Wednesday, 29 April 2015


When I saw the map published in newspapers about the spot where Philippines coast guards killed the Taiwanese fishermen, I was surprised.
The spot is about 12 miles from Philippines shore but more than 100 miles from Taiwan shore.
So you cause trouble to China because you are a puppet of America?
Taiwan is a good friend of America?
I have no mercy on you for this injustice.
Philippines does not claim the 200 miles in UN charter against Taiwan but claim against China.
The sea border with Taiwan and China is the same.
Ming China ruled the seas.
Where were you Filipinos?
Still in caves or aborigines?
You better wake up!
Don't be an American puppet!
If this issue gets big, Malaysia can claim Natunas oil field from Indonesia.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015


When I saw the map published in newspapers about the spot where Philippines coast guards killed the Taiwanese fishermen, I was surprised.
The spot is about 12 miles from Philippines shore but more than 100 miles from Taiwan shore.
So you cause trouble to China because you are a puppet of America?
Taiwan is a good friend of America?
I have no mercy on you for this injustice.

Monday, 27 April 2015


You don't have to feel sad for those killed in Nepal or elsewhere.
Revelation says God wants to kill a third of mankind.
That is more than 2 billion basing on 7 billion world population.
Those killed will be reincarnated unless they got the Sealing on their foreheads.
They return back to Universal God.
There is no hell or heaven.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


China, you need not be afraid of America and the rest.
Americans are occupiers not the owners of America.
The rightful owners are the Red Indians.
India is half occupiers, the Aryan.
The only thing you should do is justice and righteousness.
Like banning pornography and lewdness.
God will be on your side.

To people in South Asia, you better know your history.
Aryan came from Central Asia conquering your land.
They are fair skin people.
In order to control you they implemented caste system.
Therefore your countries are not stable, many trouble.


Tuesday, 14 April 2015


Basic teaching of Confucianism is 1. cultivate self, 2. regulate family, 3. cure the country then 4. bring peace to the world.
Self cultivation covers a wide range of topics. Filial piety or moral education is one. It can be said as a Chinese monk living at home with family. Meditation and vegetarian diet are the basic most important factors.
You don't find this sort of teaching in other scriptures.
Next is regulate the family or discipline the family. King David never did that.
Next is to cure the country. Country ills bring misfortune to the country. So the right policy has to be implemented. Pornography is a sin. So countries promoting or allowing pornography are committing sins. Therefore God or Nature will rain down disasters. Next is coveting. So countries conquering other countries are great sinners. You Western countries better bear that in mind.
How to cure a country? Very simple. Appoint a holy man as the figure head president.
Next is to bring peace to the world. How? When the Sage King is appointed president, the world will be at peace.
So Confucianism is superior to all religions. No violence is used.

Monday, 13 April 2015


Lee Kuan Yew and the PAP government think with the presence of US military in Singapore, Singapore is safe.
This is bullshit.
My presence in Singapore is the guarantee that Singapore is safe.
So US military can get lost from Singapore.
Lee and the PAP government fear the Muslims in Malaysia and Indonesia.
So they need US presence. But US presence is trouble for Singapore.
Appoint me the figure head president of Singapore will guarantee 100% security.
But first they have to abolish the elected president law first. I am the last prophet or Savior.

Saturday, 11 April 2015


Use logic to explain scriptures.
Is it right for Cain to kill Abel?
So killing is ok as God did not punish Cain?
God can ask Moses to attack and occupy Palestinian land?
So Godi is evil or Satan?
Jews are looking for the last prophet from the East.
Was Jesus from the East?
Is Mecca or Median on the East of Jerusalem?
So how can Muhammad be the last prophet?
Some Bibles don't have book of Malachi.
Are Christians don't the followers to know Elijah reincarnation?
Elijah is to preach family unity.
Did Jesus did that?
Psalms 82 verse 6 says we are Gods or Sons of God.
Why you don't believe same as the Jews?

Wednesday, 1 April 2015


The Heart Sutra -- The Prajna-Paramita-Hrdaya-Sutra
When Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara (Goddess of Mercy) practiced the profound Prajna-paramita (meditation), he investigated and perceived that the five aggregates (skandhas) were non-existent thus securing his deliverance from all distress and sufferings.
Sariputra! (referring to the mark on the forehead) Form (rupa) does not differ from the void (sunya), nor the void from form. Form is identical with void (and) void is identical with form. So also are reception (vedana), conception (sanjna), mental function (samskara) and consciousness (vijnana) in relation to the void.
Ga-te, ga-te, paragate, parasamgate Bodhi Svaha

Showing you Buddhists why Chinese Sutras are better. Avalokitesvara in Chinese here is looking at own Boddhisattva. 

This is reminding you Buddhists to look at your own Buddha inside you. - nasal gaze meditation