Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Daodejing Poem 47

Singapore time 9.43 am 6th August 2008

Without going out, you can know the world. Without prying beyond the window, you can see heavenly Tao. The further you go, the less you know Tao. So the Sage does not go out and knows Tao at home, not looking he understands, in inaction he achieves success.
Without going out, you can get all the news in the TV, newpapers, internet etc. Without looking beyond the window, you know where is Tao. It is inside you. Many people leave home to seek Tao but are mostly unsuccessful. No master will inpart their knowledge to any person anyhow. Most inpart to only one disciple to carry the line.
So the Sage does not go out and cultivate Tao at home. Not looking for knowledge, he understands and with meditation or 'wuwei' he can achieve success.

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