Wednesday 4 September 2013

September Comments

I am keeping my hair long. It is tiring trimming hair everyday and damage my fingers flesh.
So in 3 months time, you see me in long hair. Temporary I wear hat to go shopping for fruits.
My weight is 57 kg. Still no water or drink. No more vegetables.

All world leaders, don't be stupid to follow the old ways or your own new ways.
All these ways or method would not work.
The only solution is appoint holy man as figure head head-of-state.
So all countries with royalties, should abandon them.
The best is for you all stupid leaders to appoint me your figure head president.
There is no need for me to be in your country like what England queen does in Australia and New Zealand etc.
As long my white dress photos are hanged all over your official offices is good enough.

Syria, a part of it is occupied by Israel.
Assad can't do anything to retake it.
UN is lame duck that can't do anything.
So where is the justice in the world.
I think chemical weapon was developed by Assad's father.
Assad just carry on with it. These weapons are mainly for use against Israel.
But with Sunni world ganging up against him, he might use it in the last resort.
Civil war in Syria now is war between Sunni and Shiite.
So it can escalate into Middle East war.
There will be no world peace as long the UN is in NY.
So stupid world leaders, bring UN HQ to Singapore so there will be world peace.
I am justice and righteousness.
Not what you stupid people talking about human rights and freedom of speech.

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