Singapore time 9.14 am 20th January 2008
Republic of Israel was formed around 1948, so it is now 60 years old. Another 10 year in 2018, that will be 70 years. This is not a good sign as it is a spiritual figure of 7 plus multiple of 7.
If you read Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, Luke chapter 21 plus Old Testament prediction, disaster will strike the area of Judea. In my opinion, major earth quake will occur causing earth to part from the Mediterranean Sea passing through Jerusalem then into the Dead Sea. This will cause water from the Mediterranean to flood the stretch of divided land bringing the ruin of Jerusalen including the Temple Mount. This is to stop the Jews and Muslims fighting over the site which they consider their holy place.
So for the Jews and Muslims in the Judea area, get prepared for this predicted disaster. I cannot be sure whether it will happen or not. These were written long long ago. Even Daniel predicted the End coming in a flood.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
Go Vegetarian
Singapore time 9.03 am 20th January 2008
My preaching is that your spiritual soul is your God, Allah, Buddha, Tao, Atman, Brahman etc. So the spiritual souls in all other animals, birds and fishes etc are your brothers. Eating them is like eating your own brother. So have compassion, stop eating meat and fishes etc. Go vegetarian.
In a way it is to maintain your body health so you don't get sick easily. In another way it helps the environment, as animal food will be used for human consumption, more people can have ample food to eat. Gas emission from cattle will be no more.
Mental health will be much better as eating vegetarian food will make you less violence, less aggressive etc. So murder, rape, fighting will become less.
My preaching is that your spiritual soul is your God, Allah, Buddha, Tao, Atman, Brahman etc. So the spiritual souls in all other animals, birds and fishes etc are your brothers. Eating them is like eating your own brother. So have compassion, stop eating meat and fishes etc. Go vegetarian.
In a way it is to maintain your body health so you don't get sick easily. In another way it helps the environment, as animal food will be used for human consumption, more people can have ample food to eat. Gas emission from cattle will be no more.
Mental health will be much better as eating vegetarian food will make you less violence, less aggressive etc. So murder, rape, fighting will become less.
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Taiwan Chinese Voted Wisely
Singapore time 9.52 am 19th January 2008
By giving the KMT a majority in the legislature parliament, the Taiwan Chinese voted wisely. Hurrah to you !
This also avoids any disaster that might strike Taiwan. I have said in Delphi Forum, with Chen as chairman of DPP, disaster will strike Taiwan before he steps down. The name there I use is KewKahFatt.
If you Taiwan Chinese can vote for Ma, then you can see peace and prosperity for 4 years. If you are not satisfied with KMT, you can still vote them out in 2012. So why not vote for Ma and see hat the next 4 years will be.
By giving the KMT a majority in the legislature parliament, the Taiwan Chinese voted wisely. Hurrah to you !
This also avoids any disaster that might strike Taiwan. I have said in Delphi Forum, with Chen as chairman of DPP, disaster will strike Taiwan before he steps down. The name there I use is KewKahFatt.
If you Taiwan Chinese can vote for Ma, then you can see peace and prosperity for 4 years. If you are not satisfied with KMT, you can still vote them out in 2012. So why not vote for Ma and see hat the next 4 years will be.
Vote Hilary At Your Own Peril

Singapore time 9.42 am 19th January 2008
I preach my Confucianism, so I advice Americans not to vote Hilary for president. If you do, you have to face consequences of bad luck and disasters.
From the figure above, the head of trinity is mind, man and president/king. These heads should be in tranquil or in inaction like without political power. Then the body, family or country can be prosper or in good fortune.
A woman at the top is a danger to the country. See modern history of other countries with active presidents. See how the countries fare. You Americans want to be like them. Sri Lanka formerly has inactive president. After they changed their political system, then with a lady president, the country went into chaos.
Fate of your country is in your hands.
Friday, 18 January 2008
Middle-East Muslims
Singapore time 9.34 am 18th January 2008
With the majority of you in the Middle East, you are stupid not be able to defeat Israel. Israel has less than 10 million Jews, and yet for the past 60 over years, you Muslims cannot defeat them. You know the reason ?
Israel has a president who has no political power wherelse you Muslims have executive kings or presidents. So how can you Muslims defeat the Jews ? Follow the Jews and appoint your president without political power. Your king can be non executive, just a figure head like in Malaysia. The latter is stable because of this reason.
Just look a the number of Muslim countries that are stable. Without the oil money , do you think you can be stable ? You will go into chaos and divided.
