Use uprighteousness to govern country, use sparingly the army, use inaction to win the world. How do I know this is so? By this! The world with many taboos, the people grow poorer; people use abundant weapons, the country grows chaotic; people use multiply skills, novelties flourish; laws increase in number, more criminal abound.
For Sage said: 'I inaction, and people self reform; I love quietness, and people will be upright; I do nothing, people will prosper; I desire nothing, the people will return to their simplicity
Again here it stresses on inaction, 'wu wei'. How do the writer knew ? By this ! means meditation or gazing at the nose tip. This is action without words by pointing own nose tip and showing eyes focusing there.
The message is for the Sage King. How many lay men really can understand this ? This is why the world is in chaos because lay men use the opinions to rule others. They don't understand Nature's way of ruling. Like having more taboos or regulations, the people will be restricted and become non creative. When gun law is allowed, the country get more violent in crime. With more laws enacted does not mean less criminals but instead increase them. Human nature is to seek revenge or punishment for the offending party. They don't show compassion for the offenders. Instead of reforming them, people want murderers to die, rapist to be hanged etc. All sort of labels are used to describe the criminals.
Reforming criminals is simple. Just feed them vegetarian food and broadcast religious chant or speech to them daily. Also get them to meditate my type. In this way, they will become a better person. They might become more holier than outside priests or monks etc.
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