Saturday, 28 April 2007

To Cure Mental Illness

Singapore time: 4.05 pm 28th Apr 2007

The cheapest way to cure mental illness or depression is to do nasal gaze. This is the first procedure in my meditation blogged here. Just focus your eyes on the tip of your own nose, the longer the better.

For violence patience, you need to tie him/her down. Plaster his mouth and place a lighted candle, the flame near his nose tip. If he refuses to look at the flame, put the flame nearer, so the heat can affect him. Let him gazes for some time and repeat again after resting. When he is calm, then explain to him the meditation method and let him do himself.

Medicine and electric shock cannot easily cure mental illness and there are side effects of medication. If you want cheap and easy, do my meditation.

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