Sunday, 25 May 2008

Daodejing Poem 74

Singapore time 9.02 am 25th May 2008

People do not fear death, how are you using death to threaten them? if you can always threaten the people to fear death and for the odd fellow, I have to maintain or hold the order to kill him, who dares? Always having an executioner, there is killing. Oh, those who substitutes the executioner in killing are called substitutes for master carpenters. Oh, those who substitutes for master carpenters, will rarely not to get their hands mangled.

This poem is talking about government and the people. The main point is death. The message is to tell people, death sentence is of no use to rule the people. It will only make the people fear no death.

The advice is to reform the people, not to punish them. Reform can be done in simple ways. In prisons, all prisoners have to eat vegetarian food. Teach them meditation to pass their time and encourage them to do well by cutting their time in prison, if they excell in the meditation. Get experts to verify their meditation.

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Daodejing Poem 75

Singapore time 8.20 am 18th May 2008

People's starving is because the authority consume by tax more than their need, therefore starving. The people is hard to rule is because the authority meddles too much, therefore it is hard to rule. The people does not fear death is because their lives demanding livelihood is thick, therefore not to fear death. Oh yea, those without using livelihood as measure, has virtue that of supreme birth.

Livelihood as measure is comparing riches, wealth, properties, possessions etc. If you are contented to live a simple life spending less than 1000 Sing dollars a month, you can be said to be of supreme birth. A millionaire can not be in this category.

Chinese versions are different.
Above from Comment of Daodejing. This is about bad management by the rulers, those welding power and refuse to let go, and enriching themselves and their cronies. This is suppose to be a scripture but it duals on politics and government. This is to say religion and politic cannot be separated.
When rulers go to the extreme, the ruled citizens will dissent and finally revolt. This is written in history book of the countries on earth. So it is moderation that can gprovide a better rule for a country.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Daodejing Poem 76

Singapore time 10.07 am 13th May 2008

People, when alive is supple, soft; its death is rigid. Everything - grass and trees, alive are plastic and pliant; their death are friable and dry. So, those who are rigid are followers of death. Those who are supple, soft, are followers of life. Therefore, strong army gets no victory; the stiffest tree is ready for the axe. So, rigid, strong is at the base, while soft, supple is at the top.

Cultivator of Tao uses soft approach to win. Common people use violence to win.

Chinese versions are different.

The above is from Comment of Daodejing. This poem stresses on the softness from the hard, weak from the strong. The Way of Nature is simplicity, innocent, kind, weak and steadfast. Nature makes the strong to topple and the weak to take over. This is a cycle of Life, that cannot be changed. History can prove all these. Just as dynasty collapses another arises. There is no eternity for the strong. In the end they have to be toppled.
The Way of Nature works in the weak or lowly people. Those in authority cannot understand the Way as they are pre-occupied with power and status. The END is not conquered by violence. It is conquered by non violence with the help of Nature. Nature will pour disasters on earth so that they can wake up. Most people are in the dark, either they are vieled or ears plugged. This is the beginning of DOOM or what we call retribution.
The signs are there. Creation of Israel is a sign. Invassion of Iraq and Afghannistan another sign. The human immorality is another sign. Fighting everywhere is another sign. All these pointing the END is approaching. DOOM is near to punish all those immoral human beings, to tell them that they are wrong to do whatever they like. Morality has to be upheld. Those immoral have to be punished.

Thursday, 8 May 2008

Daodejing Poem 77

Singapore time 7.50 am 8th May 2008

Is not God's Way (or Heaven's Way) like a bow well bent?
High and mighty are brought low; the low caste are up-righted; those with plenty are uprooted while those hungry are fed.
God's Way is to uproot the rich and feed the hungry. What human does is different; it is to rob the poor to feed the rich. Who can with abundance benefit the world, it is only he who has Tao. Therefore the Sage can act alone without the whim of other. He will succeed but not authoritative as he prefers to be the same as others, not their superior.

Bow is to show our eye-brows. In
Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna carries a bow, together with Khrisna at the centre of the battleground between 2 armies, 2 eyes.
The above from Comment on Daodejing. Scriptures like to use analogies to describe the Mark on our forehead. In Bible see Tablenacle and Hebrews chapter 9 verses 2 to 5. In Zhuangzi, there is the big bird and the giant fish. In Bible, when you see vultures flying above, you know there is a corpse below. In Bhagavad, the Tree of Life at its introduction and the bow. Krishna and Arjuna were at the centre of the battle field between 2 armies. So the bow is to signifies the eye-brows. In Quran the repeated verse is 'Garden of Eden, underneath which rivers flow'. Rivers flow are our tears, to pin point the Mark at the nose bridge. In Revelation, the New Temple is about the same. Water flows out from under the Throne.
The passege also say of Nature's Way to cut down the evils and help the down trodden. Men's way is to enrich the powerful and those dictators.
The Way of the Sage is to depend on himself, not others. With whatever been given to him by Nature, he develops or cultivate self to help self, family, country and the world. He will know what is expected of him and work according to whatever instructions written in all the scriptures.

