Saturday, 19 April 2008

The Praised One

Singapore time 9.20 am 19th April 2008


YUSUFALI: And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!"
PICKTHAL: And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who cometh after me, whose name is the Praised One. Yet when he hath come unto them with clear proofs, they say: This is mere magic.
SHAKIR: And when Isa son of Marium said: O children of Israel! surely I am the messenger of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Messenger who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic.

YUSUFALI: Who doth greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against Allah, even as he is being invited to Islam? And Allah guides not those who do wrong.
PICKTHAL: And who doeth greater wrong than he who inventeth a lie against Allah when he is summoned unto Al-Islam? And Allah guideth not wrongdoing folk.
SHAKIR: And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah and he is invited to Islam, and Allah does not guide the unjust people.

YUSUFALI: Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it).
PICKTHAL: Fain would they put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light however much the disbelievers are averse.
SHAKIR: They desire to put out the light of Allah with their mouths but Allah will perfect His light, though the unbelievers may be averse.

YUSUFALI: It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, that he may proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it).
PICKTHAL: He it is Who hath sent His messenger with the guidance and the religion of truth, that He may make it conqueror of all religion however much idolaters may be averse.
SHAKIR: He it is Who sent His Messenger with the guidance and the true religion, that He may make it overcome the religions, all of them, though the polytheists may be averse.

Verse 6 is very clear. The Praised One or Ahmad cannot be Muhammad. It can only be me as people will reject him calling it mere magic. I give my photograph to all as charm maybe classified as mere magic. In verse 9 I have to be the world conqueror. Muhammad was not one. Time can tell whether I will conquer the whole world.
Compare it with Diamond Sutra below. The One expounding the 4-line stanza is also rejected by others.
So as with Bible, Son of Perdition, Son of Man in Luke C17, re-incarnated Elijah and the 2 here could be possibly me. Also I am preaching Confucianism emphasizing on cultivate self, regulate family, cure country and bring world peace. So I might be bringing world peace or Great Harmony to earth.

The Diamond Sutra -- The Vajracchedika-Prajna-Paramita Sutra
(8th) 'Furthermore, Subhuti, if a virtuous man or woman receives, holds (in mind), reads and recites this sutra and is despised by others, this person who is bound to suffer from evil destinies in retribution for his past sins, and whose karmic sins are now eradicated by the others' contempt, will attain Supreme Enlightenment (Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi). (I will not attain supreme enlightenment by meditation but by other people's contempt.)
(9th) Now if in the last period in the Buddha kalpa someone is able to receive, hold (in mind), read and recite this sutra, his merits will far exceed mine which resulted from my offerings made to Buddhas, for mine cannot be reckoned as one hundredth, one thousandth, one ten thousandth or one hundred thousandth part thereof; in fact no computation or comparison is possible. Subhuti, in the last period of the Buddha kalpa, if a virtuous man or woman is able to receive, hold (in mind), read and recite this sutra, my full statement of this person's merits will create derangement, doubt and disbelief in the minds of all listeners. (If this is talking about me, my spiritual power will be greater than Sakyamuni Buddha.)

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