Sunday 9 December 2012


The Mean-In-Action
That which Heaven entrusts to man is to be called his nature. The following out of this nature is to be called the Way. The cultivation of the Way is to be called instruction in systematic truth. The Way, it may not be abandoned for a moment. If it might be abandoned, it would not be the Way. Because this is so, the man of principle holds himself restrained and keyed up in relation to the unseen world (lit. what he cannot see or hear). Since there is nothing more manifest than what is hidden, nothing more visible than what is minute, therefore the man of principle is on guard when he is alone with himself. 

(The nature in human is the soul or spirit or Tao or Buddha etc. The Truth about this nature is Tao or Way. Tao or Spirit, inherent in each one, cannot be removed from human body. Once IT is removed, the man is dead. Meditation is to be in communion with Tao or Way, and the mind should be tied to a point and not allowed to wonder about even when alone.)[Few lines have no translation.]

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