Sunday, 2 December 2012

Hui Neng

The Sutra Of HUI NENG
Learned Audience, our Essence of Mind (literally, self-nature) which is the seed or kernel of enlightenment (Bodhi) is pure by nature, and by making use of this mind alone we can reach Buddha-hood directly. 

[(Compare this with Visualizing Sutra's - Because the body of the Buddha is the Body of the Universe, and it is within the mind of all beings. Therefore, when you think of that Buddha, your mind is the One who has the thirty-two Magnificent Figures and the eighty Virtues. It is the mind that is to become a Buddha; and it is the mind that is a Buddha

Buddhist term for the One is our mind. It is a bit confusing when explaining this Buddhist reasoning. Even in Bhagavad Gita there are more terms to confuse readers. If we stick to one let say our soul or spirit, then we can understand all scriptures. The statement said Mind is a Buddha, so why must the Buddhists pray to Buddha made of paper, cloth, wood, metals, stones etc? Is not this stupid of you?)]

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