Thursday, 6 September 2007

Crackdown On Hawkers

Singapore time 7.31 am 6th September 2007

After the TV reporting on illegal hawking of medicines in back lanes in red light districts, the HSA raid the areas and brought back all the medicines for testing.

These hawkers can be seen for the past 40 years of my adult life since 1968 when I started working. In the Jojor Road joint, you can see them, especially I had to take bus from there to Safti. Even going to back lane of Desker Road or Pertain Road, you can still find some of them. They are everywhere that has prostitution dens.

I would like to say is this: why raid after the TV report or news paper report. Don't tell me the HSA do not conduct its own investigation ? Police also patrol these areas. Why they don't take action ?

Are the authority take action only when people complain ?

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