Saturday, 28 December 2013


Head of state
Head of state should not be a woman - like queen Elizabeth II.
Head of state should be a married man.
Head of state should have high moral quality.
Head of state should have son/sons. - no son, bad omen.
Best is to appoint holy man to be head of state.
No easy for holy man to be elected president.
Therefore all royalties should be abolished as they are not morally suitable.

We are all Gods or Buddha or Tao etc etc
Psalms 82:6 - I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.
Our Mind is the Buddha. - in Hui Neng it is SELF nature.
Tao is in everyone.
Our spiritual SELF is eternal - Bhagavad Gita chapter 2
God or Heaven entrusted to us is our SELF nature - Zhongyong

China S China sea Air Defence Security Zone
China can implement Air Defence Security Zone in S China sea, but don't enforce the reporting of airlines passenger planes first. That can be implemented later on. when the situation is stablelised. The zone should extend out of Taiwan East coast to S China sea. Taiwan belongs to China, so China can extend the area bigger, but shade the area occupied by Taiwan for their own use presently.

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