Sunday, 20 January 2008

Destruction Of Jerusalem

Singapore time 9.14 am 20th January 2008

Republic of Israel was formed around 1948, so it is now 60 years old. Another 10 year in 2018, that will be 70 years. This is not a good sign as it is a spiritual figure of 7 plus multiple of 7.

If you read Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, Luke chapter 21 plus Old Testament prediction, disaster will strike the area of Judea. In my opinion, major earth quake will occur causing earth to part from the Mediterranean Sea passing through Jerusalem then into the Dead Sea. This will cause water from the Mediterranean to flood the stretch of divided land bringing the ruin of Jerusalen including the Temple Mount. This is to stop the Jews and Muslims fighting over the site which they consider their holy place.

So for the Jews and Muslims in the Judea area, get prepared for this predicted disaster. I cannot be sure whether it will happen or not. These were written long long ago. Even Daniel predicted the End coming in a flood.

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