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Daodejing Poen 78

Singapore time 8.04 am 6th May 2008

The world's weak plus soft, nothing can compare to water; but when water attacks rigid and strong, none can withstand it, and nothing can alter its way.
So, weak wins over strong, soft wins over steel. The world: none able to know? none able to act? So the Sage said:- 'Be a country's dirt is called lord of the country (god of the land and grain); be a country's inauspicious person is called the world's master.'
Correct saying if reversed or this is paradox.

This chapter is something like the expounder of 4-line stanza in Diamond Sutra, Son-of-Perdiction in the Bible and 3rd to be reinforced in the Quran.
Chinese versions are different.

The above is from Comment on Daodejing. The demonstration of water as a weak component over strong and hard is clear before our eys, as evidence is everywhere to show the destruction of the fiery water during disasters. The Sage has to learn this lesson that even he might look, he can overcome major difficulties and obstructions. And the shape of water in Chinese text looks like our face with eyes looking inwardly at the nose. How many of you observe this image ?

Weakness and gentleness can overcome the big and strong. There are many instances and are recorded, but few took notice. Just reading the Bible, Quran, Buddhist sutras, Zhuangzi, Mengzi, Hui Neng etc etc, you can come over many stories about it. Hui Neng stretched out his neck to receive the 3 blows from his assasson, but was unharmed. And it took him over 20 years of cultivation and preaching to achieve that. Bodhidharma could walk over water with aid of a leaf or stick. Jesus could walk on the water. These are few examples. But the true show of force will be by me. DOOM will wipe out all those opposing me because I am a conqueror of the world. So that I can bring world peace.

Scriptures have written the speaker of TRUTH will be rejected by the people of the day. So he will be the shame of his nation and an evil to all others. Like in Thessaolians 2 chapter 2, the Son of Perdition has to appear first. Why ? Why the Lord has to blow him into destruction ? Like the expounder of the 4-line stanza in Diamond Sutra. People will scold him so that he can become Buddha. Or Luke chapter 17, Son of Man is doing the job like Noah, people rejecting him. All these say the same thing, the Final Savior is One to be reject by the people. So DOOM comes to wake up the people to obey him.

Don't you think God or Nature is funny ? That a nobody can be the world's Savior ?

Sunday, 4 May 2008

My Daughter

Singapore time 1.44 pm 4th May 2008
This is my daughter. Photograph was taken a few years back. She and my wife might assist my son in their spiritual work in the future. I am not too sure. They might be the the kids at the side of Goddess of Mercy.

Daodejing Poem 79

Singapore time 1.26 pm 4th May 2008

Settling great dispute will have side dispute; use virtue to report dispute, can pacify, console be good? Therefore the Sage will maintain the left side contract and will not hold other people responsible. So have virtue manage contract, no virtue manages passing through blame. Heavenly Tao is impartial, always favours with good men.

Chinese versions different.
The above from Comment on Daodejing. It is impartiality when judging dispute to ride self of favourism to any side. Don't get involved in other people dispute unless you are the judge. You might not know the true facts of each side and can pass wrong judgement. It is best to be a onlooker, and you can find more clues to the dispute.
On money matter, it is best to forgo debt of any person if he cannot pay you. And the advice is not to lend anyone any money. So it is best you keep yourself poor so others cannot borrow money from you. In case of emergency of neighbour needing money for medical operation, then it is up to you discretion whether to help.
The Way of Nature is impartial. It is alway on the side of the good. At time it might seems Nature is unfair. There is alway a reason. Do not blame Nature or God for your misfortune. This is Fat or Destiny.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Daodejing Poem 80

Singapore time 9.25 am 1st May 2008

Small country few people, even with a hundred fold equipments, they are not used; cause people to value death so they do not emigrate; even having boats and carts, none is rode on; even having armour brigades, none is displaced. Cause the people to return to knotted cords and use them; sweeten their meat, adorn their clothing, settle them down, charm their customs. Neighbour countries look at each other; the sound of crowing cockerels and barking of dogs are heard across each other; the people live till death do not exchange greeting.

This is a difficult chapter to explain. My only explanation is return back to our beginning Void, which is the Mark on our forehead, the Mystic Portal. Neighbouring countries are 2 eyes which can move inwards, looking at the other eye (if possible).

The above is in my Comment on Daodejing.

This might be a description of a paradise where people are care free minding their own business.