Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Stupid Politicians

Now is Salvation Era or Punishment Era, so many natural disasters will strike earth. 
Therefore stupid politicians ! 
Appoint holy man as president or me as your head of state to avoid the calamity.

Politicians are stupid not to reform prisoners.
They think mostly of how to punish them.
The main solution is to provide them compulsory vegetarian food.
So prisoners are reformed.
Best is to teach them nasal gaze meditation:-
1. both eyes looking at own nose tip,  eyes opened
2. tongue rolled up, tip touching palate
3. hands together, initially palm to palm placed near nose tip for better guidance.

Doctors and politicians are stupid not to provide compulsory vegetarian food to mental patients.
With vegetarian food, half the mental patients shall be cure naturally.
They rest should be taught nasal gaze meditation in order to cure them.
So less medicine is used.
Also doctors shall be out of jobs. 

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