the testator needs to be established. A will is effective at death; it is not valid so long as the testator lives'. What we should do is to live a life with our own limited means. In whatever status we are in, try to be contented and happy. If we are poor, be contented to be poor. Do not use meditation or other ulterior motives to gain wealth. If we are rich, also be contented to be rich. Help the poor and the underprivileged. It is no use to gain more riches but not contended or happy. Raise a family and pass the meditation tradition down the later generations. It is important that we have families. Here I shall illustrate on Confucianism. See figure above.

A spiritual meditator can influence the outcome of the world. First it begins with oneself. He should purify his mind, tongue and body. If he is a family man, his spiritual being is able to influence his wife and children. What more, if he is the king/president of the country; the country will be prosperous and peaceful. All the evil elements present in the country will be driven away. You can see the goodness of spiritual meditation. At whatever status you are in, you can influence other people, but do not jump the status by force. It is against Nature. Naturally, a president who meditates can easily bring peace and prosperity to the people. On the other hand, a meditator who wants peace and prosperity for his country men, has to topple the president first and establishes himself. This is by no means easy to do. If Nature does not give him a mandate to rule, he has to be an ordinary citizen. Confucius had no mandate to be emperor, but his moral cultivation and teaching earned him a continuous string of descendants. Likewise, if you meditate daily, you can have a continuous string of descendants. (males only are counted)

A meditator has to be watchful of his tongue. Talking bad about others is more sinful then committing vices. Criticizing is hurting others, while vices are self infliction. You must know the differences. After having enough children, meditator has to learn to control his ejaculation. This is to conserve the vital body fluid. Sex without ejaculation is essential to man to improve youthfulness and longevity. This practice will not harm the wife, because female has reserve energy to supply. A precaution is not to overdo sex. It is even better for enlightenment, should a meditator abstain from sex and eat vegetarian food.

Meditation to Solve Our Problems - Our mind is the master of the body. Whatever sickness we get, it is the work of the mind. You can read the newspaper daily and see reporting on all sort of illnesses causing death and suffering. Example AIDS, this is like a punishment for unnatural sex, cancer - there are so many types. This is due to indulging in excessive vices, food, liquor, sex etc. Drinker knows the danger of liver cancer, but why he still drinks to excess? His mind! We are living in a stressful world. This is the result of materialism. People think they are having a better life with big houses, cars, luxury, money etc. With this sort of life style, comes along with it various ailments. People worry thief might break-in. With good food, they become obese, need to attend aerobic classes or slimming classes etc. Living in comfort without much manual work, they lack of exercises. So they have to join sports clubs, go jogging, playing games etc. What they are doing is to waste more money to keep their bodies healthy. Is this enough?

Meditation is for the mind - the master of the body. When the mind is sound, the body will definitely be sound. Gazing at the nose tip actually is straining the optical muscles. This affect the pituitary gland behind them. This gland helps to regulate the body. We feel more calm after meditation. This helps to reduce stress. Many sicknesses arise from stress. We will learn to control ourselves better after meditation. We can do a better job and have a better awareness of the surrounding.

One subject matter I would like to include here is sleeping position. January 1983 issue of Readers' Digest has an article on Bio-magnetism. From my deduction, we need to sleep in a head east, legs west position. See illustration on the figure at the top. Sleeping in this position can help us mentally (calming effect) and physically (especially the bones). It is a slow process and take years to notice results. There are many other matters to write, but I feel action is better than words. I let the readers have the actual feeling of the action rather than reading a long winded story.

Edited on 16th August 2005

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Confucianism - World Savior

Confucianism is mainly about cultivate self, regulate the family, cure the country and then bring world peace.

Malachi chapter 4

4:1 For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
4:2 But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
4:3 And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.
4:4 Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
4:6 And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.

It is very clear from verse 6, re-incarnated Elijah has to preach Confuciaanism to the world, or else the world is doomed.

Also divorce should be banned or discouraged.

My Confucianism is detailed in and this picture to explain above.

My Gift To The World

Print, frame and hang my photograph in your home, can protect you and your home. Picture is in post 'My Message'.

Friday, 20 April 2007

My Message

Your spiritual soul is only your God. All other Gods are other
spiritual souls. They cannot help you. Only your own spiritual soul
can help you.

I use most scriptures to preach no religion.
See ,
see ,
see ,
see ,
see ,
see ,
see ,
see ,
see ,
see ,
etc etc.
I preach that your spiritual soul, or the One inside you, is your God
or Allah or Buddha, Tao etc etc.
The Mark at your nose bridge is the site of Your God or Buddha etc.
It has to be SEALED so you can return back to the origin.
The world is a stage, we are only actors. We are like water droplets
that can disappear into the ocean.

Cultivate self by meditation. See
or .
This is the way to enlarge your wisdom.

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Welcome to my blog

This is my first post here. I welcome all who dares to see my writing.

I am Kew Kah Fatt, Kew is my sir name as we Chinese use to call each other. My website is at .

In this opening page I do not want to talk too much. Anyway, I welcome you here to see !