So if you want to have stable country, appoint a man to be your head-of-state without political power. Power should be in the hand of the prime minister and his cabinet.
Jews and Muslims are about the same. Both believe in the religion of Abraham. Both are circumcised and do not eat pork. In a way you Muslims are Jews, except you want to differentiate yourself from the Jews. The Quran is full of stories of the Jews. And try to study carefully Surah 17 verse 104
PICKTHAL: And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.
It says Allah will gather the Jews before the promise of the Hereafter approaches. This is a sign that the formation of Israel is telling us DOOM is near. So you Muslims, you better wake up and make peace.
With the majority of you in the Middle East, you are stupid not be able to defeat Israel. Israel has less than 10 million Jews, and yet for the past 60 over years, you Muslims cannot defeat them. You know the reason ?
Israel has a president who has no political power wherelse you Muslims have executive kings or presidents. So how can you Muslims defeat the Jews ? Follow the Jews and appoint your president without political power. Your king can be non executive, just a figure head like in Malaysia. The latter is stable because of this reason.
Just look a the number of Muslim countries that are stable. Without the oil money , do you think you can be stable ? You will go into chaos and divided.
So if you want to have stable country, appoint a man to be your head-of-state without political power. Power should be in the hand of the prime minister and his cabinet.
Jews and Muslims are about the same. Both believe in the religion of Abraham. Both are circumcised and do not eat pork. In a way you Muslims are Jews, except you want to differentiate yourself from the Jews. The Quran is full of stories of the Jews. And try to study carefully Surah 17 verse 104
PICKTHAL: And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations.
It says Allah will gather the Jews before the promise of the Hereafter approaches. This is a sign that the formation of Israel is telling us DOOM is near. So you Muslims, you better wake up and make peace.
Taxi Fare Increase
Singapore time 9.19 am 18th January 2008
With recent taxi fare increase in Singapore, many Singaporeans are avoiding taxi services. With less demand, some taxi frivers will have to give up the trade. In the end, taxi companies have to bear the cost of taxis not rented out. These taxis have to be snowballed in storage and license delisted. When demand increase, they can be listed again.
The way the authority regulating taxi services is not good. They think in term of taxes government can collect but not the hardship of taxi drivers. Taxi driving now is not a good trade as it is more health problem prone. Many taxi drivers have some form of sickness.
As ownership of taxi is phasing out, the trade is no different from working for others. So most drivers will give up and in the end, taxi drivers will be foreigners. I think the authority does not want to see this.
Taxi driving is a self employed trade, so there is no day off, medical leave, holiday leave etc. The more hours they ply on the road, the moree they money they make. Also the more they can get sick. With ample driving hours and some rest, they should reasonably make at least S$15000 a month. Those who want to make more than S$3,000 a month is courting death or early serious illness.
With recent taxi fare increase in Singapore, many Singaporeans are avoiding taxi services. With less demand, some taxi frivers will have to give up the trade. In the end, taxi companies have to bear the cost of taxis not rented out. These taxis have to be snowballed in storage and license delisted. When demand increase, they can be listed again.
The way the authority regulating taxi services is not good. They think in term of taxes government can collect but not the hardship of taxi drivers. Taxi driving now is not a good trade as it is more health problem prone. Many taxi drivers have some form of sickness.
As ownership of taxi is phasing out, the trade is no different from working for others. So most drivers will give up and in the end, taxi drivers will be foreigners. I think the authority does not want to see this.
Taxi driving is a self employed trade, so there is no day off, medical leave, holiday leave etc. The more hours they ply on the road, the moree they money they make. Also the more they can get sick. With ample driving hours and some rest, they should reasonably make at least S$15000 a month. Those who want to make more than S$3,000 a month is courting death or early serious illness.
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Peace For Iraq
Singapore time 9.06 am 17th January 2008
The fastest way to achieve peace in Iraq is to change the political system. The president should be appointed with no political power. He should be a young man, married with at least a son, doing his main duty of meditation and eat vegetarian food daily.
It is useless to use guns and intimidation to achieve peace. All other political system will fail. Democracy will also fail.
This is Confucianism as spoken by me.
The fastest way to achieve peace in Iraq is to change the political system. The president should be appointed with no political power. He should be a young man, married with at least a son, doing his main duty of meditation and eat vegetarian food daily.
It is useless to use guns and intimidation to achieve peace. All other political system will fail. Democracy will also fail.
This is Confucianism as spoken by me.
