Wednesday 20 February 2008


Singapore time 8.48 am 20th February 2008

They had declared independence on 17th February 2008. After fighting the Serbs and interference from Nato, this tiny state is finally borned. But will it last or be peaceful for long ?

This is race or religion problem here and it is not easy to erase. Even Timor Leste after independence it is still unstable because of infighting.

What the West and America want to do is split other countries, so they can dominate the world. Can this last ? They themselves are now subject to population decline and with immigration, they will not be white countries in the future. Foreigner immigrants are increasing in number and one day will take over the rule from the white when they are the minority. Race conflict will keep going on even in democratic countries. It is the majority rule that will affect them. White might now be majority but will be minority in the future. So their political power will decline. Then the new majority will cause upheavel in Europe.

My idea is to have autonomy for self rule in this sort of states. The local run the local government but foreign affair and defence will be under central control. Peaceful existence is the key words not self independence. Therefore I hopethe West and America do not interfere in Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang affairs.

The reason is simple. What you do to others, others will do back to you. Be good to others, others will be good to you.

This is because I want to see a great harmonious world. Be in peace !

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