Thursday, 19 May 2016

Nasal Gaze Meditation

Nasal gaze meditation part 1 is mentioned in Bhagavad Gita chapter 6.
In Buddhist Surangama Suta, there are 25 meditation methods.
One is close to nasal gaze.
In the Bible, it says that to look out for Jesus Christ outside the city.
So it can be the place where Jesus is crucified or nose tip if you take the Mark on our forehead as Jerusalem.
Quran has the description of the Mark on our forehead in Surah 48 verse 29.
Draw out the corn plant to pinpoint the location.
Leaves are our eye-brows.
Base of stem and roots is the Mark.
So it is below our eye-brows.
Therefore Suan Kuan acupuncture point is the Mark.
Tao Te Ching chapter 1 mentioned that.

Nasal gaze is very  spiritual.
Because you focus on the God inside you at the Mark as you are doing cocked-eyes.
Most people will experience giddiness when doing it.
This is the Way Universal God vetted out un chosen ones.

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