Mean Testing For Public Hospitals
Singapore time 8.56 am 17th January 2008
Mean testing is making some Singaporeans angry. I suggest public hospital should post hospital charges at commercial rates so who ever choose to be admitted to any classes will not have to worry of subsidy. Government has to list out all Singaporeans qualified for discount. So during admission, poor people can claim discount. At least the paper work is much lesser in this way.
Also this is to dispel what the government is always talking about subsidy of up to 85%. With the commercial rate, patients can compare with private hospitals. And this also give the choice for the rich to stay in C Class, as some rich people do not want to spend money any how because they were poor when they were young. They know the hardship of earning money.
Mean testing is making some Singaporeans angry. I suggest public hospital should post hospital charges at commercial rates so who ever choose to be admitted to any classes will not have to worry of subsidy. Government has to list out all Singaporeans qualified for discount. So during admission, poor people can claim discount. At least the paper work is much lesser in this way.
Also this is to dispel what the government is always talking about subsidy of up to 85%. With the commercial rate, patients can compare with private hospitals. And this also give the choice for the rich to stay in C Class, as some rich people do not want to spend money any how because they were poor when they were young. They know the hardship of earning money.
Wednesday, 16 January 2008
Can Singaporeans Be Gracious ?
Singapore time 8.10 am 16th January 2008
Singaporeans cannot be gracious with Lee Kuan Yew and PAP in authority. They give bad example for Singaporeans to imitate. Like the catch phrase "I will sue you in court", is used by many Singaporeans to intimidate fellow Singaporesns and others.
The way they treat the elite favourably and the down throdden shabily is sign they are ungracious. The way they treat the oppositions shows they are unrighteous and ungracious.
The way they treat foreign workers like slaves shows how ungracious they are.
Therefore if you want to have a gracious Singapore, you Singaporeans should vote out the PAP.
Graciousness comes from the top. You cannot expect the bottom people to teach top leaders how to behave. The people just follow the top leaders.
Singaporeans cannot be gracious with Lee Kuan Yew and PAP in authority. They give bad example for Singaporeans to imitate. Like the catch phrase "I will sue you in court", is used by many Singaporeans to intimidate fellow Singaporesns and others.
The way they treat the elite favourably and the down throdden shabily is sign they are ungracious. The way they treat the oppositions shows they are unrighteous and ungracious.
The way they treat foreign workers like slaves shows how ungracious they are.
Therefore if you want to have a gracious Singapore, you Singaporeans should vote out the PAP.
Graciousness comes from the top. You cannot expect the bottom people to teach top leaders how to behave. The people just follow the top leaders.
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Retirement Is Not Death
Singapore time 9.05 am 15th January 2008
Don't listen to what Lee Kuan Yew said that retirement is death. He cannot retire is because he want absolute power. He dares not relish his political power afraid his enemies will go after him. At his position as 'mentor minister' he has police protection.
Retirement to me is doing self cultivation. Read scriptures, do meditation, write on websites and blogs on reflection of life and comments. Self cultivation means going on vegetarian diet or fruits diet, meditation and cultivate moral behavior.
Many who retired, spend on holidays, live lavishly or gamble away all their money. In the end, they become paupers waiting for charity.
Your retirement money is for you to survive till you die. If you have children and grandchildren, it is time to pass your life experience to the youngsters. If you do self cultivation, it is the merit that is to benefits your children and grandchildren. Bare this in mind. If you commit sins in the past, this is time to confess so the sins do not pass on to your children and grandchildren.
Don't listen to what Lee Kuan Yew said that retirement is death. He cannot retire is because he want absolute power. He dares not relish his political power afraid his enemies will go after him. At his position as 'mentor minister' he has police protection.
Retirement to me is doing self cultivation. Read scriptures, do meditation, write on websites and blogs on reflection of life and comments. Self cultivation means going on vegetarian diet or fruits diet, meditation and cultivate moral behavior.
Many who retired, spend on holidays, live lavishly or gamble away all their money. In the end, they become paupers waiting for charity.
Your retirement money is for you to survive till you die. If you have children and grandchildren, it is time to pass your life experience to the youngsters. If you do self cultivation, it is the merit that is to benefits your children and grandchildren. Bare this in mind. If you commit sins in the past, this is time to confess so the sins do not pass on to your children and grandchildren.
Monday, 14 January 2008
HDB Flats
Singapore time 8.41 am 14th January 2008
The price of new private designed unbuild HDB flats at Boon Keng Road are stiff and will give false sign to home buyers. For a 3 room-flat it costs S$349,000 to S$394,000. For a 4 room-flat it costs S$523,000 to S$ 597,000. And for a 5 room-flat it cost about S$536,000 to 727,000.
