Friday, 9 January 2009

To Fairuz

Fairuz Jailani,

Idiot ! Quran has many stories copied from the Bible like creation, Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jacob, Joseph, David, Solomon, Jesus, Mary etc etc. If you still insist that it is the only holy book, why all the similarity with the Bible? And if you still insist that it is from Allah, why you Muslims circumcise ? Quran does not ask you to circumcise. Idiot ! you understand ?

If you think Islam is true, then moderate Muslims are infidels because they do not carry out all the commands listed in the Quran.

I write down here is to highlight your stupidity in arguing with me in my September 2008 post of Daodejong Poem 24.

A religion copied stories from another religion is really stupid. It is better to call yourselves Jews instead. The Bible has stated that God will punish the circumcised people, so you idiots will be punished if you are circumcised. Refer to Jeremiah chapter 9 verses 25 and 26.

And mind you, Bible and Quran cannot save the world. The Chinese scriptures can save the world. My advocation of appointed president in is to save the world.

Stop commenting further or else you can end up in mental hospital.


Fairuz said...

Have u heard of the hadiths?

Kew Kah Fatt said...

I am no interestd in the saying of Muhammad nor his action.
I seldom quote Analects for the same reason.