Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Can Singaporeans Be Gracious ?

Singapore time 8.10 am 16th January 2008

Singaporeans cannot be gracious with Lee Kuan Yew and PAP in authority. They give bad example for Singaporeans to imitate. Like the catch phrase "I will sue you in court", is used by many Singaporeans to intimidate fellow Singaporesns and others.

The way they treat the elite favourably and the down throdden shabily is sign they are ungracious. The way they treat the oppositions shows they are unrighteous and ungracious.

The way they treat foreign workers like slaves shows how ungracious they are.

Therefore if you want to have a gracious Singapore, you Singaporeans should vote out the PAP.

Graciousness comes from the top. You cannot expect the bottom people to teach top leaders how to behave. The people just follow the top leaders.


Lenox said...

You mean being gracious means cannot sue other people in court ?

Kew Kah Fatt said...


You can sue others in court if you want to. What I want to say is that many Singaporeans like to use the catch phrase to intimidate others who are mostly poor.

Leaders have to be gracious, so the citizen can follow. It should not be an elite class dominating over all others. No caste system here please !