This price should be the subsidised price as compared to market price ? Or is this the market price ? If they are subsidised, then the market price will be higher by over 20% or more.
These flats are not condo with swimming pool and private compound. It is just the unit price. With demand, the false impression given is that HDB might build more of these flats in the future. In a way, this will increase the price of all HDB flats on a whole. Are we building a housing bubble ? Is this what the PAP or HDB want to see in the future ?
My flat was bought in 1978 for S$28,000. It is 4 room new NG type with flooring done. The market value is about S$200,000. Floor undone then it was priced at S$22,500.
So with new bunch mark for new flats, people will go for new rather then old flats. So old estate will have stagnant price. They can go up if more PRs buy them.
My suggestion is for all new HDB flats to be quoted at market price so all eligible residents can buy including PRs. Discount then can be deducted to eligible successful applicants like first time buyer for Singapore citizens. In this way, people can compare the price of HDB against private developments.
It is no use harping to citizens that HDB flats are subsidised. At market price and discount later, Singaporeans will know whether PAP government is telling lies.
The price of new private designed unbuild HDB flats at Boon Keng Road are stiff and will give false sign to home buyers. For a 3 room-flat it costs S$349,000 to S$394,000. For a 4 room-flat it costs S$523,000 to S$ 597,000. And for a 5 room-flat it cost about S$536,000 to 727,000.
This price should be the subsidised price as compared to market price ? Or is this the market price ? If they are subsidised, then the market price will be higher by over 20% or more.
These flats are not condo with swimming pool and private compound. It is just the unit price. With demand, the false impression given is that HDB might build more of these flats in the future. In a way, this will increase the price of all HDB flats on a whole. Are we building a housing bubble ? Is this what the PAP or HDB want to see in the future ?
My flat was bought in 1978 for S$28,000. It is 4 room new NG type with flooring done. The market value is about S$200,000. Floor undone then it was priced at S$22,500.
So with new bunch mark for new flats, people will go for new rather then old flats. So old estate will have stagnant price. They can go up if more PRs buy them.
My suggestion is for all new HDB flats to be quoted at market price so all eligible residents can buy including PRs. Discount then can be deducted to eligible successful applicants like first time buyer for Singapore citizens. In this way, people can compare the price of HDB against private developments.
It is no use harping to citizens that HDB flats are subsidised. At market price and discount later, Singaporeans will know whether PAP government is telling lies.
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Editing Websites
Singapore time 9.16 am 12th January 2008
I spend some time editing my pages in my sites. They are Geocities, Sg. Geocities, Uk.Geocities and Lycos.
I use Word Pad to edit. Even Chinese text I try to edit. See indexch.html and homepage.
I spend some time editing my pages in my sites. They are Geocities, Sg. Geocities, Uk.Geocities and Lycos.
I use Word Pad to edit. Even Chinese text I try to edit. See indexch.html and homepage.
Thursday, 10 January 2008
Nothing New
Singapore time 8.25 am 10th January 2008
I have no topic at the moment to write. I just want to say I received an e-mail from Blogger regarding Spam. Someone must have complained about this blog.
I have only this blog, so how can I spam ?
I have no topic at the moment to write. I just want to say I received an e-mail from Blogger regarding Spam. Someone must have complained about this blog.
I have only this blog, so how can I spam ?
Tuesday, 1 January 2008
Happy New Year
Singapore time 7.51 am 1st January 2008
Wish everyone a happy new year.
Regarding guava eating, it is best to take out the seeds. I ate whole and a few teeth were lost. So be reminded, you can loss your teeth when eating guava whole.
I would not know what is the future will be. I just want to do my duty to preach the TRUTH and get people to have their Mark on their foreheads Sealed by I-Kuan Tao groups. The TRUTH is that your Spirit is your God, Allah, Buddha, Tao, Brahman etc. It is at the Mark on your forehead.
I am also preaching my Confucianism. This is to save the world. See for clearer explanation.
Wish everyone a happy new year.
Regarding guava eating, it is best to take out the seeds. I ate whole and a few teeth were lost. So be reminded, you can loss your teeth when eating guava whole.
I would not know what is the future will be. I just want to do my duty to preach the TRUTH and get people to have their Mark on their foreheads Sealed by I-Kuan Tao groups. The TRUTH is that your Spirit is your God, Allah, Buddha, Tao, Brahman etc. It is at the Mark on your forehead.
I am also preaching my Confucianism. This is to save the world. See for clearer explanation.
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